Home > Bayside Romance(38)

Bayside Romance(38)
Author: Melissa Foster

Her reached for her and said, “Aren’t I supposed to be the designer?”

“I’m sorry. Do you hate that idea? It is too cheesy?”

“No, babe. I was only teasing. I love the plaques, and I love your idea of lining the path to the dock.” He put his arms around her and said, “I know I said I hadn’t decorated because I wanted the house to be comfortable, and I did. But what I didn’t realize until the last few weeks was that it always felt like something was missing. I think that something was you.”

She went up on her toes and touched her lips to his in the sweetest kiss. “Maybe we were both missing something in our lives.”

“If I have my way, you’ll never miss a thing ever again.”

“Careful making promises you can’t keep,” she said. “Let’s see if we can find some cool vinyl records. What’s your favorite genre?”

“Classic rock, of course.”

“I can’t wait to hear your collection,” she said as they looked through a box of records. “We should unpack them. Are there any records you wish you could find? Maybe we’ll get lucky.”

“I already got lucky.” He leaned in for another kiss and said, “Because you’re right here by my side.”

“Charmer,” she said with a sexy smile.

“Only for you, Harp.” Gavin paid for the plaques, and then he patted her butt and said, “Okay, girlie. Let’s hunt for the impossible, a limited-edition pink-vinyl pressing of Pink Floyd’s Animals.”

“Pink vinyl? They made those?”

“Pretty cool, huh?” He took her hand and they went in search of the album.

They hit every record vendor and came up empty, except for the fun they had, which was better than any damn album anyway. They stopped along the way to leaf through paperbacks and check out crafts and clothing. They bought two jars of jam from Leanna and visited with her until she got swamped with customers. Then they went to the snack building and bought burgers, which they ate in the beer garden as the clouds rolled in.

On the way back to Gavin’s house, they stopped at an antiques store. Harper found an old-fashioned fishing pole that had been repurposed. She thought it would also be perfect for his house. It had been formed into an arch with jute threaded through it instead of fishing line. Four picture frames hung from lines of jute attached to each of the tiny metal guides along the rod, and two decorative lures hung from the tip of the rod.

By the time they got home, the ominous dark sky opened up. They ran inside with their flowers and purchases, and Harper confiscated another of Gavin’s sweatshirts.

As sheets of rain pummeled the patio, Harper flitted around his living room in her sexy little shorts and his sweatshirt, pointing out different places where they could hang the decorations. He was a sought-after designer with years of experience, and yet it had taken this incredible woman who thought she couldn’t trust her instincts and didn’t seem to mind, or notice, that she didn’t have her own proper workspace to start turning his house into a home.



Chapter Thirteen



IT RAINED ALL night and into Sunday morning, which suited Harper just fine. Last night they’d opened the windows in the living room while they were eating pizza and binge-watching movies. They’d cuddled, and kissed, and when they’d finally gone to bed, they’d opened the bedroom windows, too. Harper found rainfall soothing. Not that she had any nervous energy left to soothe after the way Gavin had worshipped and loved every inch of her. They’d made love and talked into the wee hours of the morning, falling into comfortable silences broken only by the sound of the rain.

It was perfect.

And she was beginning to think Gavin was, too. She wasn’t fooling herself into thinking he was some type of superhuman without flaws. He cursed when the remote control didn’t work, he left the toothpaste uncapped, which was one of her pet peeves, and he was still nagging her about allowing him to read her script. She was sure he had plenty of other flaws she had yet to discover, but so did she. Didn’t everyone? More importantly, she loved the way he listened and how openly he shared everything about himself. Last night he told her all about the clients he was working with and the projects he hoped to pitch after the summer. It was easy to see why he and Serena worked so well together. They were both meticulous and committed to ensuring their clients got the best service and the best designs, while protecting their bottom line without cutting corners.

She watched him now as he moved around the kitchen making coffee. His hair was still damp from their shower, and his jeans hung low around his hips, molding to his perfect rear end. In the shower she’d noticed that she’d left nail marks in the cheeks of that perfect rear end from holding on so tight. When she pointed them out, Gavin stood taller, wearing them proudly, as if they were medals.

He turned with a steaming mug in his hand and a sexy smile on his lips. She wished it would rain for weeks and flood the roads. Then they’d have an excuse to stay hidden away and she wouldn’t have to think about whether they were moving too fast. They could just be.

“You look deep in thought. What’s going on in that brilliant mind of yours?” Gavin set the mug down in front of her.

“Just thinking about how much I like being with you.” And how I want more of it.

“That’s a good thing since you already agreed to stay here tonight, and in my world, there are no takebacks.” He leaned across the counter and kissed her. “Want to go get a week’s worth of clothes from your place and promise me more nights you can’t take back?”

“How can you charm and push at the same time?” And why is it so devastatingly appealing?

Probably because he’d read her mind and said exactly what she wanted to do.

He came around the counter and put his hands on her thighs. The heated look in his eyes made her stomach flutter. “You’re wearing my favorite T-shirt and red lace panties beneath these skimpy shorts. I think it’s you who is using her charms and silently pushing all of my buttons. You know what it does to me when you look at me with that dreamy expression and the sweet smile that reeled me in the very first time I saw it.”

He pulled her to the edge of the stool and against him in one swift move. His lips swooped down, claiming hers. His tongue swept over hers, intoxicatingly slowly, lulling her deeper into him. He made a low, greedy sound, and she answered it with one of her own.

“I like seeing you in my house,” he said against her lips.

“I like being here.”

He pressed his palm to her cheek, brushing his thumb over her skin. She leaned into his touch as he said, “I love having you in my bed.” His eyes turned serious, and the corner of his mouth tipped up. “And if I don’t step away from you to make you breakfast, I’m going to get even pushier.”

“You make me want you to be pushy.”

He gave her a chaste kiss. “Want and need are two different things, sweetheart. We’ve got nothing but time. At least that’s what I’m telling myself to keep from locking you in my bedroom twenty-four-seven.” He walked back into the kitchen. “What’s on your article agenda this week?”

“Lots of fun stuff,” she said, thinking of the email she’d received earlier from her boss. “Wednesday afternoon I have a children’s play to review. I’m thinking of asking Jana to go with me since it’s at a time when she’s not teaching dance. I’m covering a book signing in Brewster Thursday, and next week there’s a Humane Society event I’m excited about. Who doesn’t love puppies and kitties?”

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