Home > Sea Glass Castle(50)

Sea Glass Castle(50)
Author: T.I. Lowe

“You had an accident in the ones you were wearing, but don’t worry. Uncle Seth is bringing you some,” Wes assured him.

Sophia didn’t know if he even realized he’d referred to his brother as Collin’s uncle, but boy, did it sound really right.

“I gotta peepee,” Collin whined after a few more minutes.

“Okay.” Sophia stood by the bed and contemplated how to maneuver picking Collin up without jostling him or the IV.

“I wan’ Daddy or Wes to take me. I a man, Mommy,” Collin slurred, grogginess from the anesthesia still slowing him down.

Sophia turned to look at Ty, but he threw his hands up and looked distraught by the idea. “Whoa. I might hurt him.”

Wes stepped over without hesitation and tucked the hospital gown more securely around Collin. “Collin isn’t fragile. He’s a man.” He winked at Sophia, more for reassurance than tease, as he slowly picked Collin up and began pulling the IV pole behind them to the bathroom.

As soon as the door shut, Ty pushed off the wall. “My leg is killing me. I’m gonna head out.”

“They’ve brought cots in so we can stay.” She pointed to the two cots stacked by the opposite wall. Several stuffed animals lined the remaining space along the wall, with helium balloons tied to them.

“Babe.” Ty tapped his chest. “This isn’t fitting on a cot. I’ll be back first thing in the morning. Give the little man a kiss for me and tell him I love him.” With that, he disappeared quicker than a wisp of smoke in a brisk breeze.

Words . . . empty words, she thought. Ty was a pro at spewing them out but hardly ever put any action behind them. The sound of the toilet flushing, followed by the water running, drew her out of the dismal thoughts.

Wes walked back out with Collin cradled in his arms. He was the most rumpled she’d ever seen him, yet the strongest. She could barely swallow the appreciation wanting to spring forth at the sight. Her finger swept the back of her ring as she silently thanked God for sending Wes as an anchor in the midst of this storm.

As he went to set Collin on the bed, the little guy clung to him.

“Hole me, Wes. Pease.”

Wes smiled. “Sure.” He grabbed an extra blanket and tucked it around Collin before walking over to the recliner and settling into it. “Mommy, why don’t you stretch out and keep Collin’s bed warm for him.” Another wink as he rolled the IV pole closer and out of the way.

She did as he said, turning on her side to watch the two sitting together. Wes squinted at the clock on the opposite wall just as she noticed him holding two fingers against Collin’s wrist to check his pulse. It warmed her how gentle and attentive he was, both doctoring and babying her son at the same time.

Tears pricked her eyes as she observed the stealth exam Wes performed while quietly chatting with Collin. He gauged Collin’s temperature by pressing his lips to her son’s forehead, checked his feet and legs for any signs of swelling, she was guessing, and then gently checked the three small incisions. After that, he even managed to talk Collin into taking a few sips of water before he dozed off.

“Why’s he sleeping so much?” Sophia whispered, propping the side of her head in her hand.

“It’s normal for someone after they’ve been put to sleep to be groggy a day or two afterward. Plus, he’s been through quite an ordeal. You, too, for that matter. Bet you’re worn-out.” Wes looked at her, his eyes filled with empathy.

“A little.” She shrugged.

A quiet knock tapped against the door as a nurse tiptoed in. “I’m Annie, the night nurse. I hate to wake him, but I need to check his vitals.” She quickly performed the task, leaving Collin right there in Wes’s arms, as he filled her in on his own examination, confirming what Sophia had suspected he was doing.

“I’m staying through the night, so if you’ll bring me a stethoscope, a thermometer, and dressing supplies, I’ll take care of him.”

The nurse’s cheeks pinked. “I don’t mind taking care of him, Dr. Sawyer. It’s my job.”

“One that I know you can perform beyond well,” he answered in that soothing tone Sophia had heard him use with distraught patients and parents numerous times. “But these two have had a long, rough day. I’d like very little disturbance so they can get some rest. I will call the desk if I need you.”

“If you’re sure . . .”

“I am.”

The nurse tapped something into the computer before slipping out the door. Moments later, she was back with the supplies he’d requested and a cup of coffee. “Please call if you need anything.”

“Thank you, Annie.” Wes offered her a polite smile before she left.

“I’m hungwy,” Collin announced, sounding half-asleep.

Sophia sat up to go find something, but Wes held his hand up and beckoned her to stay put. “Seth is taking care of that. He should be here any minute.”

As if summoned, Seth bustled through the door, out of breath. “Man, I hope I got everything.” He dropped several bags onto the end of the bed, gave Sophia’s foot a supportive squeeze, and headed over to kneel beside Wes’s chair. “Hey there, feller. Heard you have a boo-boo.” He ran his fingers through Collin’s curls, something no one seemed to be able to resist doing.

“It’s okay, Unca Sef. Wes and his fwiend fix it,” Collin muttered, producing a delicate chuckle from each adult. He sounded so grown-up.

“Good to hear.” Seth gave Wes a pointed look with an eyebrow hitched dramatically high.

Sophia knew they were having one of those twin conversations relayed through gestures instead of words when Wes narrowed his eyes and shrugged one shoulder. She left them to it and began rummaging through the bags. She tore open a new pack of underwear and tossed a Superman pair over to Wes.

“There should be peanut butter and bananas in one of those bags,” Wes said while cautiously helping Collin into the underwear.

“There is. I got that healthy natural kind you said to get.” Seth moved back to Sophia and handed her the bag.

“Collin needs protein and whole foods. It’ll help him heal,” Wes retorted.

“Yes, Doctor,” Sophia said with hardly any tease. She pulled out the jar of peanut butter and smiled appreciatively. Seth had thought of everything—plates, plastic cutlery, juice boxes, and wet wipes. She quickly sliced a banana and smeared each piece with some of the peanut butter.

Collin managed two pieces and a slurp of juice. He made a face. “I not wan’ anymore.”

His appetite vanished quicker than it had shown up, leaving Sophia concerned. “He didn’t eat much.”

“It’s normal,” Wes reassured her as he popped a banana slice in his mouth and passed the plate as if it were a tray of hors d’oeuvres. Soon the plate was empty and Collin was back to yawning. “Seth, let’s get the little man into his new pj’s.”

Sophia fished them out and tore the tags off before handing them over to Seth. Both men worked together to get the loose-fit bottoms on, and then in a flash, Wes had the IV unfastened and the prick site taped up.

“Whoa, look at that.” Seth pointed to the stitched spots on Collin’s belly. “Ain’t you cool.”

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