Home > Rival Sisters(71)

Rival Sisters(71)
Author: Louise Guy

Hannah took her mother-in-law’s hand. ‘I understand, but just know that we are always here if you do need help. I know you’d say the same to us.’

She nodded. ‘You’re a good person, Hannah. Damien’s very lucky.’

‘How’s he coping, Trish?’

Tears filled Trish’s eyes this time. ‘Not very well. Edward suggested he book in with that psychologist he’s been seeing, and he has an appointment scheduled for four o’clock this afternoon. Hopefully that will help put his thoughts in order. To be honest, the whole thing of you keeping it from him is secondary to what he really has to cope with – that he was the product of a violent act that traumatised his mother. Whether she’s ever recovered I guess we might never know.’

‘We will if he chooses to meet her.’

Trish nodded. ‘I know. I need to get my head around that too. He’s forty, for goodness’ sake. I shouldn’t be worried, should I?’

Hannah shook her head. ‘Of course not. You’re his mother. Janine might have given birth to him, but you and Edward are his parents. He knows that and loves you both unconditionally. I’m sure he’ll be curious to meet Janine and find out more about her and any other relatives he might have, but nothing is going to change his feelings towards you.’

Trish sighed. ‘I know you’re right, it’s just something I hoped we’d never face. I was so relieved when the adoption agency confirmed that it was a closed adoption and the biological parents were surrendering all rights to being contacted. The fact he went searching for them twelve years ago tells me that he has questions he needs answered.’

Hannah nodded. ‘Unfortunately, one of the main ones about his father has been answered in a way he never imagined.’

Trish squeezed Hannah’s hand. ‘We both need to be strong and support what he wants. Edward and I will of course encourage him to come back to you as soon as possible. I don’t imagine you want to be explaining anything to Amy about his whereabouts.’

‘I can only say he’s at work for a few days. She’ll get suspicious after that.’

‘Don’t worry, love, I’ll make sure he puts in an appearance over the next couple of days. Give him time to talk to the psychologist and let whatever she has to say sink in. Hopefully she’ll be able to convince him that the actions of our parents can’t be inherited, that we make our own choices and what his father did is no reflection on Damien. I think that’s part of it; he’s taken on a level of guilt that shouldn’t be his. He was the outcome of the rape, not the reason for it.’

The two women finished their coffee deep in their own thoughts about the man they both loved. Hannah sympathised with Trish’s position, but she also knew Damien well enough to know he’d do his very best not to hurt Trish. She just hoped he could forgive her and move forward without doing anything to hurt their small family.



Chapter Twenty-Four

Nat hurried down the stairs to the living room and powered up her computer. She could hear Phyllie bustling about in the kitchen and the kettle boiling. Good, she needed coffee. She’d hardly slept. There’d been no update in the investment account the previous night, and she was concerned that she was going to log in to find the five thousand dollars lost. Her body tightened in anticipation as the website opened. She almost didn’t want to look. She so wanted this to have paid off for her dad. Even if it had only doubled, that would be a fantastic result.

The screen opened, and her balance immediately jumped out at her. Forty-two thousand dollars! She swallowed, hardly believing what she was seeing. She quickly opened another window and logged in to the chat room.


Eliza, are you there?


Sure am. Doug and I have just cracked open a bottle of champagne! I know it isn’t even seven yet, but we can’t help ourselves. We are not only out of debt, but we’re ahead. We’re in better shape than we were before he started gambling. I’ve just rung Jacob saying I need to plant a HUGE sloppy kiss on his cheek. I can’t believe it! I assume your account is looking healthier too?


Sure is, wish I’d reinvested the whole lot now! I’m about to ring my dad to give him the good news. He’s made a fifteen-thousand-dollar profit!


Why don’t you come over and celebrate with us? I’d love you to meet Doug, and there’s plenty of champagne!


Would love to but have to go to work.


I think if we keep getting results like this, it won’t just be your dad retiring.

Nat stared at the screen. That comment suggested Eliza and Doug were going to reinvest. She just hoped they weren’t silly enough to risk losing everything.


You are saving some just in case it’s the end of the run, aren’t you?


We are, although Jacob assures me we are okay for at least another ten days. Doug and I think we’ll invest a few more times then stop. We don’t want to risk losing anything. If you’re worried, withdraw what you’ve made so far. It gets you out of debt and back on track. No point getting greedy (like us!) and potentially losing it all. Gotta run, champagne’s flowing here! We must get together this weekend with Jacob too and celebrate. Are you keen?



Nat closed the chat room window as Phyllie walked into the living room, coffee cup in hand.

‘Oh, hello dear, I didn’t realise you were up already.’ Her gaze moved past Nat to the computer. ‘You’re not playing the tables, are you?’

Nat laughed. ‘Of course not. I was checking the investment, and you won’t believe this, it’s increased again overnight. Dad’s five thousand increased by fifteen thousand.’

‘That’s wonderful. He should be very pleased. That might go towards him taking Sue somewhere nice when he retires.’

‘He doesn’t know yet. I might pop upstairs and ring him.’

‘Give him my love and tell him I’m delighted, won’t you.’

Nat grinned and took the stairs two at a time. This investment lark beat online poker, that was for sure. She’d have to play and win for weeks on end to make a return like this. Her father picked up on the first ring.

‘Nat, any news?’

‘Yes, it’s multiplied.’

His sigh of relief was audible. ‘Thank God for that. I was worried after not hearing last night that we might have lost that money.’

‘Nope, it made a fifteen-thousand-dollar profit.’

‘Really? In such a short space of time?’

‘Yes, it’s incredible, isn’t it? I checked the account this morning, and the balance is now forty-two thousand. I paused the activity once again to ensure we don’t lose any of it. I wanted to check whether you were happy for me to withdraw it or whether you wanted to risk another round?’

‘What are you thinking?’

‘I’m not sure. Eliza told me that Jacob is confident they’ll get another ten days’ trading. She and her husband are going to risk another few investments between now and then. I think they’re only using a percentage of what they’ve earned to minimise the damage if they were to lose it all.’

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