Home > Grim (Reapers MC #13)(4)

Grim (Reapers MC #13)(4)
Author: Elizabeth Knox

“You gonna answer my question? I’m startin’ to think you have a crush on me or somethin’.” I tease her.

After hearin’ what Zane said to the club earlier, it makes me wonder if I’d be a good fit to romp around in the sack with those two. I swing both ways and I know how Zane can make a man feel. We did fuck right before he went to go meet Octavia for the last time. I just never knew she was so accepting of his other side. Damn, he did hit the fuckin’ jackpot when it came to her.

“You really don’t know?” She stops walking and turns toward me.

“Know what?” Obviously, I don’t know, lady. Jesus. I’m not a mind reader. The one thing I’ve never been fond about when it comes to women is how they’re always so quick to make us men think about shit. It’s like they want us to dig for the answers, when in reality it would take much less time if they cut to the chase. I’ll never understand them, that’s for sure.

“You were the first person I ever met besides Zane that was part of this club, and . . .” She goes quiet for a few moments. “You didn’t make me feel unwelcome, Grim. You watched out for me, even from the very first time I met you, when you knew nothing about me. You immediately had my back and it made me feel . . . safe. Made me feel like I had a friend.” She admits, biting her bottom lip and I watch this little tyke start bawlin’ her damn eyes out.

“Jesus. O’. Stop that. Cut that shit out. Zane finds out I made you cry and he’ll cut my balls off and hang ‘em up as a trophy.”

“I’m s-sorry, o-okay? It’s these f-fucking h-hormones.” She rubs under her eyes but I can’t just let the woman cry like this in front of me. I set her gear on the ground and go up to her, wrapping one of the strongest women I’ve ever met tightly in my arms and rub her back.

I’ll hold her close to me as long as I need to. “Dunno if you realize this, but I would have your back regardless. You were gonna be our first lady, you know? It’s all of our jobs to make sure you’re protected. Plus, your pops really pissed me off that first day I met him.”

“Ugh, he was such a jackass, wasn’t he?” Octavia agrees.

“I wanted to beat his face in right there. His and that pretty boy brother of yours.”

“He isn’t that bad.” Octavia always defends her family when one of us says something critical about them.

“We’ll agree to disagree. Now, c’mon, I don’t want you to catch a chill and this new girl is waiting for you a little ways up, right?” I drove Octavia up on the ATV. We’re a little ways in the back of the woods against some beautiful wooded scenery. O’ wanted to get the colors of the leaves before it gets too cold and they all start shriveling up and turning brown.

“Yep. We probably could’ve just driven all the way up I suppose . . . but Zane isn’t letting me do hardly anything and I wanted to go for a walk so bad.”

“Hey, I don’t care. When I’m helpin’ you out, you’re the boss.” I tell her, a bit confused ‘cause Ashley starts swellin’ up like a prune and doesn’t wanna do jack shit around this stage in her pregnancy. I guess every woman is different.

O’ laughs a bit and I release her from our embrace and go grab her gear. “So, this girl is really lovely. She has this beautiful auburn hair, but the tone is almost a deep copper. Her skin is a light ivory and she just looks so pretty. I can’t wait to shoot her for the website. It was something super last minute too! She’d sent some images in ages ago but we couldn’t meet up due to her scheduling conflicts. She was coming across this way and we decided she’d come in for a shoot. I’m so excited, Grim!” O’ is beaming so I can damn well tell she’s tellin’ me nothin’ but the truth.

I walk alongside her for about five minutes over a dirt road. The snow from my accident the other day has finally melted, and by the time we get to her shoot location my body is screaming. I feel like I’ve gotten hit over and over again with a wooden bat on every limb.

“Oh, look! There she is!” I set the gear down and open up O’s camera bag, handing it to her and she tells me to get her shorter wide-angle lens because she’s planning on shooting this girl very specifically. She also asks me for two different filters and I hand those off to her as well.

I stick close to her and can tell this woman has a very thin like frame, though she is curvy. Skinny but curvy, and her hair is exactly as Octavia described it a couple minutes ago. I spot an ATV off to the side and figure one of the girls from the Vixens’ house must’ve brought her up here. I think O’ has shot a couple of the girls in this location, but so much of this area looks the same it’s hard to tell.

Rosa comes up from the side and Octavia heads over to the new girl. I’m a good ways off, so I can’t see her face from here, but they’ve chatted so I don’t need to be hoverin’ over O’.

“Surprised you’re up and walking around.” Rosa says clear as day. She’s the type of woman who never, ever apologizes for the shit that comes out of her mouth. I dig that about her. She’s real. Everything is real about her except the color of her hair. It’s this deep emerald green and she’s always wearing some sort of plum colored lipstick. She always has a black bandana holding her hair up on top of her head, and wears glasses like one of those geeky girls.

“Yeah, well not even an itty-bitty accident could keep me down.”

Rosa punches my arm and I about cry out from the pain. “Fuck, you really had to do that?”

“If you’re gonna talk the talk, you’d better be walkin’ the walk.”

“Your daddy teach you that?” I tease.

“Fuck you.”

“How about I fuck you, later?”

I watch as a smirk starts to pull at her lips. Rosa’s a lot of things, but damn is she mischievous. She’s not like the other Vixens. They’ve got different hair, sure, but Rosa doesn’t doll herself up the way they do. She . . . likes being different, or at least I think she does.

Don’t get me wrong, she’s fucking gorgeous . . . but she doesn’t have to try as much as the others? Hell, I don’t even know if I’m makin’ any sense.

“Do you think you can? I mean, have you even tried? Your tool might not work anymore.” Rosa jokes, licking her bottom lip. Like I said, mischievous . . . but sexy as hell.

“I dunno. Why don’t you tell me?” I grab her by the back of the neck and pull her to me, taking her other hand in mine and force it over my hardening cock. She rubs her hand up and down it, squeezing my shaft through my pants while her deep hazel eyes sparkle with sin as she does so.

“Feels like it still works,” She mutters, her tone showing me she’s not convinced in the least bit.

Shoving my lips against her ear, I whisper. “I will show you just how well it works when I shove my fat cock into your tight ass tonight.”

She inhales sharply, liking what I’m saying. I feel her nipples growing harder against my chest and shift my lips in front of hers. “What do you want, Rosa?” I say her name the way she taught me, accentuating the s.

Rosa looks at me and sometimes the way she does makes me feel like she’s lookin’ into my soul. There have been many nights spent over drinks, sitting up and starin’ at the moon between us. Whenever she wants to watch a horror movie with someone, she calls me and I’ll sit there while she needs someone to snuggle up beside.

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