Home > Then There Was You(6)

Then There Was You(6)
Author: Alexa Rivers

Just like that, she itched to swap his coffee for a beer, strip off his starched suit and replace it with track pants and a t-shirt. The man desperately needed to unwind. If he was one of her guests, that’s exactly what she would have done. Sanctuary wasn’t just a hotel. It was a place to relax, discover yourself, and heal. But even though his soul was screaming for a little downtime, Sterling hadn’t asked to be healed.

He nodded. “Thank you. I have a presentation outlining the benefits of selling and my employer’s plans for the site. There are many positives beyond making a profit. If you wait a moment, I’ll get it from my car.”

Kat shook her head. “Don’t bother. None of those benefits could justify shutting down Sanctuary.”

If possible, he stiffened further, and she winced. That must be hell on his back. If she could dig her thumbs into the knotted muscles, perhaps the scowl would transform into a smile. She’d met plenty of people like Sterling before—all work and no play. He probably had no idea there was a different way of living, but she could show him. She was good at that. Teddy had said she could talk anyone into anything if she believed in her argument strongly enough, and she firmly believed that Sterling Knight needed a time out.

Then, like lightning, she was struck by a brilliant idea.

She considered how to phrase the suggestion. “You’re stressed out, Mr. Knight. Anyone could see that.”

His expression didn’t change. “I’d be less stressed if you agreed to listen to my presentation.”

“Or,” she held up a finger, indicating for him to stop and listen, “you could stay here for a couple weeks and avail yourself of the perks of Sanctuary. Try out a different pace of life, and see how you like it. I think you might surprise yourself.”

Two weeks would be enough time to ease his tension and lessen the shadows behind his unfathomable blue eyes. Enough time to bring him around to her way of seeing things. Sanctuary was a place to heal, and he was a prime candidate.

“During those two weeks, you can do your best to convince me to sell.” She wasn’t risking anything, because there was no way on earth he could possibly tempt her. “What do you say?”

She waited for him to agree. If the acquisition of her land meant as much to him as he said it did, a few weeks of his time wouldn’t be too high a price to pay.

He was frowning. “I appreciate you trying to meet me part way, but that doesn’t suit me. I can’t take two weeks off work.”

So she was right. He was a chronic workaholic. Knew it. Still, she was disappointed not to have the opportunity to steer him in the right direction. She swallowed a mouthful of tea, along with her regret, and set the mug down.

“Then I’m sorry, but our business together is done.” She stood. “Feel free to stay until you finish your coffee, but I have things to do.” She left without looking back, reminding herself that she couldn’t save someone who didn’t want to be saved.






“Stay for two weeks?” Sterling muttered as he drove over the bridge and away from Sanctuary. “That’s even more ridiculous than the other demands.” As if he could take a couple weeks away from his job on a whim because Katarina Hopa disapproved of his lifestyle and might listen to him if he indulged her crazy idea. It wasn’t possible. Not with his boss, Eli Lockwood, having moved from central Auckland to the lakeside town of Itirangi in the South Island to be with the woman he loved. Someone needed to keep the employees under control.

Sterling swerved into a parking lot near the beachside pavilion and wandered across the road, where he sat on a wooden bench. He withdrew his phone from his pocket and dialed Eli’s number.

“How’s it going?” his boss asked, upon answering.

Sterling scowled. “It’s a bust, unless we want to take drastic action. The woman won’t sell. She won’t even listen to my full proposal unless I agree to stay at the lodge for two weeks with her.”

Eli chuckled. “Are you saying she propositioned you?”

“No,” he replied sharply. “Of course not.” Although the idea appealed more than it should. Kat was a striking woman.

“Then what?”

“I think she got it in her head that I need saving from myself, and that she’s the woman for the job. She’s strikes me as a do-gooder.”

Eli made a noise in the back of his throat like he was thinking. “Is she a sweet old lady?”


“A pretty young lady?” Now Eli definitely sounded interested.

Sterling stifled a groan. Ever since Eli had put a ring on the finger of a lovely woman, he’d been seeing happily ever afters everywhere he looked. “It doesn’t matter. I can’t take two weeks off work without any warning.”

He expected Eli to agree immediately, but his boss hesitated. “Actually, you have several months’ worth of leave you’ve never taken. Perhaps some time away would do you good.”

Sterling couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “But what about the staff? The projects I’m managing?”

“I’m sure you’ve kept a detailed log of everything you’re working on.”

“I have.” But no one else was equipped to deal with it.

“I’m due to spend some time at headquarters,” Eli told him. “Aria, Lauren and I can come up for a while. Aria wants to try bonding with my parents again. They’ve been getting along better since the baby came.”

Sterling cringed. This was not going according to plan. He’d wanted to prove he could handle everything himself, and now Eli was going to have to leave his home to hold things together. “I’d hate to put you out.”

“You won’t be. Take the time off and do what you need to convince her to sell. If you’re successful, we can talk about attributing some of your hours to work. If you’re not, you can take it all as leave.”

Sterling considered it. If anyone could take care of things in the office, it was Eli, and he’d packed an overnight bag before he left Auckland in case the negotiations took longer than expected, so he could easily stay a while. But in that madhouse?

You could handle it. For job security and a good sum in the bank, he could handle anything.

“Okay, I will.” Thankfully, he sounded more certain than he felt. “But I’ll take the entire time as leave regardless of the outcome. I’m never going to use it otherwise.”

“All right. Now go convince that woman to sell.” Eli paused, then added, “But keep an open heart.”

Keep an open heart? What did that mean? Sterling ignored the cryptic advice, said goodbye and ended the call. He stared out at the waves rolling onto the sand until the churning in his stomach eased, then went back the way he’d come.

Though he’d been gone less than half an hour, Sanctuary had been thrown into chaos. Half a dozen people loitered in the foyer, lined up to speak to a petite blonde who looked completely overwhelmed, and Kat was nowhere in sight. He skirted around the group and made his way to her office, rapping on the door. No answer. He tried the handle. Unlocked. Easing it open, he peered inside, but she wasn’t there. Then one of the hall doors swung out and she strode into the corridor like a woman on a mission.

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