Home > You Had Me at Hola(31)

You Had Me at Hola(31)
Author: Alexis Daria

Ashton replied with a rueful grin. “Well, I’ve been a gold miner, sheriff, CEO, duke, and now I’m a singer.”

Michelle nodded. “A man of many talents. Wine?”

Jasmine hid her smile in her glass. Michelle was like that. She could charm anyone with her particular blend of dark wit and smooth delivery. Jasmine knew what she was doing, though. Michelle was taking Ashton’s measure, gauging if he could hang.

And so far, Ashton—the same guy who hid from everyone else on the cast—was holding his own. He joked and bantered back and forth with Michelle, talked movies with Ava, and chowed down on pizza.

“Who’s in this scene?” Michelle asked, picking up Jasmine’s script.

“Carmen’s family,” Ashton replied.

Ava gestured at Jasmine. “You obviously have to play Carmen. I’ll read her mother’s lines.”

“I’ll be the dad,” Michelle said, then sent Ashton a sunny smile. “That leaves you as Carmen’s sister, Helen.”

Jasmine expected him to protest, or insist on reading Ernesto’s lines. Instead, Ashton leaned back in his chair, like he was lounging. He gave a little shoulder shake and a head toss, to mime throwing back a long mane of hair.

Jasmine let out a giggle. The posturing was a perfect imitation of the way Lily played Helen. And when Ashton spoke, it was with Helen’s attitude and Lily’s intonation.

“I’m ready,” he said with another head toss, and Jasmine laughed because Lily really did throw her hair around a lot.

“You are a good actor,” she teased.

He chuckled and sent her a wink. “Just don’t tell Lily. She’ll think I’m after her job.”

They drank wine and read parts of the script out loud, getting sillier as the night wore on. Finally, Ashton begged off—they had an early call time, and he always hit the gym first thing in the morning.

As he gathered the plates and loaded them in the dishwasher—something that had hearts forming in Ava’s eyes—Michelle elbowed Jasmine in the ribs.

“Ow! What?” Jasmine scowled and rubbed her side.

“Ask him,” Michelle hissed.

“I don’t want to ask him,” Jasmine shot back in a whisper.

“Abuela would love it if he came to her party,” Ava added in a low voice. “And it would totally put you over Jillian in the Ranking.”

Jasmine narrowed her eyes. “Low blow, Ava.”

The Ranking was a list they’d come up with in middle school, putting all the cousins in order from their grandmother’s most favorite to least favorite. It had been updated many times over the years as all the cousins grew up and became either more or less favorable in their abuela’s eyes. They hypothesized that Ava was always near the top—she spoke the most Spanish, helped Esperanza clean the house before parties, and went over a few evenings a week to help cook and watch telenovelas with her. Michelle, being “the mouthy one,” as she called herself, figured she was near the bottom. Jasmine was convinced that her older sister, Jillian, with her beautiful children and “regular job” on Wall Street, must be high up in the Ranking too. Higher than Jasmine was, anyway.

Bringing Ashton to the party would almost certainly skyrocket Jasmine to the top.

And it would make Esperanza really, really happy.

“Fine, I’ll ask him,” she grumbled. “Don’t interfere.”

Michelle gave her an innocent grin. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

Jasmine caught up to Ashton as he was leaving the tiny kitchen.

“Hey, um, I have a question for you,” she said, then groaned inwardly. Real smooth.

His expressive eyebrows rose, inviting her to speak.

“My grandmother’s eightieth birthday party is coming up right after we wrap the season.”

The corners of his mouth turned up. “The grandmother who adores me?”

Now Jasmine groaned out loud. “Yes, that one. Anyway, we’re having a huge party for her, and if you wanted to—I mean, it would just really make her day if—”

“Jasmine.” He said her name in a low voice that set off all kinds of pleasant vibrations in her body.

“Mm-hmm?” What else could she say when consumed with pure lust?

“Are you inviting me to your abuela’s birthday party?”

“Um . . . yeah. I am. Which sounds kind of dull, but I promise, it’ll be a lot of fun. The Rodriguez fam knows how to throw a party.”

He stared at her for what felt like a long time, his expression inscrutable. Just when she was sure he was about to say no, he spoke. “I don’t have my return flight booked yet, and it will depend on the needs of my own grandparents, but if I’m in New York, I’ll attend.”

She blinked. “Really?”

His lips curved in a small smile. “Yes, really.”

“Great. Thank you.”

Their eyes held, and Jasmine’s body grew warm all over. Her gaze dropped to his mouth, and when he leaned in to drop a farewell kiss to her cheek, she inhaled sharply and fought a full body shiver. She had to find out what cologne he wore.

“Goodnight, Jasmine.”

The low rumble thudded through her. “Good night,” she echoed, voice hoarse with desire.

Then he raised his voice and called out, “Nice meeting you both.” Ava and Michelle yelled their goodbyes in harmony, something the three of them had done since they were kids, and then Ashton slipped out the door, leaving Jasmine trying to catch her breath.


That was . . .

Whew. Later on, she was going to have to think about why she found his hellos and goodbyes so arousing.

Crisis averted, Michelle and Ava left shortly after Ashton did. Michelle’s parting words were, “You’re welcome,” paired with a meaningful glance. Ava had mouthed, “We’ll discuss later.” And then they were gone, too, leaving Jasmine alone with one single thought.

Ashton had been flirting with her.

Why else would he ask about her reaction to him? And he’d called her pretty, albeit in an offhand, term of endearment kind of way.

But then he’d called her a liar when she claimed not to have an emotional reaction to him. And the way he’d said “good night” just now was probably illegal in twelve states.

He was right. She was lying. The truth was, she had all sorts of emotional reactions to him. But she wouldn’t—couldn’t—let him know the effect he had on her.

Her traitorous little heart converted pants feelings into emotions far too readily. It was rather efficient that way.

But now wasn’t the time or place. Her feelings for him had to stay firmly within lust territory. The Leading Lady Plan was in action, and this opportunity was too big to screw up.

And besides. No rebounds. She’d promised herself and her cousins.

If she went back on it now, Ava and Michelle would never let her live it down.

Crushes were fleeting. Family teasing was forever.



Chapter 20



Scene: Victor attends a charity event for an animal shelter.

INT: Elementary school gymnasium—DAY

“You did well with the kids,” Carmen said.

“You don’t have to sound so surprised,” Victor replied, feeling a little wounded. “I’m not a monster.”

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