Home > Basil(50)

Author: Michele Notaro

“Does that mean you’re holding me hostage until I agree to live here or somethin’?”

“Yeah, probably.”

He snorted again. “I have a house, Bas.”

My stomach fluttered at the use of my nickname. “We’re not talking about this when you’re flat on your back, half dead in my lap.”

“Yeah, good plan.”

“I think we’re ready,” Jorah said as he popped up beside me, scaring the shit out of me.

“Mother of All, Jor. Warn a guy.”

He chuckled. “I called your name like three times before I came over here.”

Not having a good comeback to that, I asked, “Can you use your wind magic to help get him out of the car?”

“Sure.” He smirked at me, knowing I ignored his last statement on purpose.

Jor easily used some wind magic to carefully guide Hiro out of the car, then the two of us took position under either arm and dragged him over to the healing bed in the grass. I could’ve helped with the magical aspect of things, but I was pretty tapped out from our fight and healing Hiro as much as I had.

As we lay Hiro on the grass healing bed, his eyes fluttered open, and he asked, “What the hell are ya doin’? Why are ya puttin’ me in the grass?”

“It’s a healing bed. We’re witches, nature is where our power comes from. Mine is from shadows, but Jorah—and Ailin—have earth magic. Using the grass as a catalyst for healing is the easiest way to do it. If we set you up in a regular bed, it would take three times as long to heal you. So you’re going to sleep outside for a night on this healing bed, and tomorrow, you’ll be as good as new. Well, you’ll be tired from the healing, but you’ll be okay enough to get up.”

He didn’t answer, but he also didn’t complain as we placed a grass healing blanket over the top of him. After he was settled, Jorah said, “I’ll tell Rasha to come say hi, and I’ll make sure Seb has a place for her to sleep tonight. Niya might want to set up sleeping bags in the living room or something.”

To my surprise, Hiro was already asleep—moving him must’ve worn him out—so I answered, “That sounds good. Thanks, Jor.”

He rolled his eyes and waved me off as he walked into the big house. Only a minute later, Rasha came running out.

Before I could stop her, she dove on top of Hiro’s chest, startling him awake and giving me a minor heart attack. Hiro was shocked, but hugged her as soon as he realized what was happening.

I heard him whisper, “Are you okay, peanut?”

She nodded against him. “I was scared when you weren’t home.”

“I know, baby girl. I’m so sorry.”

She sat up to make eye contact with him. “I used the emergency phone to call Basil… are you mad?”

“No, peanut, I would never be mad about that. I’m so glad and so proud of you for callin’ him.”

“You are?”

“Yes. I’m glad you knew what to do.” He tried to lift his hand, but dropped it at the last second, and that sad ache returned to my chest. I wanted to help him, but I already felt like I was invading their privacy by standing right here, so I hung back. “Are you having fun with Basil’s little sister?”

Rasha smiled widely and nodded. “She’s crazy! I love it.”

Hiro chuckled, but it turned into a coughing fit, so I moved closer and helped him sit up. Once he stopped coughing and I lay him back down, he said, “I think you’re gonna have a sleepover with her tonight, and I’m going to stay out here. Is that okay with you?”

She nodded. “Yes, but… won’t you be sad out here by yourself?”

Hiro opened his mouth to respond, but I beat him to it, saying, “I’m staying with him.”

Rasha smiled at me. “Good.”

Hiro asked her a couple more questions before Rasha gave me a tight hug and ran back inside, and then he turned to me and asked, “You’re stayin’ with me?”

I shot him a small glare. “Yes.”

“You don’t have to.”

“Asshole, I thought you were dead a few hours ago, there’s no fucking way I’m leaving your side.”

A smile began spreading over his face. “Okay.”

“That’s all you have to say?”

“Yep… for now.”

I huffed out an annoyed breath, then lay down beside him and placed my hand on his chest under the grass blanket.

Ailin came home less than an hour after that, and he immediately walked over to us, pressing his hands against the healing bed and saying, “I’m so sorry, Bas. I didn’t realize you’d left until you were already gone. Jor called me to tell me he set you guys up, but I wanted to be the one to set up the healing bed.” His magic began floating around us, green swirls floating in the air. “Actually, Jor did a great job, but I’m still going to push some of my magic into it to help heal him faster.”

“Thanks, Ailin,” I whispered.

Hiro cleared his throat. “Thank you, Ailin. And… thank you for helping my daughter today and when she was in the hospital.”

Ailin smiled softly. “You’re part of my coven now, Hiro. I’ll help you whenever I can.” He didn’t give Hiro a chance to reply before saying, “Rasha and Niya are in the living room having a sleepover. Seb said they’ve been giggling for hours, so she’s in good hands. You should be all fixed up by morning.” He stood up, then surprised me by moving closer to me and squatting down to kiss my temple. “Are you injured?”

“No, I’m good. Just tired,” I said.

He nodded, squeezed my shoulder, then headed inside his house.

It was several minutes before Hiro whispered, “I’m sorry for the way I treated you when we met, and for not believing you later on. I… I never knew witches could be so…”

Part of me wanted to be an asshole and say I told you so, but Hiro was being genuine and he deserved a serious response from me. “It’s okay, dimples. I understand why you didn’t trust me. Don’t even worry about it. All that matters is that you’re here with me now.”

He was quiet for another minute, then, “You’re too far away, love.”

A smile tugged at my lips as I scooted closer to him. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Well then you need to get closer because I can’t stand not touchin’ ya right now.”

My smile wanted to grow, and I couldn’t hold it back even though I tried as I moved close enough to wrap myself around the side of his body, tucking my head close to his so my forehead touched his temple. He lifted the grass blanket and put it over me so I was flat against him.

I kissed his cheek, and he whispered, “This is much better.”

It was.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face, content in the fact that Hiro was right beside me and Rasha was safe and sound inside the big house—the safest place in all the realms.



Chapter Seventeen






As I woke up and started to stretch, I felt a warm body beside me, and I froze before remembering everything that happened yesterday and last night. How Basil had made sure my daughter was safe before coming to rescue me. If he hadn’t shown up, Rasha would be an orphan right now.

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