Home > Son and Throne(27)

Son and Throne(27)
Author: Diana Knightley

Lady Mairead’s fingers went to her lips. “Oh no.” Her breathing was quick.

“What has happened tae Kaitlyn? Tell me, Lady Mairead, ye must ken where they were going.”

“I do, Magnus, they were going tae before the vessels activated, before they existed. I thought twould be a good battle tactic—”

“What happens if ye go tae the past afore the vessels are activated?”

“I daena ken truly, but I ken the vessels disappear—”

Hayley said, “It happened to us, we arrived the day before the vessels, and our’s disappeared. It wasn’t there when we woke up. When the vessels arrived the next day, we had to steal one to go home.” She clapped her hand to her mouth. “Katie is back there, then?”

“She winna hae a vessel?”


“How long before she might be able tae steal one?”

“We daena ken, we simply sent them back. I dinna want them tae be able tae gain another.”

“Why would ye do somethin’ so foolhardy? Who approved of this tactic?”

“Tis one I came up with myself. Once I realized that Bella dinna stay put, I decided we should deposit our enemies even farther intae the past beyond the vessels. In doing so we would never see or hear of them again.”

“Ye hae sentenced m’wife tae a long death. I want ye tae tell me how twill be remedied.”

“I daena ken, it—”

I yelled, “I daena want tae hear ye say ‘I daena ken.’ Nae! Nae! Ye tell me how tae get her back here.”

“There inna a way tae do it, there inna—”

Hayley said, “Just now you gave Katie a piece of string for the babies so jumping wouldn’t hurt them.”

I said, “Ye had this? Ye never told me of this?”

“Some things are just for me tae ken.”

“Ye were able tae turn off all the vessels at once, how dost ye ken tae do this?”

“I learned some things. I’ve been figuring things out, asking questions.”

“Who did ye ask questions of? Who dost ye ken?”

“I went tae the future and—”

“Tell me ye are going tae the future tae learn how tae bring her home!”

“You are asking a great deal of me. I daena like tae go tae the future on principal, and so I daena go anymore. I winna just walk intae their offices and say, ‘remember the vessels I hae in m’possession—‘“

“How are ye are goin’ tae get Kaitlyn home!” I stepped forward. “Ye tell me!”

“I daena ken how, Magnus, I suppose I could try and figure it—”

“What date did ye send her tae?”

“I daena ken.”

I glared. “Hammond, dost ye ken the day?”

“Only the settings, I have them written down.”

“Was it here, this place?”


“It might be the middle of winter, she is dressed for a Scottish summer, a warm day, nae winter. She might nae last the night. Lady Mairead, how could ye decide it?”

“I assumed anyone who ended up on the wrong side of the vessels would deserve tae die in the cold of the dark ages. She should ken better than tae touch a vessel that is vibratin’.”

Hayley shuddered. “It was awful when it happened to me, but at least Fraoch was at the other end of it.”

“She does ken better, I daena why she did...”

Hayley said, “I don’t think she was thinking straight. She had just killed Bella... it was....”


Lady Mairead said, “I will try tae figure it out, Magnus. Ye can come tae the kingdom, bring the bairn, we can try tae come tae a solution.”

I asked, “Madame Hayley, where are the bairn?”

Hayley said, “Emma and Beaty took them to Florida.”

“Good.” I nodded. “I hae tae go tae the castle, I will return, give me a moment.”

I stalked away and as I neared the castle I began tae race. In our room I grabbed our bag of gold, strapped a sword tae my back, and sheathed a sword at m’hip. I had a holster and handgun from the twenty-first century, I strapped it across my chest.

I stopped in the garderobe and relieved m’self.

Then I returned downstairs. I crossed the courtyard, through the gates, down the slopin’ hill tae the field. Along the way I took the reins of one horse and then another and led them tae Hammond. “Hammie, pack these horses with weapons, a tent, rations. Dost ye hae a cookstove? Water filters? I need two coats, a pair of warm boots for Kaitlyn, and for m’self. If ye hae chocolate or any other sweet things, I need them as well. Enough gold. More gold.”

“What are ye doin’, Magnus?” asked Lady Mairead.

“I am preparin’ tae go and collect Kaitlyn, while ye come up with a solution on the travelin’ part.”

My hand was sore, I asked the medic for a bandage. I wrapped it around and around, concentratin’ on the form of it, the routine, the purpose. Lady Mairead was staring at me, as if we were locked in contest, as if she were waitin’ tae see if I would actually do it.

She did nae understand, this was nae a threat, this was a decision.

Hammie was packing the horses, understandin’ my needs and fulfillin’ them. “This is a radio-frequency transmitter, I’ll give you ten. Activate them...” He brought it near. “This button sets it. You can add messages, mark your trail. It will help us find you.”

“Good Hammie, thank ye. I hae an RF-transmitter on m’belt, as well.”

“Perfect. Once Mairead has figured out the jump, we should be able to find you.”

The medic was still hovering over Fraoch. I walked tae them. “How is he?”

“I believe his cheekbone is broken, possibly a rib.”

“Och, I hae suffered a broken rib, Fraoch, I needed air tae feel comfortable breathin’.”

He moaned. “If ye survived it I can.”

“Aye.” I crouched beside him. “My medic will remain here, tae make sure ye are well. Hammond winna leave until the castle is kent tae be safe.”

“Och, twill be safe, ye hae killed everyone.”

“Aye.” I surveyed the scene. Soldiers were draggin’ bodies in bags intae a row, now numberin’ five. “I hae lost m’mind in it. I almost added ye tae the number. I am sorry about it.”

“I ken ye are.” He groaned and looked green for a moment.

“Could ye explain what happened?”

“One night at Fort Darien, I was approached by a man, one who now lies there dead.”


“Aye, he offered me some money and food, enough tae fill my sporran for the day. In exchange I was tae desert the battle and hunt for ye, and murder ye.”

“What did ye ken of me?”

“Just that ye were a man nae tae be trusted, better tae be dead, and tae kill ye meant a great deal of promised riches.”

“Why dinna ye follow through on it?”

“Tis one thing tae agree tae the killin’ of a man, another thing tae kill a weakened man who is near death a’ready... I meant tae. When I was carvin’ the meat, I was plannin’ it, but ye were too verra pitiful tae carry through with it.”

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