Home > Today Tonight Tomorrow(19)

Today Tonight Tomorrow(19)
Author: Rachel Lynn Solomon

We race out of the alley together, away from the tourists and the gum and the ghosts.






Date and time of incident: January 15, 11:20 a.m.

Location: Room #B208, science lab

Report submitted by: Todd O’Brien, chemistry teacher

Name of person(s) involved in incident: Rowan Roth, Neil McNair

Description of incident: Made Roth and McNair chemistry partners at beginning of year to encourage them to more peacefully work together. Students immediately asked for new partners, informed them assignments were final. After a few arguments early in the school year, had hoped they’d gotten it out of their systems. Was wrong. During experiment on exothermic reactions, their lab station burst into flames. Immediately grabbed extinguisher to put it out. Students could not pinpoint what went wrong in experiment, each intent on blaming the other.

Illness or injury involved: No

How was incident handled: Students sent to principal’s office, said they were happy to serve detention as long as incident wouldn’t go on their permanent records. Incident appears to have been an accident, and as students are first-time offenders and top ranked in their grade, no further disciplinary action recommended. Roth and McNair will be assigned new partners.



Principal Karen Meadows, M.Ed.



2:02 p.m.

WE END UP in the market’s basement, in a shop I can only describe as a punk-rock five-and-dime. Orange Dracula sells all kinds of retro goth novelties, from buttons and patches to vampire incense and shrunken heads. They hold live tarot card readings, and a sign in the window reads YES, WE SELL GUM. As a kid, I thought it was the coolest place in the world. Seattle has no shortage of kitschy weird shit, and this is among the kitschiest and weirdest.

“You saved my life.” McNair says it almost with a question mark at the end, like he’s not convinced it actually happened. Frankly, I’m surprised too.

I turn down an aisle of magnets made from old pulp paperbacks with titles like Half Past Danger and Sin Street, most of them with half-nude women on the cover. We figured we’d be safe from Savannah in here, since she’d likely assume McNair fled Pike Place.

“It’s not fun for me if you’re eliminated this early,” I say, which is the semi-truth.

He’s acting fidgety, jamming his hands into his pockets, then immediately drawing them back out. I’m not sure if it’s the near-death experience or if he’s just a fidgety guy and I’ve never noticed.

“Ah. Now everything makes sense.” McNair flips through an assortment of off-color postcards. An animatronic witch cackles at us, and a few giggling preteens pile into the shop’s photo booth, the one that uses real film, not digital.

His back is to me, and without my permission, my gaze maps the terrain of his shoulders, the way they curve and slope before dipping into his arm muscles. It’s a nice pair of shoulders, I decide. A shame they’re wasted on someone like him.

“And let’s be real,” I say to his shoulder blades, “who else stands a chance against us?”

He turns around, shifting the straps of his backpack, drawing my attention to the flex of his biceps. He’s been hiding these muscles for at least a year and a half, and they’re more distracting than they have any right to be. I’ve got to figure out a casual way to ask about his exercise routine. Surely, if I solve this mystery, then I’ll stop staring.

“Accurate,” he says.

Then both our phones buzz at the same time.





An attachment links to a map of Hilltop Bowl, a bowling alley in Capitol Hill.

“Already?” McNair says, and though his phone has the time, he checks his watch. “Wow. We didn’t have our first safe zone until at least five o’clock.”

Safe zone means Kirby and Mara and talking about the vacation they’re taking without me. And, inevitably, thinking about the life I’ll have without them next year. As much as I’d like to delay all of that, the safe zones aren’t optional.

“Well,” I say as we make our way out of the store. It’s always hot in the market basement, even on the coldest days. And it feels entirely too bizarre to have spent ten minutes inside Orange Dracula with Neil McNair. “See you in twenty minutes, I guess?” If I bus back to my car and drive to Hilltop Bowl, I’ll be able to make a speedier getaway when our safe-zone time is up.

“Right. See you there,” he echoes, but he falls in step with me.

“Are you following me?”

He stops. “We’re going to the same place. Except I don’t have a car, so I’m taking the bus. I’d hate for it to get delayed, which would mean I’d risk getting kicked out of the game… and now I know you want me to stay in it so badly.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “No,” I say emphatically. The idea of Neil McNair in my car is unacceptable. There’s so much he could judge: my music, my cleanliness, the mangled front bumper. “I’m not giving you a ride.”


* * *


“Nice car,” McNair says, fidgeting with the air-conditioner dials and then rolling down the window when he notices the AC doesn’t work. I’m back in my cardigan, self-conscious about the stain on my dress again. It’s not that hot anyway—McNair must run warm.

“Please don’t touch anything.” I’m boxed in, so I have to wiggle out of the parking spot inch by agonizing inch. The car in front of me has a parking ticket, which we both crossed off our Howl lists.

He examines the parking stickers stuffed in the passenger-side door pocket, a few stray receipts on the floor. I wonder what he’s thinking. It’s so clearly not a nice car, even if I love it. We approached from behind, so at least he didn’t see the damage. I hope he doesn’t say anything about the weird smell. It’s not bad, exactly, just mildly unpleasant.

McNair scratches at some parking-sticker residue, then finds the adjustment bar beneath the passenger seat. He moves it back—too far back—and then too far forward. Then—

“Are you always this twitchy?” I ask.

He returns the seat to its normal position and drops his hands in his lap. “Sorry. Still anxious from the Savannah chase, I guess.”

“This is a onetime thing,” I say as I turn onto Pike Street. While I’ve never driven him anywhere, we’ve ridden on buses and carpooled with other kids to school events. “Only because it would have taken you too long by bus. And if you even think about criticizing my driving, you can get out right now.”

“I actually don’t drive,” he says, “so I can’t really criticize you.”

I… didn’t know that. I can’t imagine McNair not acing a test. “Foiled by the written test?”

“I never took it.”


“And I’ll be in New York in the fall, so there’s no point taking it now.”


We drive in silence for a few minutes, and it’s not a comfortable one. Apparently, we’ve both forgotten how to sustain a conversation. I have never felt so awkward in my own car.

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