Home > Reign(70)

Author: Siobhan Davis

Sinner sits back in his chair with his hands folded behind his head, flaunting that shit-eating grin I hate so much.

Saint smirks, slinging his arm around my shoulders and pulling me in close. “Nah. I don’t fuck nasty whores. Got my queen right here, and she’s the real deal.”

“Unlike your plastic tits,” I deadpan, while she continues bouncing on Sinner’s dick like they don’t have an audience. Sinner makes no move to get rid of her, grabbing her hips and slamming her down harder on his cock. She moans on cue, and I roll my eyes. “Welp, it seems you’re over my mother.” I grace him with a sickly-sweet fake smile, knowing this will push him into action. “So, we don’t need to talk.” I move to turn around. “We’ll let you get back to her piss-poor replacement.”

“Ow!” The woman cries as Sinner flings her off his dick, sending her tumbling to the ground.

“Get the fuck out,” he roars, not even looking at her as he stands. His gross dick is still hard, bobbing against his toned stomach. The woman grabs her clothes from the floor, clutching them to her chest, shoving against us in her haste to exit the room. Saint slams the door shut after her with his booted foot.

Sinner stares at me as he slowly bends, pulling his jeans up his legs, taking his sweet-ass time tucking his disgusting cock away.

I honestly think he thinks I’m into him.

There are no words.

Plastering a bored look on my face, I hold his stare as he gets dressed, refusing to let him get to me.

“Sit,” he snaps, thrusting his dirty-blond hair back off his face before reclaiming his seat. We take seats in front of his desk, side by side, leaning back casually, both eyeballing the bastard, waiting for him to make a move. “Where is your mother?!” he shouts. A vein throbs in his neck, and his muscles strain with tension.

“I don’t know,” I truthfully reply.

The desk rattles when Sinner thumps his fist on the wood. “Stop. Lying. I know you know. That you helped her.” He glares at Saint. “And you!” He jabs his finger in his son’s direction. “Have you forgotten where your loyalties lie, boy?”

Saint digs his nails into his thigh. “Hardly. We took care of the scene, didn’t we?”

That was for Mom’s benefit, but Sinner’s arrogant enough to believe that falsehood.

Spit flies out of Sinner’s mouth, and his nostrils flare as he leans across the desk, pinning me with a lethal look. “I’d put money on you being the one who put ideas in Giana’s head. She’d never pull a gun on me without provocation.”

Laughter spills from my lips. “You clearly don’t know my mother at all, because I had nothing to do with that.”

“You should be thanking Lo,” Saint says. “She’s the one who stopped Giana from pulling the trigger.”

Sinner scoffs. “Giana would never have pulled the trigger. She loves me.”

I don’t correct him, because that will only cause an argument. I want this conversation over so we can get out of here before his son pulls the trigger. Saint promised he would cage his rage, but his pain is raw, and coming here today was risky. However, we knew Sinner would only come to us, and it’s better to be in control and prepared. I’m also hoping to manipulate him a little so he doesn’t go searching for Mom.

“If you love her as you say you do, you should give her some space. She’ll come back to you when she’s ready,” I lie.

Sinner’s eyes narrow suspiciously. “Why would you want that?”

“I never said I wanted it. She’s my mom, and I want her to be with someone who respects her. Not someone who hands her to his perverted friends to rape.” I shrug my shoulders, granting him another sugary-sweet smile. “But she’s an adult. She makes her own decisions. And for some unknown reason, you’re what she wants.”

An arrogant smile spreads across his mouth. I’m not surprised he’s fallen for the bullshit because he really does believe his own press.

“You said you had an update in relation to the commissioner,” Saint says, gripping the armrests hard. “Let’s hear it.”

“Always so impatient.” Sinner tut-tuts, reaching into the top drawer of his desk, removing a pair of plastic gloves. He puts them on before extracting a small brown envelope from the same drawer, passing it across the desk to me. “The instructions are in there. The commissioner is opening a new wing at the Lowell Public Library on Saturday afternoon. A friend owns a private apartment building directly across from the library, and the rooftop garden is the perfect vantage point. You can take him out and then escape through the rear access gate which is only for employees. I’ve included the codes to his security system so Theo can disable it.”

I tuck the envelope in the back pocket of my jeans, nodding.

“Go to the warehouse and take whatever weapon and artillery you need,” he adds, directing that statement at his son.

“Lo has her own equipment,” Saint confirms.

“I bet she does.” Sinner taps his fingers off his chin, staring at me. “Don’t fuck this up. And don’t even think about double-crossing me.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” I lie.

“Lo is done with initiation when she kills him,” Saint reminds him, gripping the armrests tighter.

“That’s already agreed,” he says, as if his word can be trusted. We all know he can change his mind in an instant.

“What’s happening with The Arrows?” Saint asks.

“The shipment is due in tonight. We have a crew lined up to tail them. Then we hit the warehouse Friday night. I expect all of you to be there.”

“We’ll be there,” Saint says, standing and pulling me to my feet.

“Tell your mother she can’t hide from me forever.” Sinner scrubs his prickly jawline. “I’ll give her some space, but if she takes too long, I’m coming for her. There is no place she can hide that I won’t find her.”

A nasty shiver crawls up my spine, and I don’t even dignify that with a response.

Saint has his hand on the door handle when Sinner calls out one final time. “Son?”

Saint grits his teeth before hurriedly composing himself. He turns around, feigning disinterest.

“Let’s make Saturday a family affair.” He grins manically. “Take Bryant with you.”





“HOW THE FUCK does he know about me?” Bry rubs a hand down his face while pacing the floor in front of the fireplace. We updated Theo, Caz, and Galen, when they arrived home after school, while we were waiting for Bryant to show up. It’s his first time at the barn, but we’re low on places to meet. Besides, everything is out on the table now, and he shares a bloodline with Saint, so the trust issue is pretty much a non-issue at this point.

“Sinner has informants everywhere.” Theo crosses his feet at the ankles.

“Then how come he hasn’t found the Leydon evidence that was stolen from him?” Bry asks.

“Maybe he’s perpetuating that lie because it suits him. Maybe he already has it back in his possession,” I suggest as the thought occurs to me.

“And you killing the commissioner ends the threat once and for all,” Saint adds, dragging his hands through his hair. “Fuck, you could be on to something.”

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