Home > Hollywood Heartbreaker (Hollywood Name Game #1)(23)

Hollywood Heartbreaker (Hollywood Name Game #1)(23)
Author: Alexa Aston

“Since you stocked my pantry already, I’m sure we’ll find something.”

He drove them home and offered to microwave some popcorn. “I don’t like anything heavy this late.”

“That’s fine. I probably don’t need to eat anything anyway. I should go check on TJ and see how he’s doing in a new place.”

Rhett hesitated as they started to part ways. “It’s a nice night. Would you like to sit by the pool for a while?”

“It’s a little cool. Let me go pull on a sweater. I’ll meet you there.”

He went inside, giddy as a schoolboy whose crush smiled at him as she passed by his locker. This was insane. He was Rhett Corrigan, Famous Action Star.

But it felt good all the same.

He tossed a popcorn bag in the microwave and thought since it was a little cool, he could make them some hot chocolate. He placed two mugs of water in the other microwave and dug in a drawer for some Swiss Miss packets. Leo would be pleased he was using the fat free calcium kind. As long as he didn’t find the Movie Theater Butter Popcorn bag, Rhett felt safe indulging a little bit. To be sure, Rhett opened the bag as the microwave dinged and dumped it into a large bowl before taking the popcorn bag and burying it far down the wastebasket.

Shep wandered in and Rhett made sure to keep the popcorn on the counter out of the dog’s reach. Shep would eat anything not nailed down if it were people food. Rhett knew the kernels would spell bad news if the dog ingested any. He could imagine having to run Shep to an emergency clinic at three in the morning.

He poured the mix into the hot water and stirred, avoiding the temptation to squeeze a little Reddi Wip on top of his. He did give Cassie’s a swirl, though. He grabbed both mugs in one hand and the bowl of popcorn in the other and headed out to the pool. Shep followed behind him but detoured to chase a squirrel, his favorite pastime next to munching Nilla wafers.

Cassie sat in a chair with TJ in her lap. Rhett placed the popcorn down on the table between them and offered her a mug.

“Thought you might like some hot chocolate. That’s TJ, I presume.”

Cassie took the cup. “Yum. Whipped cream. I got something sweet after all.” She took a sip. “Perfect temp. Don’t get me wrong. I love popcorn but I was a little disappointed about missing out on the gelato.”

“We’ll have to try it another time.”

TJ rose, his nose going into overtime as he leaned toward the nearby popcorn.

“No, sir, Thomas Jefferson,” Cassie scolded him. She placed her mug down and took TJ off her lap. “Go explore a little bit.”

She glanced at Rhett. “If that’s okay with you.”

“Sure. I wouldn’t expect you to keep him inside all the time. I’m sure he’ll want to check out the neighborhood and find himself a new lady.”

Cassie cocked her head at him. “Why do you say that?”

Rhett grinned. “He’s a tomcat. They always look for action.”

They munched on the popcorn, making small talk. Rhett told her he would give her the scripts to read in the morning.

“Let me be clear. I don’t want you to work on the weekends. It may happen occasionally but you’ve just moved in. You’ve got lots to do.”

“I don’t mind. I love to read, especially scripts. Manny used to get them all the time. Now mind you, they were third-rate ones since most of his clients barely registered on the Richter scale. I enjoyed reading them, though. I would play producer in my head as I did. I’d start thinking of locations to shoot. People I would cast if I had an unlimited budget. Which actors would be interesting together. I’d even start rewriting some of the scripts for kicks, seeing what I could do with a scene. It was fun.”

“Sounds like you don’t plan to be my assistant for long. I hope you’ll at least stay a week.”

Cassie laughed. “Don’t plan on kicking me out anytime soon, Corrigan. It’s only pipe dreams. That’s all I’ve had since I came to Hollywood.”

He heard the wistful tone in her voice and thought of all the talented people who arrived here year after year, most never realizing their goals. Rhett knew plenty of them were talented, from actors and writers to musicians and screenwriters. It took being in the right place at the right time. Lady Luck ruled in Hollywood.

It had certainly been that way for him. That’s why he thought he was being selfish trying to break out of the mold that made him so successful.

That—and fear.

Self-doubt plagued every actor. Each movie that came out paralyzed Rhett with fear. What if he didn’t score? A movie became hit or miss based on its three-day opening take. If it tanked the first weekend, it would stink up the place throughout its release. Each time, he was expected to hit one out of the ballpark.

If he didn’t, he could be history overnight.

“I know you didn’t dream of running interference for me when you first came here but I think we’re going to work really well together, Cassie.”

She looked at him a long moment. “I think so, too,” she said softly, those sweet lips curving into a smile.

Damn. All he wanted to do was kiss her senseless. Rhett fought against leaning across the table but his body began moving without listening to the sensors screaming in his brain for him to stop. He must have some gap in his synapses because he could feel himself slowly moving in for the kill.

Suddenly, an orange blur dashed between them, flying over the table. Rhett pulled back and watched Shep racing toward them, barking wildly. He leaped, his back paw catching on the bowl, and the table turned over. Popcorn flew everywhere, along with their mugs of hot chocolate.

Rhett and Cassie turned to watch their pets race around the length of the pool and back toward them. Without warning, TJ stopped dead in his tracks and faced Shep down. A low sound between a yowl and a growl emitted from the cat as his fur stood on end and his tail bushed out.

Shep’s ears pinned back. The dog hunched on the ground, his chin resting on top of his paws. TJ took two steps toward Shep and lashed out in one swipe, making contact with the dog’s nose. Shep never blinked.

Satisfied, TJ sat down and stared at his opponent, daring him to retaliate. Shep sat patiently, as if he took the cat’s scolding to heart. Then as if some unseen signal passed between the two animals, they both stood and trotted off together, side by side.

Rhett finally broke the silence. “If I could only train the paparazzi that easily.”

Cassie laughed. “Naturally, they stuck us with the mess.”

She bent down and began putting popcorn back into the bowl.

He stopped her. “Let me clean this up. After all, it was my dog chasing your cat.”

Cassie started to protest and stopped. “You’re on. I’m tired and I have a cook interview tomorrow at eight. Then unpacking to do and scripts to read.”

She stood. “Thanks for stopping by and watching Jolene tonight, Rhett. For giving us a place to live. And for hiring me as your assistant. I can’t believe how much my life has changed in the past couple of days. I have a swanky Brentwood address and drive a cool car—as soon as the Range Rover is up and running again.” She smiled. “Most importantly, I have the best boss ever.”

“Glad to have you on board. Good night, Cassie.”

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