Home > Say No More(131)

Say No More(131)
Author: Karen Rose

   Excitement bubbled up as they watched the screen of Hunter’s phone. ‘That looks like a safe-deposit box key,’ Gideon said.

   Belinda was still looking at the key in the sunlight. ‘I didn’t use the key.’

   ‘Then I will,’ Mercy said.

   Belinda looked up sharply. ‘Why?’

   Mercy didn’t flinch. ‘Because it might help me find him.’

   Belinda seemed to be thinking about that, and Rafe held his breath while the old woman made her decision. Safe-deposit box keys were often significant. ‘You’ll tell him to come see me when you find him?’

   ‘Of course,’ Mercy assured her. ‘I promise.’

   ‘Then I guess it’s okay.’ She extended the key to Mercy, who took it with a quiet thank-you, slipping it into her pocket. ‘It’s only to be used in an emergency,’ Belinda added.

   ‘Harry’s been missing for several weeks,’ Mercy said. ‘I think this is an emergency.’

   Belinda tilted her head, studying Mercy. ‘Do you have any kids?’

   Blinking, Mercy opened her mouth, but Liza cut in. ‘Not yet,’ Liza said warmly. ‘But she loves children, don’t you, Miriam?’

   Mercy nodded. ‘I do.’

   ‘I want grandkids,’ Belinda said. ‘Aubrey keeps saying he’ll give me some. Harry promised too, but Harry’s too young. He’s just a boy himself.’ She shook her head. ‘And Aubrey says he hasn’t found the right girl, that he’s not ready to settle down.’ She sighed. ‘They need to grow up, my boys. Maybe one will settle down with a nice girl. You’d like them. Both of you girls. Maybe I’ll have you over for dinner, to introduce you.’

   Mercy looked startled at the shift. It was as if the woman had shut down in the present and returned to the past. Probably where everything was more comfortable.

   ‘We’ll tell Harry that it’s time to grow up,’ Liza said. ‘When we see him.’

   ‘And Aubrey,’ Belinda countered. ‘They’re good boys.’

   ‘Yes, they are,’ Mercy said, her smile forced. ‘I think it’s time for you to rest, Mrs Franklin.’

   Belinda nodded, the movement rocking her whole body. She closed her eyes, still clutching the chest with misshapen fingers.

   ‘I’ll just put the chest away for you,’ Liza said softly. ‘Unless you’d like us to give it to Harry?’

   Belinda smiled, her eyes closed. ‘He’s a good boy.’

   ‘Yes, ma’am,’ Liza said. She opened the chest, but it was empty, so she left it on Belinda’s nightstand. Toying with the pendant she wore, she looked down at it briefly, one brow raised.

   ‘Oh shoot. I forgot.’ Hunter picked up a small hand radio. ‘Leave it for now.’

   Liza let her pendant swing back to her skin. ‘Thank you, Belinda.’

   But Belinda was already asleep, snoring softly.

   Mercy stood, visibly shaken. Liza took the cat carrier, then looped her arm through Mercy’s, turning them toward the door. Her camera showed the hall as they made their way back to the front entrance.

   Rafe stood, eager to get to Mercy, who looked like she would topple over at any moment. They could still hear Liza’s calm encouragements. ‘One foot in front of the other,’ Liza murmured. ‘You’re almost there. See? There’s the front door.’

   Which had just opened to reveal an older man wearing a suit and a scowl.

   ‘Oh shit.’ Agent Simpson was out of her chair, running for her door. ‘Belinda Franklin’s doctor just walked in. We do not want him to know that Mercy was with Belinda. He’s already threatened to sue the facility if anyone else is admitted without his permission, even though he does not have the authority to approve her visitors.’

   Hunter grabbed the radio. ‘Liza, get her out of the hall. Pull her into a room, the first one you come to.’

   To Liza’s credit, she instantly did as she was told, the camera showing a door open, then close.

   ‘Can I help you?’ an old man asked, his voice quavering.

   ‘My friend is about to faint,’ Liza improvised. ‘Can she sit down for a moment?’

   ‘Of course,’ the man said. ‘Does she need some water? I have a pitcher right here.’

   ‘I don’t think so,’ Liza said, lowering Mercy into a chair, ‘but thank you.’

   ‘Yes, thank you,’ Mercy gasped. ‘Thank you. Just . . . a long day, you know?’

   ‘And seeing someone you love in here is often harder than you think it will be,’ he said kindly.

   ‘That’s the truth,’ Mercy said weakly. ‘I’m so sorry to barge in here.’

   ‘That’s perfectly okay. I don’t get much company, especially pretty girls like you two.’

   Liza stood at Mercy’s side, so that the camera she wore around her neck captured Mercy’s profile. Mercy was smiling at the man, who wasn’t visible in the frame. ‘You’re a charmer, aren’t you?’

   The man chuckled. ‘A little out of practice, but I ain’t dead yet.’

   ‘Always a good day when you can say that,’ Mercy said.

   The door to the room opened and they could hear Agent Simpson say, ‘Oh, there you are. Your friends are waiting for you. I’ll show you the way out.’

   ‘Take care,’ the man called.

   ‘You too,’ Mercy called back.

   Then the two women were running after Simpson. Rafe was out of the office like a shot, Gideon on his heels, while Tom radioed Agent Schumacher that they were on their way out and to prepare to leave quickly. They caught up to Mercy and Liza at the van. Liza was already in the back and André was helping a visibly shaken Mercy into the middle seat.

   ‘What happened?’ Farrah demanded from the other side of Mercy.

   ‘We’ll tell you when we’re on the road,’ Hunter replied, throwing himself behind the wheel and starting the van. ‘Just go to the other car, Gideon. Agent Schumacher and I will coordinate a meet when we’re away from here.’

   Gideon ran to the other FBI vehicle, and twenty seconds later, they were headed out of the parking lot.

   The van was silent for a long moment, and then Mercy laughed, the sound slightly manic. ‘Oh my God. Oh my God.’ She pressed the heel of her hand to her chest, then patted the cat carrier on her lap. ‘Sorry, Rory. That was intense. I hope you don’t throw up.’

   ‘Same here,’ Liza grumbled. ‘I feel like I did when we rode the Goliath coaster six times straight at Six Flags.’

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