Home > Kiss Me Duke(25)

Kiss Me Duke(25)
Author: Tamara Gill

"The doctor has told me I'm enceinte. There are only a few weeks left of the Season, and I'm not showing a great deal. I do not think anyone will notice." Molly glanced down at her stomach, the small little bump hidden mostly from the material of her gown.

"Now that I know, I can tell, but the biscuits gave you away, my dear. Even so, you were married, and there is no shame in you having a baby by the duke. You must take up your position in the St. Albans townhouse with the belief that the marriage is legitimate. Your child will need to grow up in the homes he or she will inherit."

"I cannot go there. I would feel like a hypocrite. My family would never speak to me again should I take up residence there. In the home that has caused my family so much pain." Another tear slid free, and she dabbed at it with the back of her hand, annoyed she found herself in such a position. Her trip to Rome had been going so well, she had adored every minute exploring the country. For all of it to come to a dreadful end wasn't to be borne. The blow of leaving Rome was bad enough, nevertheless having to face the fact the man that she loved with all her heart had ripped hers from her chest and seemed perfectly content to let her leave without a by your leave.

How could he have let her go so easily?

"You must and soon." Evie paused, pursing her lips. "Has there been any communication from the duke or his steward regarding your position in society now?"

"His steward came here only a few days ago, notifying me that I may move into the St. Albans townhouse whenever I wish. No news from Hugh, however, but that does not surprise me."

"Why ever not? If you were my wife, I would move heaven and earth to be by your side. To try to win you back."

Molly lifted her lips into a semblance of a smile at her dear friend’s words. She sat next to her again, reaching over to take her hand. "I know you would, but you love me as much as I love you. Hugh obviously does not love me as much as I thought he did."

"How could he not? You're the most perfect person I know."

Molly nodded, wishing that were true. If she had been more perfect, she would not have married the enemy. Or taken part in a fictional marriage either. What a fool she was. "There are too many things between us to make our union work, no matter how much I enjoyed his company."

"You enjoyed more than his company. I can see it in your eyes that you were in love with him. You miss him, do you not?"

Evie had always been able to read Molly better than any of their other friends. Molly was closest to Evie within their friendship group, but she did wish she could not pick up on such nuances. The thought of not seeing Hugh again left a crater in her chest where her heart once beat.

For the small amount of time that they were together, she'd fallen in love with her husband. Had given in to his every wish, his every whim. One look from his piercing gaze, banked with a fire and need made her biddable and willing.

For the rest of her life, she would be without him, unable to hear his voice or his touch. She swallowed the bile that rose in her throat. There was a reason why, of course, that she had to remove herself from his life. He was a seducer of innocent women. A man who ruined the life of her cousin. She could not simply sweep the past away that had affected so much of her upbringing, simply because she loved him. She loved the man she thought he was, not the man who he actually was. Had she known he was the Duke of St. Albans’ younger brother, she would never have stayed at his Roman villa. Never have given him the time to get to know her.

"When is Ava coming to town? I need to speak to her. She cannot possibly know that the villa they offered to me while in Rome was Lord Farley's. Surely the duke would not have thrown me into the path of a man shadowed by a terrible scandal."

"Ava and Tate are not due in town for another week. They're holding a ball Thursday next. You should have to wait until then to speak to her, I should imagine."

Molly chewed her lip, thinking. "I suppose I should have to, but it does seem odd, does it not? I'm one of their closest friends. Surely they would not put me in such a difficult position."

"Did they know Miss Cox was your cousin?" Evie asked.

"No," she admitted. "No one knows that we were related, but they must have known that Hugh was involved. Unless they, too, do not believe the duke's brother and mother who accused him of the crime. They would not be so foolhardy, do you think?"

Evie picked up her tea and took a sip. "We shall not know the truth until they return, and I do not want you fussing over the answer to that question until you know the truth. Ava would never intentionally hurt you. I believe there is a simple explanation to your dilemma."

Molly hoped it was so. She slumped back into the settee's soft velvet, not quite believing that her life which had been going so perfectly well was now a complete mess.

"I shall talk to her at the ball, you're right. Until then, I will try to forget about everything."

"I think that is best, my dear. Now, tell me of the sights of Rome and the continent. I want to know everything."



Chapter 13



Molly had kept busy over the days leading up to the Duke and Duchess of Whitstone's ball by ordering a new gown and writing letters to her parents, aunt, and uncle, inviting them to London to stay with her.

If anyone had information regarding Laura and what happened that fateful Season, it was her aunt Jossalin. Surely they knew the truth or at least could help her in finding out what had occurred instead of hearsay.

She was not looking forward to explaining her actions, of how her marriage to the Duke of St. Albans had come about or how much she'd loved him. Molly could well understand how her cousin had fallen for such sweet words and exquisite touches that Hugh could bestow for she had crumbled like a biscuit under his touch. Blotting the missive, she stared down at the parchment and prayed that her family would understand she had been blind to his past. That they would forgive her.

It never occurred to Molly that the one man who made her blood sing would be the very one they had cursed to the devil years ago. The very thought of confronting her aunt with her mistake made her stomach churn.



Later that evening was her first foray into London society. Evie and her husband, the Duke of Carlisle, had picked her up in their carriage, and it had taken minutes only to pull up before the Duke and Duchess of Whitstone's grand London townhouse.

The moment her name was announced, the room abuzz with conversation, music, and laughter noticeably quietened. Molly clasped her fan tighter, cooling her skin to stem from the never-ending sickness that ailed her. She raised her chin, not willing for any of them to look down at her or judge her choice.

Molly reminded herself they did not know that she was Laura's cousin, that the connection had thankfully never been made. It was only by chance that Lady Brandon had found out. She was certain no one else would know.

To imagine what they would think and say should they know the duke had married the cousin of the woman he ruined all those years ago sent a shudder of revulsion down her spine. The ton would then roar with ridicule, mock and criticize. She was not sure she could weather that storm as well.

"My darling, there is something that I need to speak to you about," Willow whispered to her as she joined them, pulling her toward where Hallie and Ava stood with their respective husbands.

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