Home > Hollywood Heartbreaker (Hollywood Name Game #1)(50)

Hollywood Heartbreaker (Hollywood Name Game #1)(50)
Author: Alexa Aston

Cassie was impressed with Rhett’s simple, heartfelt words. He told a few stories of when they first met and some of their adventures together, such as the poker pals going fishing and snow skiing. How he’d seen Zak’s act a hundred times—and how it never ceased to crack him up. Rhett spliced in humor with more solemn feelings, sharing how Zak did have a serious side that he only revealed to a select few.

It was easy to see how much Rhett had loved his friend. He stumbled a few times, his voice thick with emotion, but he was getting through it. Cassie was so proud of him.

Then the loud clicking started, coming from a few rows behind her. Rhett frowned, losing his concentration, before he totally lost it.

He shouted at Zak’s loser cousin, who’d begun taking pictures with his cell. “Have you no decency? Can’t you give Zak and those who loved him just an ounce of privacy?”

The security team moved quickly to remove the distant relative. One of them confiscated the phone and slipped it into his pocket as the other latched on to Zak’s cousin.

“Hey, gimme back my cell! I have people who’ll pay me big for those shots. Rhett Corrigan crying his eyes out will make me some serious money.”

The men dragged him to the aisle as he cursed loudly.

“You’re blowing my chance, man. I’m supposed to be on all the tabloid shows. Tell my side of the funeral and how close Zak and me were. Make some cash. You can’t do this to me. I’ve got rights. Corrigan, come on. We can—”

Rhett stormed down the aisle and got in the doper’s face.

“You worthless piece of humanity. You’ve turned a sad occasion into a circus. You’ve taken vulgar to an all-time low.”

He waved a hand. “That’s it. I’m through. With Hollywood. With all the jackals who don’t care who they hurt as long as they get the shot. Life is more than a damned picture. It’s gathering around the table at night, sharing your day with your family. It’s doing an honest day’s work and being able to come home happy in your job and yet glad to be away from it because you’re with those you love.

“Well, no more for me. Just get this asshole out of here. He’s made a mockery of Zak’s service.”

Cassie trembled as she watched the security team haul the cousin out the door. She glanced back at Rhett. Angry tears streamed down his face.

He looked at the small gathering. “I apologize. I brought this on everyone.” He strode up the aisle and headed out a back door.

She was stunned by the length to which an actual blood relative of Zak’s had gone, even worse than the paparazzi. She hoped Rhett’s talk of quitting was simply rash words in the heat of the moment.

Breck touched her shoulder. “I’ll go talk him down.”

Cassie nodded her thanks, too emotional to speak. Jolene lay a hand on her shoulder. She clutched it like a lifeline.

Then Ken and Melanie stood and filed by the casket. Those in attendance followed their lead and walked out of the small chapel to their waiting cars.

Cassie knew only she and Rhett would head to the cemetery. Zak hadn’t wanted any graveside services so they would accompany the casket and see this day through.

She stood shakily and walked out with Jolene. Security had cleared the way to the limo. Johnny opened the door and Cassie climbed in, limp as a dishrag.

Moments later, Breck got in.

His eyes searched hers. “Rhett’s nowhere to be found.”






Cassie walked through Rhett’s house aimlessly, wandering from room to room, turning lights on and off. Shep followed at her heels as if scared to leave her alone. Cassie finally made her way back downstairs and sat at the kitchen table. The dog leaned against her and Cassie stroked his fur, lost in thought.

Rhett hadn’t called. All day. After he disappeared from the funeral home, Breck and Jolene accompanied her to Zak’s burial. Cassie thought Rhett might turn up there.

He didn’t.

They came home and she immediately went to the big house. Shep and Mimi Morgan greeted her. The grandmotherly cook insisted she sit and eat something. Cassie pushed around pieces of lettuce and cucumbers and mushrooms, scattering them across the salad plate. She tried to eat the sandwich but the first bite caused her to gag. She excused herself, grateful Mimi didn’t ask what was wrong or where Rhett was.

Cassie returned to the gatehouse and changed clothes, her cell in her pocket, waiting for Rhett to call. She lay on her bed, eyes unblinking, the pit of her stomach a dull lump. TJ curled beside her, purring low. She pulled him close, tears finally spilling into his orange fur.

She came out of her bedroom hours later to find Breck and Jolene huddled with Ken, Chris, and Darin. All eyes locked on her as she entered the den.

Cassie found her voice. “No one’s heard from him.” It wasn’t a question, merely a stated fact.

“No,” Breck said. “We’ve all had calls out but no one’s seen him or his car.”

“It’s not like Rhett’s a missing person,” Jolene pointed out. “He’s had a rough time and needs some space.”

“She’s right,” Ken agreed. “We can’t involve the police. We’ve got to give Rhett some time alone.”

Cassie nodded, reining in her temper. What about her and her needs? Her best friend, her brand-new lover, her everything had vanished without a single word. Who the hell did he think he was? Some prima donna movie star who was more important than a lowly assistant? Or just a typical asshole guy, putting himself first when the going got tough?

She bit her lip. That wasn’t fair. Rhett had tremendous pressure on him. She’d only seen a brief glimpse of what he’d lived through the past several years, a sliver of his life under the glaring microscope, continually dissected by the public. If he needed to get away, he deserved it. He would call.

He had to.

But oh, God, she needed him, right here, right now. She needed his arms around her, his eyes dancing with mischief, his cocky smile and quiet strength. Cassie felt as abandoned as a litter of puppies on the side of a country road. Unloved. Unwanted.

“At least the security guys deleted all the photos from that creep’s cell,” Chris said. “I can’t believe he would sell pictures of his own cousin’s funeral for a quick buck.”

“He looked like a drugged-out lowlife,” Darin added. “Someone who knew Zak a long time ago and was desperate enough to stoop to pretty low.”

“Was he arrested?” Jolene asked. “I know they escorted him out and I didn’t see him when we left.”

Breck shook his head. “I doubt it. He hadn’t broken any law. I’m sure the security fellows took him for a ride and dumped his ass a long ways away.”

“I’m going back up to the house,” Cassie announced. “I think I’ll stay there. Until he comes home.”

Everyone murmured goodbyes to her, each promising to keep the group posted if they heard anything.

Now, it was almost ten. Still no Rhett. Cassie reached for the remote lying on the kitchen table and turned on the TV sitting on the counter. The news sparked to life. Maybe watching how miserable others were might make her feel a little better. She had a great life. A great job.

And a terrific boyfriend who would be back. God, he had to come back.

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