Home > 5 Boys in the Band(21)

5 Boys in the Band(21)
Author: Evie Kady

Leon shivers, staring at my foot with reproach. “I knew it,” he mutters as he leans against the bunk. He raises those gorgeous blue eyes to mine and whispers, “Temptress. Vixen. Siren.”

Under normal circumstances, this would make me laugh like a hyena, the memory enough to entertain me for a lifetime. This, however, is nowhere near normal circumstances. The heated gaze Leon turns to me is enough for my stomach to curl with warmth, and each whispered name sends a bolt of pleasure straight to my clit.

His face presses toward me and, when he hesitates, I close the gap. His lips are soft and supple beneath mine. My mouth opens, breathless with want, and Leon’s tongue slides in. When our tongues meet, I moan, a wild, needy sound that scares me in its intensity. My hands run up around his head and clutch his dark hair, fingers twining through his thick tresses.

When his hands skim across my bare thighs, it’s as though I turn into a different person.

He gives me a serious look, his deep blue gaze penetrating my soul. “Do you want this?” he asks.

Want what? I want to ask, but my mouth cannot utter a word.

His hands continue to stroke my naked legs, my thighs now quivering with need for his touch. “Tell me,” he says.

“I want you,” I manage to mutter.


His attentiveness is shockingly arousing. Tarek didn’t care. He didn’t bother asking my permission. But he’d also made me wetter than I’d felt in my life.

This is different... Leon’s intense concern for my pleasure is enough to make me whine with desire.

Throwing my head back, I tell him in a breathy voice, “I don’t care.”

And I don’t. That’s the scary thing. He could defile me ten ways to Sunday and I’m pretty sure I’d still be begging for more.

But still, his hands grip my thighs. Dimly, I wonder if there will be bruises there tomorrow — and why does that thought turn me on all the more?

“I don’t commit to vagueness,” he informs me in a clipped tone, sliding his thumbs around the tight muscles of my inner thighs. Again, he looks at me. “Tell me what you want.”

“Lick me,” I whisper, then utter a small gasp. Where the hell did that come from? I hadn’t been thinking of being licked — or anything at all — too distracted by Leon’s determined gaze.

It’s as though some demonic form is possessing me and I can’t fight against it, because I’m only too happy to concede to whatever primitive urge is driving my body right now.

Leon gives me a small smile and slowly slides down my pajama shorts. Is this really happening? My first time doing anything legitimately sexual with a man, and I’m stuck on a bunk bed wearing Boy Wizard pajamas.

And then I’m no longer wearing Boy Wizard pajamas. Leon tosses aside my shorts, and the feeling of being exposed hits me, makes me nervous and... free.

He’s probably seen a thousand groupies in his lifetime. Does he show all of them that same intense focus? That look of wonder? Desperately, I try to calm my stuttering heart. As he leans toward me, his soft hair tickles my thighs. He draws in a huge breath — and I wonder: is he inhaling me? The scent of me?

The idea of it is titillating enough for me to almost collapse backward in bed. I rock on my hips, inadvertently tilting my pelvis forward into Leon’s face — not that he seems to mind, however, as the very next moment he licks a delicate stripe from my warm wet slit to my tingling clit.

At that, I do fall backward. It’s like being kissed by fire, overwhelmed by sensation, and I don’t understand how my body can be reacting like this, like I’m a puppet of my own making.

Leon flicks his eyes up at me and I cock my head around to look him in the eye. He smirks.

I am a shuddering mess.

I don’t know what to do with my hands. I don’t know what to do with my legs. And yet my body — if not my mind — is fully in its own control, each of my limbs yearning to touch Leon in some way. I wrap my legs around his shoulders and my hands bury themselves in that feather-soft thatch of dark hair.

Leon presses his face against my warm wet folds and begins to devour me, his tongue inching inward and upward, deep into my core.

He’s fucking me, I think blearily to myself. He’s fucking me with his face.

His tongue flattens across my clit, and over and over he runs it against the hard little nub. With every flick of his tongue, I jerk into the air, hips yo-yoing in a bid to get more friction, more of that sweet sensation of relief. My body is a tense ball of energy, and Leon — his eyes wide open, watching me in fascination — diligently beats his tongue against me, matching each thrust with every powerful lick and suck.

It’s like I’m flying at light speed through a blinding kaleidoscope. One twist and I shatter. I cry aloud, an unearthly scream from this version of myself that I hadn’t met before today. My hips buck upward, propelling my clit away from Leon’s decadent mouth. As I shudder my release like a wanton, weak, quivering, mewling thing, Leon kisses me gently on the underside of my backside.

“Enjoy yourself, princess?” Leon whispers, his chin coated with saliva and — I swallow — me.

“Princess?” I repeat dazedly, blinking at the spotlights on the ceiling.

“Lying back, me doing all the work.” He shoots me a wry grin. “Sure looks like you’re the princess here.”

I glare at him, but there’s an amused sparkle in his eyes. He’s teasing me.

Coyly, I say, “You can be the princess if you want.”

Leon makes a face at that and I genuinely laugh out loud. I crawl on the bed so that I’m facing him instead, my bones still trembling from orgasm. “Would a princess do this?” I whisper, and then I draw his head close to me and kiss him deeply. Our tongues meet again, and I can taste myself — sweet and ripe, like the best kind of peach. I lick my clear juices from his face, kissing them away and curling my tongue to catch every drop.

Leon pulls back, staring at me in amazement.

“What?” I say, growing unnerved by his searching expression.

“It’s just... You’re a virgin, right?”

I cock my head toward him in acknowledgment.

“You seem so up for it. Up for anything.”

I roll my eyes. “I’m a virgin, yeah, not a nun. If you’re offering yourself to me, only a damn fool would turn you down.”

He colors slightly. I wonder if anyone has paid Leon the smallest bit of attention. Unlike the other band members, he doesn’t seem to know what to do with compliments.

“You’ve been with me, Seth, Conor and Tarek.” Somehow I have. To varying degrees, of course. I’m half expecting Leon to query who was best, in that super-competitive macho way men can sometimes be.

But instead, Leon raises his eyes toward me and says, hesitant, “I have a proposition for you.”



10. LEON



I DON’T KNOW HOW TO start this, not with Kat’s juices on my face and the feel of her cunt still fresh in my mind.

But perhaps that’s the best time to ask something like this.

Kat’s looking at me with curiosity in her gaze. All I can do is pace the narrow strip of floor beside her bunk and deliberate.

“If I give you a word, will it help?” she asks tentatively. I frown, not understanding her meaning. “Like, word association. If I say a word, it might trigger what you want to say?”

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