Home > The Rules (Summer Nights #2)(60)

The Rules (Summer Nights #2)(60)
Author: Lauren H. Mae

   Cat studied the scowl that had made its way to Dani’s face. “You’re being pessimistic,” she said.

   She shook her head. “Actually, I’m not even being realistic. For once, I actually have high hopes. I’m just letting it happen and it’s fun.”

   Cat smiled. “That’s what you’ve been looking for.”

   “Who would have thought?”

   “Never in a million years.”

   They came out of the bathroom and found Josh and Dylan outside. Emma’s deck was one of those meticulously crafted “outdoor living spaces” that belonged in a decorating magazine. The coffee table had a gas fire pit built in, and string lights that looked like miniature lanterns hung from a pergola above a full sofa set. Built-in speakers made sure you didn’t lose the party’s playlist when you stepped out for fresh air. Dani thought it was possible that Adam had built this space specifically for when guests needed a break from Emma’s Pinterest-inspired parties.

   Clearly Dylan already needed one of those breaks.

   Cat lowered herself onto Josh’s knee and he handed her a plate with a slice of the pie Emma had made for dessert. It was the size of her face.

   Dani flopped down next to Dylan. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her against his side, sharing his warmth in the chilly night. He seemed less tense out here, just the four of them. “It’s good to see you eating again, Cat.”

   “She’s still underweight,” Josh said. His hand wrapped around her belly, and Cat covered it with hers, linking their fingers. All of the tension between them seemed to be gone. It was good to see that too.

   “I’ve gained enough to buy a new dress for that auction.” Cat looked at Dylan. “Congratulations, by the way.”

   Dylan smiled that grin that made the corner of his eyes crinkle and gave away his secret craving for validation. Dani always wanted to wrap him in a big hug when he smiled like that.

   “Thanks, Kit Cat,” he said, tipping his beer to her. “Dani’s coming to that too.”

   “I am?”

   Cat beamed. “Good! We can go shopping.” She took another bite of pie, then handed it to Josh, declaring that she needed an iced tea refill.

   Josh moved to stand, but Dylan beat him to it. “Come on, Kit Cat. I need another beer. I’ll waddle in with you.” Dylan held out his arm, helping Cat off the couch, and then Dani was alone with Josh.

   Unusual awkwardness prickled at her. Though her fight had never been with him, there was something unsaid lingering in the quiet that fell over them. “I don’t think I’ve said congratulations yet.”

   Josh gave her a smile over his beer that said she didn’t need to apologize. “It was weird,” he said. “How it all went down.”

   Understatement. “A little. But things are good?”

   “Things are very good.”

   His smile warmed her heart. Without the din of her one-sided competition with Josh for Cat’s attention, she found herself less annoyed by those little smiles.

   “And things are good with you?” he gestured in the direction where Dylan and Cat had just taken off, and Dani’s eyes went wide. Oh. They were going to have that talk too.

   “Um. You know. It’s tough dating someone who’s always dressed better than me, but it’s going well.”

   Josh laughed, breaking a piece of crust off of Cat’s pie and popping it in his mouth. “You know why he does that, right?”

   Her cheeks warmed. She was a little embarrassed at how much she wanted to know these things. She’d never really wondered if there was a reason behind any of the things Dylan did, but now she wanted to know everything about him. Especially the stuff he kept secret.

   She cast her eyes to the fire pit, watching the flames jumping between them, trying to look casual. “You mean why he’s always dressed like he has somewhere better to go later? I always assumed it was part of his ladies’ man persona.”

   Josh finished chewing, letting her dangle in her intrigue. “His dad drank more than he worked, couldn’t hold down a job. He let them struggle. All the expensive stuff—his car, his designer clothes—it’s Dylan’s way of sending a big fuck you to his old man. Proving he’s better than his roots.”

   She wasn’t expecting that. She remembered Dylan’s Afterschool Special comment and the bitterness in his voice when he’d made it. It was the kind that said stop prying, so she had. Now she wished she’d asked more. She hated to think of him keeping that in. She wanted to be the person that he told that stuff to.

   The air felt thick with that realization and she thought of his mood earlier. How she hadn’t pushed. Just like with Cat, she’d assumed it was about her and left it alone.

   She looked up at Josh who didn’t seem fazed at all by what he’d just revealed. “Isn’t it against some bro code for you to tell me that?”

   One of Josh’s cheeks lifted. “It would be against the code to let you think he was just a superficial douche.”

   She laughed. “You’re a good friend, Joshy.”

   “You are too, Dani.”




   Dylan woke alone Sunday morning to the smell of French roast coffee wafting into his bedroom. He stretched and threw on a pair of sweatpants, not bothering with a shirt, and followed the sound of Dani humming. He found her puttering around his kitchen, equally undressed. She’d put on one of his t-shirts, the lacy blue underwear she’d worn the night before peeking out from the hem.

   “Hey, lazy.” She spun around to look at him and the haphazard way she’d tied her hair up caused a piece to fall across her eyes. He brushed it aside and his chest filled up like a balloon. That party had been torture, and it took the whole next day to shake off his mood, but this was worth it. She was drinking from his Rideout and Pierce coffee mug, her face dewy without any makeup on. When was the last time he lounged around with a woman on a Sunday morning? Now it was a regular occurrence—her in his house or him in hers. Coffee, sometimes a meal, sometimes a repeat of the night before.

   He rounded the kitchen island and pulled her toward him, pressing his lips to her neck. “Morning. Did you make coffee?”

   “I did. And I put bagels in the toaster. That’s the extent of me impressing you with my breakfast skills.”

   “Something tells me I’m going to enjoy breakfast very much this morning.” His hands were like heat-seeking missiles, sliding up her sides and searching out the softest parts of her, but his brain wasn’t actually thinking about sex. He was thinking about whether or not she was going to stay and prance around his house like that for a little while longer. If maybe they’d go for another run, or take a nap on the couch together later. If he could get her to stay the night again, even though she had work the next day.

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