Home > Basil(63)

Author: Michele Notaro

A flash of lust ran through his eyes, and through our bond, before he cut it off and whispered, “I’m yours, Hiro.”

Before I had a chance to revel in that, I was pushed backward. Confused, I stumbled back a few steps, then stared at Basil with wide eyes. His magic was swirling around him, a storm of wind and shadow and lightning. His eyes were almost glowing and lightning was flashing through them. He took a step toward me, saying, “I’m yours, Hiro, but you better fucking remember that you’re mine, too, you possessive, crazy, asshat.”

I smirked at him. “Did you seriously just blast me backwards with your magic?”

He lifted a shoulder, letting his magic die down. “You’re covered in giant muscles, and I’m not an idiot. It’s the only way to get one up on you.”

With a chuckle, I stepped forward, then paused. “Can I kiss ya now, witch?”

He rolled his eyes. “I might make you beg.”

I groaned and took another step. When he didn’t move away or blast my ass again, I stepped up to him and pressed my lips hard to his, but didn’t push any further. As I leaned back, he frowned at me, so I said, “If I start now, I won’t be able to stop from devouring you right here in the sand, and I want to get this shit outta the way so I can have you to myself.”

He sighed, but nodded and began walking again. “If we walk along the shore, we might see them. If not, I’ll call them.”

“How are you gonna call them?”

He shot me a smile. “Magic.”

I snorted, shaking my head as I kept pace with him.

We walked along the edge of the water for a while before Basil went to the edge and pressed his hand in. He closed his eyes and whispered a spell. Unfortunately, I heard him say “Rebe” in the middle of it, so I was already growling.

When he finished, he stood and shook his head at me. “You’re being ridiculous.”

“I can’t help it, Bas. I’m not doing it on purpose!”

“I know.” He pinched his lips together, and when I saw his eyes filled with amusement, I knew he was trying not to laugh at me.

“I’m glad you find this funny.”

“I do not.” He laughed.

I flipped him off.

And of course, that was the moment a giant, sparkling rainbow horse with giant fins for legs popped out of the water. Their mane was a beautiful dark blue with black undertones and light blue highlights that shined in the sun. My eyes widened as I took in the huge creature. I knew a kelpie was a horse made for water, but seeing it wasn’t what I expected. I had honestly been anticipating a weird, gross-looking sea creature, not this beautiful thing in front of me.

Before my eyes, the horse shimmered and began to shrink and change shape. It only took a few seconds for the horse to shift into a humanoid that was just as gorgeous in this form as the other. Their hair was the same blue and black colors, and their skin seemed to shimmer so it was a rainbow of colors that sparkled in the sun and changed with every small movement. When they blinked their crystal blue eyes at us, with their high cheekbones and pouty lips, I had to hold in a gasp.

This… this was who Basil had before me? And now he was stuck with me? I was basically an ogre compared to the beauty standing in front of us.

Basil passed over the fabric he was carrying, and the kelpie wrapped it around themselves quickly, then they moved closer and whispered, “Basil,” a second before my viramore stepped up to them and rested his fuckin’ forehead to theirs.

A growl tore from my chest as I stepped closer, ready to rip him away.

The kelpie stepped back with wide eyes, those blue orbs bouncing between me and Basil before a smile—and goddammit, if that smile didn’t make them even prettier—appeared on their face and they said, “Basil, you found your viramore.” A soft laugh bubbled out of them. “Congratulations, my friend.” Then they said a bunch of words in another fuckin’ language that I had no hope of interpreting.

Basil smiled at them before turning to me and placing his hand on my chest, saying, “Relax. That’s how kelpies greet old friends.”

I clenched my jaw, but admittedly, having Basil’s hand on my chest was cooling my temper a little. As I gave him my nod, I placed my hand over his and pressed it there so he wouldn’t lose contact with me. If he did, I couldn’t guarantee I wouldn’t punch that fucker in the face.

Basil said somethin’ in another language—I assumed it was in Fae’lee—and I was about to complain before the kelpie replied in English. “Yes, English is fine.” I was hit again with their beauty as they turned those blue eyes to me and said, “I’m Rebe, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Before I could respond, Basil pushed my chin up, snapping my mouth shut as he muttered, “Stop drooling over them, for fuck’s sake.”

I smirked at Bas for a second before refocusing on the kelpie and saying, “I’m Hiro, it’s nice to meet you, too.”

They smiled, and Basil stepped in front of me and covered my eyes with his hand. “Stop. It.”

I laughed, and so did Rebe.

Basil pushed my chest playfully as he dropped his hand, then turned back to the kelpie—who was smiling at us—and said, “I have a favor to ask of you. It’s a really big one, so I’ll understand if you can’t, but… I’m hoping you can help us.”

“What is it?” Their brow furrowed, prettily of course. Damn, how was Basil with me right now instead of this gorgeous creature?

Bas said, “It’s Hiro’s daughter. She’s sick.”

Rebe went from a gentle smile to a serious expression. “What’s wrong with her?”

Just from that simple sentence and the expression on their face, I knew exactly why Basil had insisted on talking to them, and… I had a feeling they might actually help us.



Chapter Twenty






After explaining things to Rebe, I was beyond relieved that they were willing to help us, and Hiro and I didn’t want to waste another second. We had raced back to the house to grab Rasha, and were running back down to Rebe with her in tow, all of us in our bathing suits. Although, Hiro was mostly covered, still unsure about people seeing his tattooed skin. He’d have to get over it. Rasha thought she was only coming to meet my friend and swim, but we were going to have a lot to explain to her as soon as we got there.

Rebe was still down by the shore, patient as ever, and when they saw us coming, they smiled widely at Rasha. They had always had a soft spot for kids. Hopefully one day, they’d have a few of their own because they’d make a wonderful parent.

Rasha stopped ten feet away from Rebe, staring at them with huge, wide eyes. Rebe squatted down so they were at her level and said, “Hi, I’m Rebe. You must be Rasha. I’ve heard so much about you.”

Rasha leaned back against her dad, obviously scared of them.

Walking over to Rebe, I put my hand on their shoulder—ignoring Hiro’s growl—and said to Rasha, “It’s okay, sweetpea. Rebe wants to help us.”

Rasha’s eyes flicked up to mine. She seemed like she maybe wanted to come to me, but was still too cautious of Rebe.

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