Home > Hollywood Heartbreaker (Hollywood Name Game #1)(39)

Hollywood Heartbreaker (Hollywood Name Game #1)(39)
Author: Alexa Aston

They pulled up to Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. Suddenly, the door swung open and Cassie heard the squeal of fans that lined the runway. Ken got out and waved and the roar quadrupled.

He lifted Melanie out with ease and held a hand for Cassie to take. Her heart thumping wildly, she grasped it and instantly found herself transported into a world of bright lights and sound. Photographers shouted from every direction as cameras flashed constantly.

Two bodyguards lurked in the background as Cassie trailed the golden couple down the red carpet. She hovered discreetly as she enjoyed watching Ken and Melanie bask in the glow of screaming fans and flashing cameras.

E! News pulled them aside for a quick interview, as did Access Hollywood. Finally, they made their way down the long stretch of carpet. Though it shocked her how worn the carpet was, it didn’t dim her pleasure in the slightest.

Ken timed it so everyone was already seated inside the theater as they entered. The movie was about to begin. He motioned for Melanie to enter the last row first, and he followed her.

He grinned at Cassie. “Gotta separate you two women or else you’ll gab through the entire film.”

Cassie seated herself on Ken’s left as his agent turned around from the row in front of them and wished Ken good luck. With an empty seat next to her, Cassie put her purse in it. The borrowed clutch was too small and wouldn’t stay, so she cradled it in her lap instead.

The house lights dimmed as the movie began. She settled back in her seat, glancing over to see Ken take Melanie’s hand as the opening credits rolled. A door opened behind them, the sliver of light slightly distracting her. No one came down the aisle, so Cassie assumed it was the theater’s manager surveying the audience.

Ten minutes into the film, someone slipped into the open seat next to her. Cassie was so into the scene it barely registered with her. She was already blown away by Ken’s performance and knew she was witnessing a true star in the making. His charisma lit up the big screen. She knew Crime Time’s days were numbered.

Suddenly, the scent hit her. Rhett’s cologne. Cassie glanced to her left and saw him entranced, watching the screen with a half-smile of satisfaction. Rhett was so caught up that he hadn’t noticed she sat next to him.

Her eyes focused back to the front. Her body stiffened. Of course, Ken wanted Rhett at his premiere. They were close friends who would support each other in their professional endeavors.

What would he do when he realized who sat beside him? Cassie’s heart went into overdrive, as if she were pounding the track in a hundred-meter Olympic dash. She’d been so afraid to face Rhett that she’d packed up and gotten out of Dodge like a true coward, not bothering to apologize. Much less say goodbye.

Her mind flew with so many thoughts. It took everything she had to remain in her seat and not bolt from the theater in a panic. She did owe Rhett an explanation and an apology, at the very least. This opportunity had occurred for a reason. She needed to face the music when the lights came up.

Cassie tried to ignore Rhett’s presence and concentrate on the film but she found it impossible. She was aware of Rhett’s long legs stretched out. The strong hands resting on his thighs. The rich laugh when Ken’s character did something completely unexpected.

She finally relaxed. She accepted she couldn’t do anything now. Obviously, Rhett hadn’t recognized her from the back with her upswept hair and had no idea she sat only inches from him. She might as well try to enjoy the next ninety minutes.

Because the shit would hit the fan all too soon.



Pride filled Rhett as he watched Ken’s performance. He’d gone over a couple of times to watch the dailies with his friend during filming, but seeing the completed picture told him Ken’s star would shine brightly in many more movies. Rhett wanted to work with Ken and wondered if Irv could find something for them together. He remembered the old buddy movies fondly and wondered if the two of them could give Newman and Redford a run for the money as the twenty-first century’s version of the dynamic duo.

Rhett caught a whiff of perfume as the scene changed and felt something stir. He hadn’t known who sat next to Ken and figured it was one of Melanie’s friends from her book club or yoga class. He glanced down at the woman’s crossed legs next to him, and his heart almost stopped.

Those were Cassie’s legs. He would know them anywhere. He’d stared at them enough when he’d let her jog a little in front of him. Her calves were the shapeliest he’d ever seen. Rhett had fantasized about sliding a hand along their curves.

And more.

He didn’t dare look at her. If she knew he’d slipped in next to her, she’d run like a spooked colt. He couldn’t take that chance. Rhett lifted his eyes back to the screen, a thousand thoughts racing through his mind.

It made sense she had turned to Melanie. They’d been together that morning. Melanie would’ve witnessed what happened. How Melanie convinced Cassie to hide out at the Camerons’ was a missing puzzle piece. Rhett felt sure Ken would’ve told him, especially since Rhett had been trying to track her down.

Or had he even told Ken? He remembered Ken reminding him about coming to the premiere but Rhett didn’t think he’d mentioned Cassie in the conversation. Knowing Melanie, she’d squirreled Cassie away and Ken hadn’t even known she was on the premises. Typical woman thing to do. He remembered Scarlett bringing home a stray puppy and hiding it in her closet for almost a week before Nadine caught on.

Rhett sneaked a casual peek at Cassie. She was frowning, her brow creased. He looked back and saw Ken’s character was in a boatload of trouble. Rhett knew instinctively that Cassie would take a movie personally, putting herself into the shoes of whoever inhabited the screen. She had a big heart underneath her fiery, off-the-wall personality.

God, he wanted her.

Somehow, he had to get her alone. He couldn’t wait for the lights to come up and see her reaction to him sitting there. Especially with a packed theater. No, what needed to be said between them didn’t need an audience.

Moving on instinct, Rhett got ready to snatch Cassie’s hand. He would yank her out of the chair and have her in the lobby before she’d know what was happening. What he’d do after that, he didn’t have a clue.

His hand started in her direction and hesitated. If anyone—critics, fans—spotted him grabbing a woman who didn’t seem willing to come along with him, the press would have a field day. Randi had already painted him to be a manipulative and jealous. He couldn’t do anything to jeopardize Ken’s premiere. His friend had worked so hard for this moment. Rhett wouldn’t blow it for him.

Suddenly, Cassie stood and slipped by him. If he’d been watching the film, all he would’ve seen was a brief glimpse of a nice ass and not her face because she was already out the door.

He wondered if she was headed to the restroom. Surely, she hadn’t known he was sitting next to her for the last hour or else she would’ve fled immediately.

Rhett glanced over at Ken, whose level gaze met his.

“Go for it, buddy,” he whispered.

Melanie leaned around and gave him a thumbs up.

That’s all it took. Rhett flew out of his seat and hit the door running.






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