Home > How to Hack a Hacker(28)

How to Hack a Hacker(28)
Author: A.J. Sherwood

“Safe house. K’s safe house. He came and got me himself.”

“God, I can hear the smugness from here. Are you not even worried about being assassinated?” There was real fear in Isabella’s voice.

Brannigan addressed the emotion first, as a wise man always did that. “I know you’re probably alarmed right now. It’s alright, truly. K informs me this isn’t the first time a hit has been put on me.”

Something slammed hard into a solid object and Isabella gasped, more in shock than pain.

“Izzy? You okay?”

“I nearly just tripped over thin air, no I’m not okay. What the hell do you mean this isn’t the first time?!”

“It was news to me, too. K’s taken care of it every other time. Before I was even aware there was an issue. I’m really in great hands, I promise you.”

“Is that why Papà is so relaxed about this? I mean, he’s worried, but he’s not up in arms, either. I couldn’t figure out why.”

“Yeah. That’s why. He figures K can handle this better than anyone else. And he’s already proven to be effective at it. I’m confident in that myself.” Brannigan wet his lips and tacked on, “Especially since the situation changed. Right now, my personal safety is very much a priority to K.”

“There’s that smugness again. Bran. Tell me something. How cute is K?”

“Any cuter, he’d be illegal in several states.”

“And have you kissed him?”

“I’ve done a hell of a lot more than kiss him.” Even Brannigan could hear his smugness.

Isabella laughed, a dirty, naughty sound. “Oh do tell. And I do mean every detail.”

“How about later, when we can share this over a good wine?”

“I’m game for that. So are you two dating? Or just enjoying each other?”

“Definitely dating. Turns out, part of the reason why he refused to come near me before this was that he wasn’t sure how the family would react to him.”

“Pfft. Silly worry. I’m dying to meet him. Get rid of the O’Conner family and whatever hitman’s after you so I can do that, okay?”

“You’re always so bossy.”

“Like you aren’t dying to show him off.”

Well, she had him there. Brannigan really was. “You’ll understand why when you see him. One thing, Izzy. Did you know he’s been protecting you too?”

There was a startled intake of breath. “Seriously?”

“Yeah. He told me that this morning. I don’t think you were aware of it because you don’t find trouble like I do. He said that he’s always kept tabs on you too, though. Ever since he started.”

“Has he told you why?”

“Papà saved his life as a child. You know all of those foster kids he pays medical bills for? K’s one of them. He literally would have died without that aid. He figured, the best way to pay back that favor was to protect the children of his benefactor.”

“I’m…you know what? Put me on the phone with him.”

“You want to talk to him?” Brannigan wasn’t really surprised and stood, heading for the door.

“I do. I think I need to, for one thing.”

Brannigan headed down the stairs, smiling. “I’m not arguing.”

“And really, I find it unfair that he always talks to you. He’s been this silent guardian angel for me for years, and I don’t hear a peep out of him? What gives, am I right?”

Since he could say this while looking at Kyou over the monitor screens, Brannigan deadpanned, “Well, if you’re really serious about talking to him more regularly, Izzy, you can try your hand at causing some trouble. It’s a sure-fire technique to get him to call you.”

Kyou’s head popped up, and he stabbed a finger at Brannigan. “Don’t you fucking dare tell her that!”

“I heard that.” Isabella laughed then demanded, “Pass him the phone.”

Being an obedient brother, Brannigan promptly did so, enjoying the surprise on Kyou’s face as he took it. “She wants to talk to you.”

“Uh…why?” Kyou took the phone anyway and put it tentatively to his ear, as if afraid it might bite him. “Hello, Isabella?”

Whatever she said next surprised him, but a smile blossomed over Kyou’s face. That smile hit Brannigan somewhere in the gut. He’d rarely seen his lover smile, and not brightly like that. God, he had to see that expression more often.

Brannigan had faith that she’d shore up his declaration that Kyou would be welcome in the family, once they met him. With a smile of his own, he turned and walked to the kitchen, letting the two of them talk. The conversation, from what he could hear, both surprised and pleased Kyou. And it involved a possible double date?

Brannigan started to worry. For himself.

Making a mental note to deal with that later, he went through what groceries were in the fridge, then in the cabinets. Grilled cheese and ham sandwiches with some soup sounded tempting, as that was quick and easy, but Brannigan felt this absurd need to impress Kyou with his cooking skills. So of course, that was out.

As he stood in the kitchen, debating things, there was a shuffling noise. Aiden came down the stairs, wiping sleep from his eyes and moving like a puppet with tangled strings. He fetched up against the kitchen counter and stared hard at the coffee pot through bleary eyes for a long minute. “That’s empty.”

Taking pity, Brannigan steered him towards the table and sat him down first, then retraced his steps to make coffee. Once it was percolating, he glanced back at Aiden. “I’m making lunch. What sounds good to you?”

Aiden blinked at him, and it looked as if the question didn’t register for a moment. But then he answered, “Kyou needs vegetables.”

How ingrained was that? Aiden didn’t look awake enough to remember his own last name right then. The man still had pillow creases against his cheek, for heaven’s sake. Brannigan had a feeling that feeding his lover had just become his job. “Baked salmon, seared Brussels sprouts, baked potato?”

A dreamy smile crossed Aiden’s face. “Sounds lovely.”

“That’s what we’ll do, then.” Thinking, Brannigan asked, “Should I make it just for us three?”

Aiden shrugged his ignorance.

He’d message the others in a minute, then. He could get the oven heating now, pull things out of the fridge, and start in on the prep. Brannigan would need Kyou to talk to everyone, as he had no one else’s number.

Ivan chose that moment to come in through the garage, and he took in the sight of his awake husband with pleasure. He crossed the distance in three long strides and ducked in to kiss Aiden silly. It made Brannigan wonder, how long had these two been married? He had no timeline for that relationship.

Lifting his head, Ivan said something softly, then straightened altogether to look around, as if just realizing there were other people in the room. Which Brannigan didn’t buy for a minute.

“His coffee should be ready,” Brannigan stated with a wave toward the coffee pot.

Giving him a nod, Ivan went for it but spoke as he did so. “I heard from Carter a few minutes ago. They have most of the supplies and are heading back. You are making lunch?”

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