Home > Hollywood Heartbreaker (Hollywood Name Game #1)(33)

Hollywood Heartbreaker (Hollywood Name Game #1)(33)
Author: Alexa Aston

Cassie slipped an arm through Melanie’s. “I have no hidden agenda. I know Ken’s off-limits because he’s so happily married. All I need is advice about what to wear to his film’s debut. This is just girl stuff. I promise I won’t try to finagle a bit role in his series. I won’t press unsolicited scripts on him. Hey, I won’t even ask you to get me his autograph. Now Jolene, on the other hand, will make none of those promises.”

Melanie laughed. “Come on, Cassie. Let’s shop.”

They browsed together and then separately through the store’s selection. Cassie gave quick glances at the other customers in the boutique. Every woman in the place had the done nails and trendy haircuts that fell messily into place. Seeing the sparkling rings on the hands that pushed clothes around the racks made Cassie realize she was in the wrong place.

She knew the cost might seem reasonable to Melanie but Cassie’s heart palpitations grew as she eyeballed prices that might cause a tsunami. She hoped she could find something decent at an affordable price. She had absolutely nothing in her closet to wear. Rhett assured her that Ken’s movie red carpet would be much more low-key than what people wore to the Golden Globes or Oscars. He said she needed to look stylish but not too dressy. In fact, Rhett was wearing jeans. He said a lot of men did. Cassie knew that wouldn’t be acceptable for a woman.

She bypassed the Givenchy and Versace, desperately wanting to look as if she fit in for once. She started to ask Melanie what she would be wearing but Cassie realized that Melanie would face much more scrutiny being the star’s wife. She might actually need to wear a name designer, unlike others attending.

Flipping through another rack near the back, she found a pearl gray pantsuit. Glancing at the price tag, it was almost doable. If she paid half and Rhett kicked in the rest, Cassie would only have to eat peanut butter sandwiches for about three months to be able to purchase the set.

She found another few items, but looking at their cost, she was ready to hang everything back on the rack and give up. She did find a black camisole that would be nice under the pantsuit and picked it up.

Jolene came over with an armload of clothes. She held up her right arm. “These are for you to try on. There’s a little black number in here that’s to die for. The other side is for me. Ooh, I like that pantsuit. That color would look good on you.”

Cassie followed Jolene to the dressing rooms. Most of what Jolene chose for her cost an arm and both legs, with maybe a spleen and her kidneys thrown in, so Cassie didn’t bother to try on those outfits. She did slip on a navy sheath that qualified as a maybe before she put on the pantsuit. Cassie eyed herself in the mirror.

The fit was superb but she couldn’t justify the price. Slipping it off, she hung it back on the hanger and picked up the black dress Jolene had raved about. Cassie stepped into it and zipped it up.

Magically, the Cinderella transformation occurred. Cassie didn’t know what had happened but she knew she had to have this dress, price be damned. She began rationalizing in her mind, thinking every woman needed the right little black dress that could be worn anywhere. Dressed up or down, the outfit made Cassie feel like a star in her own right. It put every curve in the right place and showed enough cleavage and leg to make her feel very, very sexy.

Jolene knocked and opened the door. “What do you think about . . . holy water, Batman! That’s the dress, Cass. I knew it when I picked it out. You look divine.”

Melanie opened her door. “Walk out, Cassie. Let me see how it moves on you.”

She stepped out and did a walk and quick turn in the aisle.

Melanie beamed at her. “Jolene’s right. That dress looks like it was made for you. It’s perfect for Ken’s premiere and you could wear it anywhere else, dressed up or down. A classic like this never goes out of style.”

“You sure will turn the paparazzi’s head, Cass,” Jolene enthused. “You’ll replace Randi James and steal Rhett’s heart with a one-two punch. Get ready to make the cover of Us.”

Cassie was aware of the salesclerk hovering nearby sorting clothes and other occupied dressing rooms. She couldn’t let anyone leave with the impression she was Rhett’s new flavor of the month.

“Jo, you know I’m only accompanying Rhett because Randi’s out of town. For goodness’ sake, I’m his assistant. I pick up his dry cleaning and take notes at his meetings.”

Jolene laughed. “Wait until he sees you in this dress, Cass. You’re a knockout, even with the ponytail. If Rhett weren’t already planning to dump Randi’s ass, he’d decide to in a heartbeat after he caught sight of you.”

Cassie’s stomach dropped faster than if she rode a roller coaster. How on earth did Jolene know about the upcoming break-up? With a tongue made for gossip and no filter on her foul mouth, Cassie had made sure not to give Jolene a hint of what would come.

“Are you serious? Rhett’s going to end things with Randi? The story just broke that they were seeing each other.” Melanie sighed. “I’m actually glad to hear this. When Ken and I heard they were a couple, we were shocked. Randi’s prima donna act gets old fast. Other than boobs and legs and tons of peroxide, what does she have to offer? Of course, Ken tells me most men don’t care about personality or intelligence but I’d like to give Rhett more credit in the brains department.”

A wave of nausea rippled through Cassie. No one in that dressing room would have misunderstood Melanie’s words. To prove her right, two doors opened simultaneously. Both women emerged, eyeing Cassie up and down.

“Nice dress,” one hissed as she walked by.

Cassie wanted to crawl under a rock and die. Her life as she knew it was officially over.

“Rhett and Randi are not breaking up,” she said a little too loudly, hoping to repair the mess Jolene had created. “Jo doesn’t like Randi very much. She just wishes they would end their relationship. Jo hates having to share Rhett’s pool with a Playboy model.”

“They aren’t?” Melanie frowned. “But Jo . . .” Her voice trailed off as the sudden realization hit her. Without missing a beat, Melanie added, “Too bad. There are a lot of women that would leap at the chance to be with Rhett Corrigan.”

Jolene’s mouth opened and Cassie glared at her, still wondering how her friend had come to learn—and spread—such devastating news. Jolene knew she’d made a huge mistake and cringed like a kicked puppy.

She grabbed Cassie’s hand and whispered, “I’m so sorry, Cass. I heard you on the phone last night with Carreen and I—”

“Let’s buy your dress, Cassie,” Melanie said loudly, pushing Cassie back into her dressing room. “Go ahead and change and we’ll grab lunch afterward.”

As Cassie emerged and walked up to check out, every eye in the store followed her. She spotted two women talking animatedly on cell phones, watching her every step. One woman’s catty smile almost did her in. Cassie heard a click and saw a woman had snapped her picture.

She placed the outfit on the counter and walked away. The situation was beyond damage control. Cassie Carroll, formerly known as Cinderella for all of five minutes, wouldn’t need a new outfit for Ken Cameron’s premiere.

Rhett would fire her—and he had every right to. She would never work in this town again. Cassie mentally composed her resignation letter as she walked out of Vanity, Jolene and Melanie hurrying to catch her.

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