Home > Behind the Veil(75)

Behind the Veil(75)
Author: Kathryn Nolan

I was making my own decision. And I trusted how this story was going to end.

“I didn’t expect to see you this morning,” he said. “Especially so early.”

I clicked his door shut. Sat primly in the chair across from his desk.

“I need to talk to you.”

Brow furrowed, he sat up straighter. “Go ahead.”

I searched my body for signs of uncertainty but found none. “When you hired Henry, I figured he’d be a research assistant, hidden away in an office somewhere. I didn’t think he could do fieldwork. I definitely didn’t think he could go undercover. And when we became partners, I was certain we were doomed.”

Abe was silent, watching me with wary eyes.

“I know all of that to be untrue now. Henry Finch is a brilliant detective who took to undercover work like a natural. You won’t find a lot of people like him. Or anyone, to be exact. I believe him to be one of a kind.”

I placed the sheet of paper down on the desk.

“That night at Victoria’s mansion, I instigated us going against your direct orders,” I said, comfortable with the half-lie. Henry might have initially suggested it, but I hadn’t stopped it. “I was the veteran, technically in charge, and I pushed us into a situation that was dangerous and out of control. I put Codex at risk and Henry at risk.”

I slid the paper, faceup, toward him.

“For your consideration,” I continued, “here is my letter of resignation from Codex. Effective immediately.”

“Are you firing yourself?” His face was cold.

“I believe Henry is level-headed, calm, and can charm anyone in a room. He’s a better fit here.”

“All of those words are words I would use to describe you as well.”

“Thank you,” I said, chest starting to pinch. I hadn’t fully allowed myself to imagine going about my days without seeing Abe and Freya. It almost threw me off course, but I soldiered on. “This job has been the best two years of my professional life. After what happened, I thought I’d never love a job again, believe in myself again. But you took a chance on me and gave me an opportunity I will always be grateful for. You taught me that the book is always the most important. Here, at Codex, Henry is the most important.”

Abe picked up my letter and gave it a cursory glance. One eyebrow lifted, like the sight of it was personally offensive. “You still haven’t told me why you believe you and Henry cannot work here, together.”

“Because I have feelings for Henry,” I blurted. “Romantic feelings.” I clutched at the armchair, steadying myself. “I’m falling in love with Henry and I refuse to hide it. But I highly doubt you would approve of two of your employees dating, especially after your experiences in the FBI. That means, in order for Henry and me to be together, one of us can’t be at Codex.”

After a long, painful silence, he put the paper down onto his desk. “I see. You are sacrificing yourself for Henry?”

I exhaled, the answer filling me with complete and total happiness. “It’s no sacrifice.”

That had his eyes locking on mine in disbelief. He knew how much I craved this job.

“Do you…accept my resignation?”

“I have a phone call in one minute,” he said brusquely. “I will be in touch with you later today.” He turned back toward his computer, but I could see the muscles of his throat working.

“Oh,” I said, standing up awkwardly. “Well, okay.”

Abe didn’t respond. So I stood and opened his door—regardless of what he said, at least I could walk out of here with steady legs and a clear conscience. The first thing I saw was Freya, staring wide-eyed at me like I’d suddenly grown a pair of wings and a horn. She was trying very hard not to laugh.

“What is it?” I said.

And that’s when I saw Henry. He was dressed sharply in a navy-blue suit, yellow tie, glasses. And he was holding a piece of paper that looked suspiciously like my own.

Abe walked out. Saw Henry, staring at me. Freya, staring at us both. And the paper in Henry’s hand.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Abe sighed wearily. “What’s in your hand, Henry?”

I could see Henry attempt to puzzle out the bizarre scene unfolding before him. “I’d really rather talk to you in your…”

“What is it?” Abe repeated.

“My resignation letter.” Abe was standing between us, but our eyes were locked together.

My jaw dropped.

That was why Freya seemed like she was about to lose her shit.

“Am I being pranked?” Abe said this in a deadly, quiet tone.

“What?” Henry asked.

I leaned my back against the wall, trying to rein in my thoughts.

Abe glowered back and forth between the two of us. “Well? Am I?”

“Why would I prank you by resigning?” I asked. When Henry heard the words, his expression mirrored my own.

Abe pinched the bridge of his nose, muttering something beneath his breath. “Get in here,” he barked.

I exchanged a crazed glance with Freya, who shrugged and mouthed What do we do?

But then Abe was slamming the door behind me.

“Sit. Both of you.”

He picked up Henry’s letter of resignation, picked up mine. Scanned them both quickly. I didn’t dare look at Henry. Abe placed them down on the desk gingerly, like he was worried they’d shatter.

“Tell me why you think you need to resign, Henry,” Abe said.

“I purposefully withheld information from you and Freya, the night of the party. I knew—or thought I knew—about the secret hallways and recognized that by bringing them to Delilah’s attention, we’d likely go against your orders. Which I pushed her to do so, fairly emphatically. I believe all of those behaviors indicate that I’m not a fit, moving forward.” Henry took a shaky breath. “As much as I’d love to stay.”

Abe tap-tap-tapped his index finger on the letter. “And is there any other reason?”

Henry cleared his throat. “Yes, there is. The other reason is because of my feelings for Delilah.”

I turned fully in my chair, chest rising and falling with rapid breaths. Henry.

Abe’s nostrils flared with annoyance. He rapped his knuckles on the desk.

“And why you, and not her?” he asked.

“Because she’s the most talented detective you’ve ever worked with,” Henry said, as if it was blatantly obvious.

Another sharp rap.

“Did you plan this?”

“No,” I promised. “I didn’t tell him because I assumed he’d talk me out of it.”

Henry’s lips lifted into a smile. “I assumed the same.”

And thankfully Henry didn’t say what would have naturally come next: I woke up this morning after a night of passionate sex and you were missing from my bed.

Abe steepled his fingers together and leaned back in his chair, as if he was our tribunal. “Two of my talented agents are willing to leave their jobs because of your commitment both to each other but also to Codex.”

It was a statement, but Henry and I nodded just the same.

Abe was quiet again.

“I’m not sure what the issue is,” I said. “I resigned first. Accept it. You, Henry and Freya will hire another detective.”

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