Home > Tracefinder : Choices(23)

Tracefinder : Choices(23)
Author: Kaje Harper

Nick began thrusting in time to the bobs of Brian’s head. Brian tried to relax his throat and hid the times his eyes watered as Nick went deep. There was nothing better than making Nick lose his gentle care. Nothing made Brian feel more powerful than when Nick became so lost in his own needs that he’d push, and tug hair, and shove himself into Brian’s mouth, seeking his own pleasure, trusting Brian to speak up if it got to be too much.

The flavor of precum welled on his tongue, the salty sweetness almost too far back in his throat to taste. He braced Nick’s hips and sucked up off him until he could lick around the head and sample the slit with his tongue-tip. He flicked a look upward. Nick stared down at him, eyes dark in the curtain-dimmed shower, his mouth open, his face wet, his cheeks and neck flushed.

“If you want anything different, you’d better stop now,” Nick said.

Brian grinned and sucked him down deep again. Nothing different. Just you in my hands, my mouth. He ringed the base of Nick’s erection with two fingers and worked on getting his lips to touch them. Nick’s noises got louder and better as Brian switched to fast deep bobs. When Nick came, Brian managed for once to not choke at all.

Relax and swallow. So good. He floated in some other zone where all that counted were the places where he touched Nick— Nick’s shape in his full-stretched mouth, cum against his tongue, the press of fingers on his scalp, the tight clench of ass muscles under his hand. The shower cocooned them. The rhythm of the spray drowned all sound except Nick’s soft gasps. So good.

Of course, it didn’t last. Nick’s grip on his hair eased and Brian suddenly felt the ache in his knees from the hard tub. He leaned back reluctantly, letting Nick’s softening dick slip from his mouth.

“Your turn?” Nick bent to help him stand. The water spraying off Nick’s shoulder hit Brian’s face and he coughed.

“Hot water’s running out.” He hugged Nick, suddenly so glad and grateful to have this man that he drew a grunt out of him with the force.

Nick laughed and hugged him back, then adjusted the tap. “Means I have to be fast. I bet I can get you off in two minutes.”

“The tub’s hard on the knees.”

Nick gave him a dark look. “Then I won’t kneel.” His hand closed over Brian’s cock, and although Brian hadn’t been paying attention to himself in his focus on pleasing Nick, he was so close to coming that the touch made him shudder.

“Maybe one minute.” Nick kissed him, wet lips parting his, and then jacked him expertly with a soap-slick hand as his tongue did wicked, wicked things with Brian’s mouth. Brian closed his eyes, leaned into Nick, and let himself feel it happen. It was more like thirty seconds before the sharp tide of climax washed over him. All the taut climbing need sizzled down his nerves and out, and he shook with the force and pleasure of it. Nick kissed him softer, slower, easing down the motions of his hand, and then stopped.

Mmm. Yeah.

Brian would have wallowed in the glow, his shoulder against Nick’s, but Nick said, “Quick cleanup before the water’s cold, okay?” He pushed Brian upright and grabbed more soap. They managed a sketchy wash before the temperature forced them out, shivering, onto the mat. Nick shut off the flow. Brian grabbed towels, glad they’d found the big ones in their half-assed unpacking process. He wrapped up snugly in his own and smiled at Nick doing the same.

Probably a sappy smile. He couldn’t manage to care, though. In fact, “I love you.”

Nick quit rubbing his face to raise one eyebrow. “What brought that on?”

Saying that right after sex was probably some kind of cliché. He hadn’t meant Nick had to say it back—

Nick dropped the towel, cupped his head, and kissed him quickly. “Stop thinking so much. You were perfect.”

“At sex.”

“At everything.”

“Okay.” He looked down at Nick’s tanned feet alongside his pale ones.

“And we need to get some kind of rubber bath mat.”


Nick met his gaze with a smile. “Your knees are all red. I like you down there too much to give up shower blow jobs, so, bath mat. Besides, next time it might be my knees getting sore.”

“Couldn’t have that.”

“Hell, no.”

Brian shoved him lightly. “Wuss.”


Brian did a dramatic hand over his heart, like in that bad movie they’d watched. “I’d do anything for you.” He had to clutch quickly at his slipping towel.

“Except eat sauerkraut.”

“Well, it’s gross. And why would you want me to?”

Nick chuckled. “Right. More for me if you don’t.” He gave his hair a vigorous rub and tossed the towel to drape over the shower rod. “Bed, or a movie first?”

“Will you call me a wuss again if I pick bed?” Brian could feel all the work of the day gathering in his muscles. He was beat. Lying down would be good.

“Nah. You go get in and I’ll lock up.”

Brian didn’t argue. He went to the bedroom and found a pair of sweats clean enough to wear to bed. Once dressed, he slipped under the covers, shivering slightly. The nights were getting colder. Through the open bedroom door, he heard Nick give Luger a hard time for asking to go out again but let him out anyway. Then the sounds of Luger coming in and Nick wandering through the tiny house, with the occasional click or thump.

Nick appeared in the doorway in his boxers, his nipples pebbled tight with the chill. Brian flipped the covers back. “Come on, get warm.”

Nick slid in beside him and turned to face away. Brian had figured out that was how Nick asked to be spooned. Asking without really asking was Nick’s style. Brian slid in close, eased one thigh up against the curve of Nick’s ass and laid an arm over his hip. “Are you tired? You did most of the box wrestling.”

“While you wrestled goats. Nah. In fact, I need to find a way to start working out more. I haven’t been to a gym in a week. More than.”

You’ll figure it out. He had a lot of free-floating guilt about everything Nick had given up to come down here. The gym he’d liked was on that list, but tonight Brian was too tapped out to worry about it. He hugged Nick closer and mashed the pillow into a better position. His hair would probably dry standing on end, but so what?

He was hovering on the edge of sleep when Nick said, “When you did that bit of a Find, with Ariana’s ribbon, how much did it hurt?”

The strain in Nick’s voice woke Brian up in a hurry. He hesitated, then said, “Not much. Not like a few weeks ago.” Thank God. For a while, the pain had been enough to make him scared to ever try his gift again.

“So you might be able to do a real Find on her? Not now. I mean, someday?”

“Probably. I’d try, anytime you want to.”

“I don’t want you to hurt yourself. It’s not that important.”

Except it was. Anyone who really knew Nick sensed that. He’d say something casual about his sister, in passing, and there’d be a tight bleakness in the way he said it that made the casual words a lie. Like now. “Just say when.”

Nick shook his head on the pillow, his damp hair brushing Brian’s chin. “Christmas is coming up. Lori’s baby’s due in less than a month. I need to find a job. But… someday. Maybe.”

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