Home > Blitzed(69)

Author: Alexa Martin

   “I know I probably messed things up with you guys, but even though we don’t talk, Max really is a good guy. He made a mistake, but I’m sure he learned from it. Just . . . can you tell him to call me? I’ve been trying to warn him about this, but he never hears me out. Maybe if you tell him, he will. I might have a way around this.”

   “Why should he get a way around this?” I ask, bitterness creeping into my voice. “Did his victim get a way around it? Serves him right that he finally gets what’s coming.”

   And even though I mean every single word, a piece of my heart shatters. For me. For the woman. Even for Maxwell, even though he doesn’t deserve it.

   “I understand if you don’t.” Theo unfolds his long body out of my tiny chair. “But he knows how to find me if you do.” He tips his chin and then he’s gone.

   The door doesn’t even close behind him before Paisley is inside my office and locking the door behind her.

   “What was that? Is everything okay?”

   “No, everything is so far from okay that I don’t even know how to get back to okay.”

   And then I start fucking crying. Again.






When I talked to Maxwell, we decided that he’d meet me at my newly decorated apartment after the game.

   But that was before I knew he was a total fucking scumbag.

   “Are you sure everything is okay?” Dad asks for the millionth time.

   “Yes! How else do you want me to say it? I. Am. Fine,” I snap.

   He doesn’t flinch. Nope. He starts to laugh. “Very convincing, Brynn. I totally believe you.”

   “Real supportive, Dad.” I roll my eyes and bite back the rude comment on the tip of my tongue.

   “Supportive for what?” He reaches for one of the Jell-Os the nurse brought him. “You said you’re fine. I’m the one sitting in the hospital bed.”

   “Now I see where I get my dramatic tendencies from.” I walk to his bed and hand him the yellow Gatorade I had stashed in my purse. “You know you’re going home tomorrow, right? You won’t have nurses bringing you Jell-O all day.”

   “I know that.” He looks down, staring at the Jell-O like the secret to world peace is hidden inside, and color rises up his cheeks and the tips of his ears.

   “Dad.” I bend over to try and catch his gaze, but he turns his head. “Dad? Is there going to be a nurse bringing you Jell-O?”

   “I’m just a nice guy and the nurses like to make sure I’m settled,” he says, still not looking at me. “I’m a good patient.”

   “I’m sure you are, but that doesn’t explain why you can’t look at me. Wait a minute . . .” I narrow my eyes in his direction. “Are you crushing on your nurses?”

   “No!” His head jerks up and he finally makes eye contact with me. But only for a second, then he’s back to being shifty again. “I mean, maybe I think Deanna is pretty, but I’m not crushing on her.”

   “Never mind.” I shake my head and try to clear away the images of my dad flirting with nurses.

   When I look at my dad again, he’s blushing harder than I’ve ever seen before. Yuck.


   Bah humbug.

   There’s a quick knock on the door before I hear it open. Neither of us says to come in, but not even five seconds later the curtain slides over and Maxwell steps through.

   “Finally!” My dad whoops. “Maybe you can get her out of this foul mood she’s in.”


   “Yeah . . . I’ll try.” Maxwell looks at me, confusion and hurt written all over his face. I turn away from him before my icy heart tries to thaw. “How are you feeling? Heard tomorrow’s the big day.”

   “I’m great,” Dad says. He lifts his cup in the air. “I got my Gatorade and—”

   The curtain swings open again and Deanna waltzes in with a bag full of Jell-O cups. Of. Course. “Guess who brought more . . . oh!” She startles when she sees me and Maxwell. “Sorry about that, I didn’t realize you had company. I’ll just drop these over here.” She walks toward the sink, but she doesn’t get far before my dad is kicking me and Maxwell out.

   “You can stay,” he says. “They were just on their way out.”

   My eyes threaten to pop out of my head and I shake my head no as obviously, yet discreetly, as possible.

   He ignores me.

   Deanna talks instead.

   “I wish I could, but I have to check on some other patients. Call for me if you need me,” she says, but instead of leaving, she lingers for a bit.

   “Just wait one second.” My dad gestures to Deanna before looking at me. “I’ll call you in the morning when I know more about when I’m getting discharged.”

   He doesn’t even wait for me to respond before he’s adjusting his bed and talking to his nurse.

   What the fuck?

   I don’t know if I’m irritated at my dad’s flirty voice or if I’m just a bitter Betty that my relationship burned to the ground and now my dad’s love life is starting to take off.

   He deserves it. Don’t be a selfish cow.

   “Nice seeing you, Deanna.” I do my best to swallow back the bitchy undertone. “See you tomorrow, Dad.”

   “Have a good night.” Maxwell nods to them both and links his fingers through mine.

   My back goes straight at his touch. I leave my hand in his because I don’t want to cause a scene and my dad is in such high spirits. He loves Maxwell. I’m not ready to break his heart, at least not literally this time. But every second with him touching me confuses me that much more. Lust and desire are fighting with disgust and hatred.

   As soon as we reach the hallway, I snatch my hand out of his.

   “What’s going on?” Maxwell runs his hand over his freshly cut hair.

   “Not here.” I avoid his eyes and speed up my pace.

   His long strides catch up to me before I create any kind of distance. “Is everything all right with your dad? Is that why you came here instead of meeting me?”

   “I said not here!” I snap, startling the two older ladies walking past us. This is what I didn’t want to happen. I close my eyes and inhale and exhale until I know I have my temper back under control. “Listen.” I turn to face him. “I found some stuff out while I was at work today. I don’t want to talk about it here, and honestly, neither should you. Let’s just meet at my place and we can talk about it there, okay?”

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