Home > Peripheral(36)

Author: Leslie Fear

“Yes,” I nod, “at least for the time being.”

“What if it doesn’t?”

“Then I’ll have to get rid of him somehow.”

“Holy mother of god,” she whispers. “Even in death, the asshole is still fucking up my life.”

I rest my hand on her shoulder. “Just do what I said, a few squirts each night for the both of you should be enough.”

Tammy gives me a nod, tucking the bottle inside the front pocket of her bag.

“C’mon,” I jerk my head in the direction of two remaining swings. “Let’s show the girls how high these things can really go.”




I take one last look in the mirror, checking my hair and makeup and step back to inspect my dress. Something dark flashes by, catching my peripheral and I whip around, eyes instantly scanning the room.

What the hell?

Without warning, an eerie sensation washes over me, cold as ice, dark and foreboding. I’m caught off guard, and my heart is pounding. I pause to keep my breathing steady, my abilities struggling to keep up. I can’t be sure of anything but I do know what I saw or maybe felt—a tall, dark shadow in the shape of a man.

Dear God, could it be him?

I dash for the door, hoping to escape when another black mist rushes to my left. I let out an involuntary yelp but I see nothing, the room is dead silent. Unsure, I close my eyes, trying to keep my cool and focus on my surroundings. I know it can’t be a lost soul, they no longer notice me. This is something else, something I haven’t experienced in my new state.

“Trust your instincts,” Sylvia whispers in my head and automatically, the answer comes to me.

It is him, Kevin.

“Yes, now go!” her voice echoes in my head. “I will deal with him for now.”

My eyes flash open and without thinking, I rush for the door, slamming it behind as I sprint two at a time up the stairs. My hand goes out for support as I rest against the wall, panting on the landing outside Ascot’s door. Caduceus warned me but I wasn’t sure what the images meant until now. Kevin is after me, too.

I take in a couple of deep breaths and try to calm down, running my hands down to straighten my dress. Wait, something isn’t right.

I can still feel him.

Glancing over my shoulder, I slowly peer down the flight of stairs.


But I know he’s close, I sense him watching me, his anger is practically vibrating, and it’s getting stronger.


I rush toward the door and almost trip, reaching for the knob. Thankfully, it turns easily and I hurry inside, closing my eyes.

“Hey you,” Ascot smiles up at me, drying his hands in a dishtowel.

“H-Hi,” I barely get out, looking back at the door.

“Elise, are you okay?”

I turn, locking eyes with him and slowly shake my head.

“What is it?” he tosses the towel aside, heading straight for me.

“It’s Kevin,” I whisper.

His brows push together. “What about him?”

“He’s angry, so very angry,” I whisper as he takes my hands, confused.

“I don’t underst…”

“He’s getting stronger,” I cut him off.

“Stronger? Come here,” he pulls me into a hug, warm and comforting. “Slow down, tell me what’s going on.”

“Kevin,” I whisper, “he’s here and, and he’s already in Tammy’s dreams, I…I…”

Ascot pulls away, staring down at me with wide eyes. “You saw him?”

I shake my head. “No, not exactly, but I-I didn’t have to, I could feel him.”

“How, what happened?”

“Downstairs, in my apartment, just now,” I say, watching Ascot’s face clear. “I saw a dark shadow out of the corner of my eye, only a glimpse but that didn’t matter. I knew right away it was him.”

“Jesus,” he whispers.

“Well, aren’t you a vision in black,” Eric says from behind us.

I look up as he saunters in the living room, oblivious. “Thanks,” I get out, trying to smile with my eyes. He doesn’t know about Kevin and Ascot wants to keep it that way.

Eric moves to the bar and pours himself a glass of red wine. “Our father is going to love you.”

My eyes go to Ascot and then back his brother. “That’s good to hear, wouldn’t want to disappoint him,” I chuckle awkwardly, clearing my throat.

“You look scared to death, here” he hands me his wine. “He’s just a man, Elise,” he pours another glass, inspecting two platters of appetizers on the bar.

“So, I hear,” I follow Ascot to the bar. He pulls out a bottle of chardonnay from a silver canister and pours some into another glass.

“Here you go,” he smiles, switching glasses with me and our eyes meet again. He gives me a quick, encouraging nod and leans close. “Try not to worry,” he whispers in my ear. “When I get a moment, I’ll see what Cad knows.”

I nod, kissing the side of his face. “I don’t feel him anymore,” I smile. “I think he’s gone for now.”

“Nice set up, brother,” Eric pops an olive in his mouth. “And caviar too.”

Ascot sighs. “Good food and wine is probably best,” he slips an arm around my waist, “especially with the news we’re about to drop on him tonight.”

Eric smirks. “Smart thinking,” he takes another drink. “Who knows how he’s going to react.”


I take an extra-long drink and swallow. “It was a total fluke,” I glance back and forth between them. “Doesn’t that make it okay?”

Eric chuckles but not in a humorous way. “Nothing about turning a mortal immortal is okay,” his face suddenly serious. “But he won’t blame you,” he assures me, eyes going straight to Ascot.

“True,” Ascot nods, tightening his grip around me.

“What can he do?” I swallow again. “It wasn’t Ascot’s fault either.”

“Doesn’t matter,” Eric shrugs. “Hell, it could just depend on his mood, it’s anyone’s guess.”

“It’s okay, Elise,” Ascot tries to comfort me. “I’ll handle my father, he…”

Three knocks sound at the door, and he pulls away, setting his glass on the bar.

“It’s show time,” Eric whispers, grinning like he’s going to enjoy this.

Ascot gives his brother a ‘go-to-hell’ look and heads to the door. He pauses for a second before reaching for the knob, and then pulls it open.

“Hello father,” he smiles reaching out his hand.

Apollo steps in, acknowledging Ascot with an immediate hug and my jaw drops. The man standing before me looks the exact age as his sons and is impossibly, inconceivably better looking than both. He’s more than otherworldly, he’s a goddam mirage, practically dripping with sex appeal as he murmurs something in Ascot’s ear…and then his eyes find mine.



Apollo’s piercing green eyes mirror Ascot’s and his gorgeous, chiseled features are strikingly similar, though he’s several inches taller. There’s no question his god-genes run seriously strong.

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