Home > Basil(74)

Author: Michele Notaro

Basil turned around to face her with wide eyes. He took a few deep breaths, and I could feel a myriad of emotions going through him, but after a moment, he said, “The victim’s name is Armina Hallawelle. She’s a witch, light affinity, she’s twenty-four—no, she would’ve turned twenty-five last month.”

I eyed him. You know her?

Uh, yeah… we dated in high school. She was… not a nice person.

Anita made a phone call and began reporting everything Basil told her to whoever was on the other end of the line, but she hung up when three SUVs began driving toward us on the grass. They stopped behind Anita, and Alec got out of one, but he had his phone up to his ear.

Basil crossed his arms over his chest as he stared at his brother-in-law, and the werewolf Chief of the BCA frowned over at us. When he hung up the phone, he closed his eyes for a few seconds, then headed in our direction and said, “Hiro, you can relax and stand up, but you’re going to have to come in.”

“What the fuck’s the matter with you?” Basil yelled as I dropped my hands and stood.

“It isn’t my call, Bas,” Alec said.

“What the hell’s that supposed to mean? You’re the damn chief! You know Hiro didn’t do it!”

“I know,” Alec said.

“Don’t be a fucking idiot, you know he didn’t—what? You know? Then why the hell are you making him come in?”

“I had to call Petunia Crane as soon as I realized Hiro was the person they found here. It’s a conflict of interest.”

My eyes widened a little. Petunia Crane was in charge of the whole damn Brinnswick Union. Alec legit answered to the top dog of the whole damn country.

Bas said, “He found the body, Alec. He didn’t kill her.”

“I know that. I know, Bas. Please calm down. I know, but he’s family, and the fact that it’s Armina’s body he found… it doesn’t look good.”

“What? Why would that even matter? I haven’t talked to her in years,” Bas said.

“Basil, after what she did to you, it gives Hiro motive,” Alec said.

“After what she did to you?” I asked Basil. “What did she do to you?”

Basil kept his eyes on Alec, but waved a hand at me. “See? He doesn’t even know anything about that. I never even told him.”

Alec’s eyes darted back and forth between us for a few seconds. “Both of you need to stop talking right now. Not another fucking word. Hiro, I need you to come in, right now. Bas, I know you’re not going to stay away, but you can’t ride in the same car as him—”

“Like hell I can’t.”

Alec’s nostrils flared. “Basil, if you want any chance of clearing Hiro’s name quickly, you’ll shut the fuck up and listen to me for once in your goddamn life! I’m trying to help you.”

I said through our link, It’s fine, love. It’ll be okay. We have nothing to hide.

Basil’s eyes met mine. It’s not fine. They can’t do this.

Seriously, baby, it’s easier to let them do their thing. I’ll keep Blaze with me if that makes you feel better.

It does.

“Fuck, no speaking telepathically, either,” Alec shouted, then quieter, “This is a nightmare. Hiro, get in the first SUV. Now.” He pointed to one. “Bas, get in the other.” He pointed to another one. “No bloody talking.”

Basil growled out in anger, but dropped his shield, and the two of us followed Alec’s instructions.



Rubbing my temples, I said, “I’ve told you a thousand times already. I got a call from my handler, and she sent me to the fuckin’ baseball field. I dunno where she gets my marks from, that’s why I go through her.”

“Jasmyn Borly confirms your story,” Agent Asshole said. That was what I decided to name the one on the right. They’d introduced themselves when they’d walked into the room, but I honestly forgot their names ten seconds after the fact. Plus, I liked my names better: Agent Asshole and Agent Dick. Fitting.

“You brought Jasmyn in?” I asked as Blaze tucked his head farther into my collar. He’d been sleeping on my shoulder the entire time. He must’ve been the laziest dragon in existence, but I could admit I appreciated him bein’ in here with me.

Agent Dick said, “Yes. Her prints brought up a few warrants from down south, so we’ll be holding her for a while.”

I groaned internally. The last thing I wanted to do was get Jasmyn in trouble.

“If she confirmed it, why am I still here?” I asked.

“We’re waiting on confirmation from a reliable source for your alibis,” Agent Asshole said. “So far, we’ve confirmed everything you’ve told us, so I’m sure you’ll be released soon.” Asshole was my new favorite agent.

Basil interrupted my interrogation by speaking telepathically. I spoke to Petunia Crane myself and told her that we weren’t even in this fucking realm when the last murder happened. He was pissed.

Told her or just yelled it at her?

I fucking yelled it at her and may have called her a few names.

I sighed, but there was no use in complaining since he’d already done it. Hopefully that’ll help.

She said they still have to confirm it with someone else, which is bullshit. I’ve been working here for over three years, I fought alongside her in the fucking war, helped end the fucking war, the least she could do is show me a little respect. I’ve never lied to her or Alec.

My gaze shot up to the flickerin’ lights on the ceiling, and I realized Bas was pissed enough that his magic was out of control, and I muttered, “Oh shit.” Through our link, I said, Take a deep breath, love. You’re gonna bring the whole building down if you don’t calm yourself.

Basil ignored me, and I could feel his magic everywhere even though we weren’t in the same room.

I pushed my affection for him through our link and said, Basil Draven Ellwood, calm the fuck down.

That got his attention. You know my middle name?

A snort spilled out of me at the absurdity of his question. I ignored that strange looks from Asshole and Dick, and said to my viramore, Yeah, shadow boy, I do. Now rein it in before you level the building, yeah?

I could feel him taking calming breaths.

Don’t be stupid, Basil, this isn’t a fight you need to take on.

I’m not stupid.

Then don’t act like it. Chill out before someone gets hurt.

He started pulling his magic back inside himself and murmured, I hate you.

No, you don’t.



Apparently soon meant something entirely different to Agent Asshole than it did to me because I wasn’t let go for another two hours. But finally, I was free.

When I walked out of the interrogation room, I stopped short when I saw my viramore standing there. His ass was leaning against a desk, his arms were crossed over his chest, and he was still fuming, but at least he was keeping his magic under control.

Once I was within hearing distance, he called over, “Rasha’s spending the night with Niya. Seb and Ailin are home with her.” He sounded pissed when he spoke again. “You know how we never figured out how we kept getting put on the same cases?”

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