Home > A Sea of Smoke(61)

A Sea of Smoke(61)
Author: Karen Lynn

“We wasted eight months, you realize that?” he whispered, slipping an arm around her soapy waist.

“I know. But we're together now, that's what matters.” She laughed watching him squeeze his eyes tight, as the shampoo streamed along his face.

“I never stopped thinking about you all that time. Do you know that too?”

“What about all those other women?”

“What other women? There were only two and they were one nighters,” he blurted, moving his head back under the shower head to rinse off.

“Two? I thought you said just Tia?” She stepped forward, avoiding the flow of water, her face reddening from the heat and rising jealousy. Despite how much she tried, or as selfish as it might have been, the mere thought of him in another woman’s arms was devastating.

Oh shit! Turning his back to her, he continued washing, hoping she'd get sick of arguing.

“What other woman, Jake?” She held on to his wet body for support.

“It's no big deal, Kris. It was one night! I thought I told you.”

“No, you didn't. You mentioned talking to Marty, but...” Then it dawned on her. “Please tell me you didn't fuck Marty.”

He couldn't avoid her eyes any longer. It was hard to tell if her face was wet from tears or the shower spray. “Come on baby, please! It was one time, she—”

“—Oh my god! You son of a bitch! It was her!” Enraged, she jerked out of reach, slipping and grabbing the shower curtain just in time. Without looking back, she ripped the curtain aside and stormed from the room.

“Kristen!” He rinsed the last traces of soap from his body, grabbed a towel and ran after her. He found her huddled in a corner, her body convulsing under a heavy blanket.

“Don't come near me, Jake!”

He crouched next to her.

“You're being unreasonable, Kristen. You were with your husband, remember? What the hell did you expect me to do? They didn't mean anything to me!”

“Why her? Out of the millions of women in New York, you have to screw my best friend! God damn you, Jake!”

I am not going to breakdown! She buried her face in her arms.

With a helpless sound, he hugged her, forcing her against him. “I'm sorry. I didn't go out looking for it. She was just there...”

“Like always, right? I knew from the very beginning she wanted you! That fucking cunt! I'll never talk to her again.” She cried so hard her body rocked his.

“Baby, it wasn't her fault, she lost Ray, it just happened by accident. We both knew it wouldn't work.”

Struggling to stop sobbing, she peeked at him. “Why? How did she know? Did you tell her?”

“Of course I told her. And she could tell how much I love you. Isn't that what really matters? That's the real reason I'm here.” Lifting the blanket from her body, he wiggled in next to her and tossed it back over them.

“So she knows you're mine then?”

Her voice was so tiny and innocent he had to laugh and kiss her.

“Everyone knows that I'm yours.”

“We better get ready to see Alex.”

After breaking away from him, she clambered to her feet. He is right, let the past stay buried. He is mine now and I will do whatever it takes to keep it that way.



* * *

Jake was busy on the phone with Franky as they entered the hospital. Trying to be inconspicuous, she checked him out through the corner of her eye. A new confidence and peace of mind radiated from him, as if he had been reborn. It was thrilling. So why were her own insecurities surfacing?

“Franky's in town. I'm gonna meet with him and Henry tomorrow afternoon after we see Alex.” Taking her hand tightly in his, he pressed the elevator button.

She opened her mouth to ask if she could join him, but something forced it shut again.



* * *

“You are getting so big!” Kristen accepted Alex into her arms, happily planting kisses all over his tiny face. “Isn't he, Jake?” she said, breaking the icy silence between them. She felt the silky warmth of Jake's skin against her arm.

“He's a fighter!” He beamed, unable to believe that he was responsible for creating this adorable creature. “I think he's ready to go home.”

“That's up to the doctor, not you!”

“What's wrong now?” Taken aback, he frowned at her.

“Nothing, Jake. It's just you think it’s all up to you, but it’s not.” She caught his eye. He moved in close, the musky scent of his hair escaping from the hospital cap.

Surprise and confusion masked his face. “Where's this coming from? Are you still mad about Marty?” The muscles in his jaw quivered.

“What difference does it make now? It's done. Don't get Alex upset.” She fanned herself, desperate to cool off.

It was Jake’s turn to hold Alex and she couldn’t take her eyes off of them. Without warning, guilt and disillusion made her reflect on how she continued to attack him every time he opened his mouth.

Could it possibly be my actions and animosity are unjustified? No, it’s not entirely my fault. Since the baby things haven’t improved and now this Marty thing, just made it worse. The anger, sadness, crazy jealousy, it’s eating me up inside. I have to do something before it backfires.

Alex gurgled, his large brown eyes bright. Jake's fingers caressed his back as he held him to his chest. He knew Kristen was spying on him and allowed himself to sneak a peek. Since the baby she glowed, more vibrant and beautiful than ever. He couldn’t help admiring her, the love apparent on his face. Hiding a grin, he bit his tongue, shut his mouth and made the decision to let her win, right or wrong.




It was difficult coming back to the real world and Nick’s obvious irritation didn’t help. Another surprise visit had Logan amazed and put off by his persistence. This particular encounter threatened to be worse than the rest. The constant, aggravating foot tapping and belligerent attitude had Logan on the verge of insanity.

“Logan, what the hell is up with you? You look liked you died. Where's Gina, where the fuck you staying, huh? I hate having to track you down all the time!” He glared at him like a distraught parent at a rebellious child.

“Hah?” Logan refused to come out of his disoriented state. Numbness was far more comfortable than dealing with Nick’s crap. His intoxicated eyes stared dully into space, increasing Nick’s infuriation.

“What the fuck, man? What's happening with you and your wife, when's that baby due? Shit! What don't you understand?”

“Everything, Nick! I fucking don't understand any of it!”

Nick rolled his eyes, pausing to light a cigarette before returning his attention to Logan.

Logan shrugged. “She's leaving me.”

“What are you talking about? What about the baby? Logan, fucking snap out of it!”

“It's his, not mine, she's with him.” He was too messed up to worry about his ego and took refuge behind his hands.

Nick jumped up. “Who the hell is he? Logan, look at me, you're not making any sense!” He yanked Logan’s hands away from his face.

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