Home > Meet Me Halfway (West Brothers, #1)(22)

Meet Me Halfway (West Brothers, #1)(22)
Author: Dee Lagasse

Based on the escalation of their separation, Alfie felt it was necessary to make the network aware. Neither of us have ever called in a favor to the network. I don’t know how they did it, but they found a reason to let Eloise go.

Eloise’s desperate rebuttal was to file a defamation of character suit in court. Which again, earned a chuckle from me and Alfie. It’s like she forgot we had an entire network of legal help at our disposal.

“So, is that a no on joining us for a walk?” my brother asks, finally moving on from the interrogation of my choice in music.

“I don’t remember saying no.”









Overnight, autumn had rolled into Massachusetts. The cool, crisp air. The changing of the leaves on the maple trees. It’s always the shortest season, and easily, my favorite.

Alfie West’s phone call surprised me. Previously, all communication had been through Ryan. Despite knowing there was nothing to fear, panic shot through me when I saw the other West brother’s name come up on the caller ID.

The worry evaporated once Alfie admitted it was a personal call, just after our hellos. I’m on day three of being home by myself while Lina’s in school. So, when he asked about potential walking trails to take his puppy on, I gave him the name of one and offered to walk with him.

“I can show you the best trails,” I offered. “I’m actually free today if you want to meet up. Lina’s in school for another five hours.”

“Beckham and I would love your company,” he replied without hesitation. “How does two hours from now sound? We can meet at the diner?”

Assuming it will just be me, Alfie, and his dog, I don’t take too much stock in my appearance. Since we’re just going for a walk in the woods, I decide makeup isn’t necessary. So, I pull my hair up in a messy bun and leave the house in a pair of teal compression leggings and a gray fleece pullover.

The entrance to the walking trails is only a ten-minute drive from the diner, but I leave thirty minutes earlier than necessary. I use the extra time to pop inside and have a cup of coffee at the bar. After our first meeting, I’m determined to never be late to meet a West brother ever again. Even if it is just to take a walk.

I get a quick text from Alfie simply saying “they” are in the parking lot, and inspired by Ryan’s generous tip the other night, I leave a twenty-dollar bill next to my two-dollar, half-full cup of coffee.

Once I arrive at the entrance of the trails, I park my Jeep. While I wait for Alfie and his pup to join me at the trail entrance, I take a quick selfie, adding the caption, “Soaking up the sunshine on this beautiful fall day!” before posting it to my Instagram story.

I feel so foolish sharing little details of my day, but Alfie insisted that my followers will appreciate me taking the time to share things that are personal to me. Valentina suggested “outfit of the day” posts, which Old Navy seems to appreciate too. They’ve reposted every single one I’ve shared so far.

It doesn’t take long for Instagram to start showing viewers on my story. I’m always looking for one name in particular, though. Just one that stands out every time.

Sure enough, Ryan’s name appears almost immediately.

Which is why, when I see the black town car pull up, the last person I expect to come out of it is him. But, sure enough, in a pair of gray athletic joggers and a matching zip-up sweatshirt, Ryan West steps onto the dirt parking lot. As he gets closer, the white emblem of the England National soccer team and the Nike symbol on both his shirt and pants become more visible. As does the bulge in his sweatpants.

For the love of all things holy, do not look at it, Carina.

“’Ello, love,” he greets with a grin. “Hope you don’t mind me crashing your walk. I’ve been cooped up in my hotel room for days, bored out of my mind. So, when Alfie invited me, I kind of jumped at the chance to get out of there.”

“Of course not,” I lie, wishing I spent a little more time on my hair and at least put on a layer of concealer and foundation. “You know, I’m off for the next few days too. Boston’s only about a twenty-minute drive. I could take you to explore if you want. Get you out of that hotel room.”

What is with my sudden bursts of word vomit with this man?

“I would love that,” he says.

His eyes meet mine and I swear he can see into my soul. After sucking in a small breath of air, I offer him a slight smile before turning my attention to the excited barking coming from behind him.

Attached to the leash in Alfie West’s hand is the cutest French Bulldog puppy I’ve ever seen in my life. His coat is a beautiful brindle that goes right down to his little legs, which are trying their damnedest to run to me and Ryan.

“You must be Beckham!” I beam, bending down to greet the puppy. Laughing, I glance back up, where I’m met by the amused smirk of Alfie West. “Hi, Alfie.”

“’Ello, Carina.” He chuckles. “I’m glad you two get along. If I can’t find a sitter for him, he very well may temporarily become a staple around the set.”

“Really?!” I ask, the thought of getting to see a puppy every day exciting me probably a little more than it should. “You want to be a set pup? You tell your daddy that if he brings you to the set, I’ll do a whole show on homemade puppy treats.”

“That’s brilliant!” Alfie says. “You, Carina, are bloody brilliant! So many people have dogs. They’d eat that up.”

“Or their dogs will,” Ryan chides, teasing his brother. “But I agree. That would be a good addition to the lineup.”

“We could pack up anything extra I make and give it to the no-kill shelter in town,” I add. “It would be good publicity for the show too, right?”

“Yes,” Ryan agrees, his eyes narrowing as he studies me. “That’s not why you’d do it though.”

“No,” I reply with a shrug, smiling because he quickly called me out. “I figured it would be a good reason to give the network though.”

“Good call.” He nods as I rise from petting Beckham.

The way Alfie and Ryan both jumped on board with a spur-of-the-moment idea I had for the show leaves me baffled. It makes me feel more confident in going to them with any ideas I have moving forward though.

It’s crazy how the idea of him makes me so scared. The very thought of seeing him, of hearing his voice, sends a small army of butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.

Just like the day we went for ice cream, I find myself sliding into a level of comfort the longer we’re together. Involuntarily, I feel the layers I keep up as protection slowly stripping away.

It’s nice to be around someone who doesn’t seem to expect me to be anything or anyone other than my authentic self.

It’s the after that scares me.

When there’s no one else around. When I’m lying in bed, unable to sleep. That’s when I find myself wishing I had met him another way.

Any other way.









The two-hour loop around the walking trail with Carina wasn’t enough.

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