Home > When Shadows Fracture(14)

When Shadows Fracture(14)
Author: Callie Rae

 “So, Jesse . . . any updates on Fallon?” my mother asks.

 “No, no word yet. The police haven’t seemed to make any progress.” I don’t want to worry my mother. Letting her believe that the police are handling it is for the best.

 “Well, just let the police do their job. They’ll find her,” she says with surety as she reaches across the table to pat my hand. The hope in her eyes is the exact opposite of what I feel.

 James cuts into the conversation. “Tell me. This girl, what is it about her that has you both pining for her so much that you run around like two little thugs?” James asks while looking pointedly at Cason.

 My mother’s fork clinks to her plate as she pulls her hand back. She looks over to her husband, her aggravation matching that of the rest of the table.

 “Don’t answer that Cason,” I growl while glaring at my father.

 James’s gaze whips to me. “Now you’re answering for him?” he sneers. He looks back to Cason. “Son, I asked you a question.”

 “Do not answer that,” I say again. I grip my fork tightly, trying to maintain any sense of calm. It’s not easy dealing with the man I’m supposed to call father.

 “Neither of you need the distraction right now. Jesse, you have a responsibility to this family. It’s time you start taking an interest in the company. You’ll be graduating soon. Stop the nonsense with this girl. She isn’t worth throwing away your future,” my father lectures.

 Cason meets my eyes, and there’s a warning there. It’s one that I can’t ignore, because he’s going to blow. He then turns to look to our father. “I wonder where we get that from. You know, pining over a girl?”

 “You ungrateful little—” James growls.

 I throw my chair back and stand up. I’ve had enough.

 “Fallon isn’t just ‘some girl.’ Not everything is about your precious fucking company. But you don’t give a shit about anything else, do you?” I lean in towards my father, my fury dripping from my tone.

 His eyes shine with some dark, unnamed emotion as he matches my stare. “Don’t test me, son. You know your place in this family, and it’s about time you take it seriously,” he says.

 “Fuck my place in your family.” I round the table to kiss my mother on the head before I head out the door.

 “James, was that really necessary?” I hear my mom whisper as I cross through the door.

 Cason and Jade catch up with me outside as I stalk to my car.

 “Jesse, where are you going?” Jade asks.

 I reach the driver’s side and yank open the door and get in. I’m turning over the key in the ignition before the door even shuts.

 “Don’t worry, I got him!” Cason yells over the hood to Jade as he jumps in the passenger seat before I peel out of the driveway.

 As I speed off down the road, Cason asks, “What are we doing, dude?”

 “Finding Fallon,” I reply tersely.

 “And how, exactly, do you plan on doing that?” Cason asks as he reaches for the handle on the roof. I don’t blame him; I’m not exactly being careful.

 “We’re going to give Jax a visit,” I reply as I punch the gas.



 “What’s the plan here? Are we just going to sit out here all night?” Cason asks. We’ve been parked outside of Jax’s place for a while, just watching. Waiting. Cason adjusts himself in his seat, trying to find a comfortable way to sit. With his ribs all wrapped up sitting in the car has to be painful. He’s got a broken rib and a black eye. Other than a cut over his eyebrow and his broken rib, he’s mostly just bruised up. I know it hurts; I can see it in his face and his movements. But he refused to stay home. His beating only convinced him we need to find Fallon faster.

 “We wait until he’s alone,” I say, eyes focused solely on the party house before us.

 “And then what? We rush in and beat the shit out of him? Cason says this just as the last few people stumble out the front door and climb into a run-down, rusted vehicle.

 “And then we wing it,” I tell him as the car passes. I open my door to leave, but Cason remains in the passenger seat. I pop my head back in the car and see him watching me warily. “You good dude? I can do this on my own if you—”

 “Are you fucking kidding me? I’m not letting you go in Jax’s crib alone. Fallon will kick my ass when she gets home if I let you walk into a trap on your own.” Cason snorts. “I got your back, brother.”

 Cason holds his fist out, knuckles facing me. I look from his fist to his face, the meaning behind that one word—brother—reflects deeply in his eyes. He always has my back. But the fact that he’s hurting, both inside and outside, and is still here means more to me than anything he could say. I give him a curt nod and smash my knuckles against his.

 “Let’s do this.” Cason hops out the car and jumps a few times to get himself amped up. Broken rib or no, it isn’t going to stop him.

 We have no idea what we are walking into. For all I know, this could be a trap that leads to a shitty situation for us and for Fallon. But at this point, I’ve lost all sense of reason. I need my girl back, and right now this is the only way I know how to do that.

 We slowly make our way to the edge of the house, keeping close to the ugly brick that lines the building. I duck below a window that peeks through to the kitchen and creep closer to the front door.

 I huddle up behind the frame and reach over to beat on Jax’s door. It doesn’t take long before the light turns on and I hear the click of the lock and the sound of the doorknob turning. The door opens. When Jax doesn’t find the person pounding on his door, he steps onto the porch and looks around. I see him tense as he steps out from under the light and peers around the corner. Cason and I back away slowly to stay cloaked in the darkness. Finally, Jax calls out. “Yo, stop fucking around. Who’s there?”

 He pushes the door all the way open, and just as he’s about to step back inside, I see my opening. I prepare to move quickly. “Now,” I hiss.

 I pick him up by the waist, half-carrying, half-shoving him back into his house. Cason follows me inside and shuts the door. I listen for the click of the deadbolt.

 “What the fu—” Jax says before I slam him face-first into the nearest wall.

 Cason wraps him up in a hold so I can back off and question this fool.

 “Get the hell off of me,” Jax growls. He bucks his body trying to get free. Cason holds him down but not without consequence. Pain flashes across Cason’s face but he doesn’t let go. I need to make this quick.

 “I can’t do that,” Cason says through gritted teeth as he puts all his weight into holding Jax down.

 I can’t waste time on bullshit, so I get straight to the point. “Where is he, Jax?”

 “What the fuck? Where is who?” Jax says.

 “You know who, you prick. Marcus! Where is Marcus?” I say in-between clenched teeth. My patience can barely handle this game, the back-and-forth, cat-and-mouse bullshit this fucker is giving me right now.

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