Home > The Trouble With Quarterbacks(61)

The Trouble With Quarterbacks(61)
Author: R.S. Grey

“How many others are there?”

He did mention a team.

“Three in total. We’ve been taking shifts outside your building since Sunday evening.”

“What?! How am I just hearing about this now?”

“We haven’t made contact because you haven’t left your building until now.”

Oh right. Okay, let’s not go into details. I’ve been a little busy, y’know, convalescing, not just being a lazy git.

“Mr. Matthews gave us strict instructions not to intrude on your privacy,” he continues, and I nod along, utterly baffled.

Logan hasn’t phoned me back, but he’s set up a security team for me? What in the world is he playing at?

“Right, well, it was nice to meet you. I’m off to the doctor now.”

“Of course. Lead the way.”

I frown. “What do you mean?”

“Mr. Matthews has instructed that we’re to remain with you, without breaching your personal space.”


I don’t even bother arguing with him; he’s only doing the job he’s been employed to do. Instead, I grab my mobile out of my purse and phone Logan.

This time, he answers.

I don’t bother with a greeting. This isn’t a friendly chat, after all. He could have had that if he’d ever bothered to phone me back in the previous three days. Now, he’ll get my temper.

“What on earth have you done hiring a team of people to follow me around the city?”

“Hello, Candace,” he says pointedly, sounding amused. “How are you feeling?”

“Now’s not the time for that. I’m still upset with you. Answer me, will you?”

“They’re highly qualified and trained to remain out of sight. I’ve used them myself on and off for the last few years. I assure you, you won’t even notice them.”

“Not bloody likely! They’re security guards!”

“Yes, and after Sunday, their presence is absolutely necessary. In fact, I should have done it when we first started dating.”

“But we aren’t dating anymore, so you can call them off.”

“That’s debatable.”

“Oh is it?!”

“Candace, are you on the way to the doctor?” he asks, sounding exasperated with me. Tough luck, bucko! I’m the one who’s exasperated!

“Yes, and how do you know that?”

“Because I’ve been in contact with your medical team, just to ensure everything is going well.”

“Isn’t that illegal?!”

“No. I was with you at the hospital. I’m listed as your emergency contact, and you signed papers to allow me access to your ongoing care information.”

“Right, well I must have been a bit out of it when I did that. Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I can’t believe you’ve been in contact with them but not me!”

“I thought you needed some time to cool off.”

“Well you’re wrong. I’m not cooled off. Not in the least. In fact, I feel like I’m about to—”

Instead of giving him a piece of my mind like I want to, I pull the mobile away from my ear and end the call quickly. It feels good. So good, in fact, that I wish I could phone him again and hang up on him a second time.

I glance back at Ryan, who’s been following me on the sidewalk this whole time, and sure enough, he’s acting completely oblivious to the conversation he just overheard. Huh. So maybe he is good at his job.

I continue walking toward my subway stop then turn my head to see him trailing a few feet behind me. I stop. He stops. I take a step forward. He takes a step forward. I lift my right hand to wave it in the air. His right hand stays by his side. Right, well then.

“Come on. If you’ll be walking with me, there’s no sense in trailing me like a shadow. I’d rather chat anyway. I get quite bored on these walks.”

He nods and picks up his pace until he’s right beside me.

“Have you got a girlfriend?” I ask, because at heart, I am incredibly nosey. I want to know everything about everyone.

“Wife,” he says, all business.

“And what’s she called?”


“Can I see a photo?”

He tugs out his wallet again and flashes me a small photo of him and her, along with a little baby girl. It’s so sweet that he carries the image around like that, especially when everyone’s got their mobiles these days.

“Is that your daughter?” I ask, pointing to the baby.

“Yes. That’s Hope.”

“She’s lovely. So cute. She takes after your wife, I think.”

“Absolutely. They could be twins.”

We carry on like that, chatting and getting to know each other better until we reach my subway stop. It’s there that I spot the first photographer. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out a few of them had been trailing me since I left my flat, but this is the first one to try to get in my face.

“Candace! How are you feeling?!” he shouts. “Is it true that you needed brain surgery when you were in the hospital?”

He barely gets the words out before Ryan steps up to him and stretches out his arms, blocking me from view.

“Back up. Farther. Give her space.”

The photographer nearly pees his trousers when he gets a load of Ryan. This is brilliant! I can already tell I’m going to abuse my power. Maybe I could use Ryan to cut the queue at my favorite coffee shop. I’ll have him march in and terrorize everyone waiting in front of me so they all scream and run out, leaving me at the front. Voilà.

After my doctor’s appointment, I text Logan.

CANDACE: Not that it’s any of your business, but everything is healing up nicely. They think I can get my stitches out on Friday. Oh wait…what am I telling you for? They’ve probably already phoned to tell you the news!



LOGAN: I’m glad. Are you back at work already?



CANDACE: Tomorrow.



LOGAN: You aren’t working at District, are you?



I’m not. I’ve called in for the whole week, but I don’t feel like telling him that.

CANDACE: I don’t think that’s your business.



He phones me then! My mobile starts ringing and I shove it into my purse.

Then Ryan’s mobile goes off and he, of course, answers it.

“Hello—yes—I’ll tell her—yes—of course.”

Then he hangs up.

“Well?! What’s he said?” I demand.

“He doesn’t think you should be waitressing anymore, but if you insist on it, a member of my team should be there with you the whole time.”

Oh good grief!

I throw up my hands and walk on. “Let’s go, you. Where should we eat lunch? Do you like sandwiches?”

He seems extremely confused, like I’ve just asked him to do the worm down the middle of the sidewalk. “I don’t usually eat on the job.”

“Right, well, you will with me. I’m not going to have you watching me chew my crisps like a weirdo.”

“Okay then, there’s a good place around the corner.”

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