Home > Knee Deep(39)

Knee Deep(39)
Author: D.E. Haggerty

“Bailey wanted a chill party.” Actually, she didn’t want a bachelorette party at all. After Shelby’s party, Bailey declared she did not want one thing to do with any party. I convinced her I could put together a classy party since I know she has no choice but to invite some of the McDougal Rail Company people. As a major shareholder and board member, there’s no way she can snub the other board members. Separation of work and private life is a whole other ballgame when you own the company.

Grandma might not like it, but the event room I rented for today’s high tea party is perfect. Bailey is going to love it! Balloons, bouquets of pink roses, and gift bags decorate the tables. The gift bags are not anything to sneeze at. No tacky hangover kits to be found. Instead, each bag has a gold bracelet, a bottle of perfume, a cashmere t-shirt, and a gift certificate for a spa day at a hotel.

The only thing missing is the future bride. The guests are due to arrive in fifteen minutes, and Bailey insisted she be here to greet everyone. Where is our future bride? I pick up my phone to call her when the door bangs open and she rushes in. Her hair is falling out of the fancy chignon and her clothes are askew.

“Right on!” Shelby greets her with a high-five. “Someone got her oil checked.”

“I thought you decided to wait until after you were married to start trying for children.”

“Grandma,” Frankie chastises. “You of all people should know you can have sex even if you aren’t trying to get pregnant.”

“Why me of all people? Because I’m old and can no longer have children? Because I went through menopause in the previous century? That’s ageism!”

Frankie covers her face and groans. Before she has a chance to apologize, Grandma turns on Bailey. “What’s this about no strippers? And no games? There’s not even a condom tree!”

“I’m sorry, Grandma. I invited some work colleagues and …” She trails off as if the word ‘work colleagues’ explains everything.

“I’ll take care of this.” Grandma whips out her phone. “I’ll have Eleanor pick something up on her way here.”

Do something, Bailey mouths to Frankie.

“I thought you weren’t talking to Eleanor, remember? Didn’t she try to kick you off the bowling team?”

“I got this,” Shelby whispers and plucks Grandma’s phone from her hands. “Come on, Grams. You have to check out this cake. You couldn’t make a cake like this.”

Grandma bristles in challenge and follows Shelby who turns to wink at Bailey. Thank you, Bailey mouths.

Three hours and way too much decaf tea later, Bailey collapses in the chair next to mine. “I’m glad that’s over.”

“I thought everything was fine once we confiscated Grandma’s telephone.” In fact, I’d call the party a resounding success. Assuming you’re comparing the party with a tea party and not a bachelorette party.

“Except for when Grandma, Rosemary, Eleanor, and Alma decided to sing karaoke.” Frankie is never going to let me live this down. She must have said ‘when I do tea parties’ at least a dozen times already. Being friends with your boss can be tricky, especially when the boss’s grandma thinks she’s your grandma as well.

“Please.” I slash my hand in the air. “I had it covered.”

Bailey snorts. “You’re lucky you’re pregnant. You know they wouldn’t have allowed you to herd them back to their chairs otherwise.”

I rub my belly. “You use what you got.”

Shelby walks over carrying a champagne bottle from which she’s taking decidedly unladylike sips.

“There are glasses, you know.” I push a champagne glass in front of her.

She shrugs. “This stuff doesn’t have much alcohol. Need to drink it straight if I want to get a buzz going.”

“Do you have to get a buzz going?”

“Duh. Drunk sex.” She giggles. “Of course, you wouldn’t know anything about that. Not only can you not drink, but you’re not getting any bow chicka wow wow.”

My cheeks go up in flames. I am getting more bow chicka wow wow now than I’ve ever gotten before in my life. Seriously, I’m surprised I’m not walking around bow-legged all the time.

“Whoa!” Bailey points to my face and circles my cheeks. “What’s this all about?”

I shrug. “I may be you know…”

She wiggles her eyebrows. “Are you finally getting a bit of hunka hunka burning love?”


Shelby slams the champagne bottle down on the table. “You didn’t tell me you moved into Luke’s bedroom.”

“I haven’t. We’re just having sex.”

“Are you using him for sex?”

“No, of course not. But you try to not have sex with the sexiest man in the universe when you’re pregnant. Pregnancy hormones are no joke.” Seriously, merely thinking about sex and Luke is making my breasts swell and my lady parts weep with anticipation.

“And where do you see this going once you’re no longer pregnant?” Bailey asks.

No idea. Divert. Divert. “He told me he loved me.”

“Well, big duh there.” She rolls her eyes. “The man absolutely adores you. He moved you into his house so he can take care of you. He even decorated his spare bedroom for you.”

“What if he turns again and leaves me?” I still fear the man will leave me the first chance he gets. My fear is keeping me from saying those three little words I know he’s dying to hear. He’s turned on me before, what’s stopping him from doing it again?

“Are you stupid?” Frankie shakes her head. “The man has been with you every step of the way in this pregnancy. He goes to every single doctor’s appointment, he decorated a baby room for the baby. He’s even willing to get his ass kicked by your brothers.”

I moan. “I know, I know, but I can’t help fearing he’ll leave me, despite the tattoos.”

“Tattoos?” Shelby leans closer. “Tell me more.”

Ugh. Why did I have to open my big fat mouth and mention the tattoos? Now, Shelby is drooling over Luke’s body. The green-eyed monster wakes from his food-induced coma to glare at her.

She rolls her eyes. “I don’t want your man.” She picks up the champagne bottle and waves it at me. “Drunken sex with my husband, remember?”

Bailey bumps my shoulder. “Come on. You can’t leave us hanging.”

“Fine,” I grunt. “He has a violet and rose over his heart. And when I passed my first trimester, he added a rosebud.”

“Marry the man already!” Shelby orders.

“Yeah, it’s not like he hasn’t asked,” Bailey adds.

I roll my eyes. “He asked because I’m pregnant.”

“Are you deaf? Or are you choosing to not hear what we’re saying? The man adores you. Adores you. He even stopped hugging me because it makes you uncomfortable.” Yeah, well, I don’t think Shelby would appreciate it if I tackled Jackson every time he walked in the room either.

Bailey squeezes my hand. “He’s not going to leave you. You said you forgave him for leaving you before. If you really, truly forgive him, you need to tell the man you love him.”

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