Home > Until Ashlyn(10)

Until Ashlyn(10)
Author: Aurora Rose Reynolds

“I’m going to tell him.” I shrug, leaving out ‘at some point,’ since he doesn’t need to know that part.

“Yeah?” he questions softly, and I hate the disappointment I see in his gaze.

“I’m going to tell everyone we’re dating, and then once they’re used to that idea, I’ll explain we’re actually married.”

“Married?” Jax’s voice rings through the room behind me and I spin, finding him at the end of the hall, having obviously used his key to get in.

“Jax—” I caution, and his eyes swing to Dillon.

“Married? You fucking married my sister, when you’re engaged to someone else?” He lunges forward, and I watch in slow motion as his shoulder hits Dillon in the stomach and he uses his forward momentum to take him across the room, where they crash into my nightstand and lamp, causing the nightstand to bang back into the wall and my lamp to topple over and shatter at their feet.

“Jax, stop it now!” I scream, dropping Leo to the ground then running toward the two men wrestling in my bedroom.

“Get out of here, Ash,” Jax snaps as I try to pull him off Dillon, who’s not even attempting to fight back.

“Screw you, Jax.” I shove him, wishing I were bigger since it does absolutely nothing to move him.

“If she gets hurt, I’m going to kick your ass,” Dillon barks at Jax, and like his words have spoken to the devil himself, I take a step forward to shove Jax again and my foot slides across a shard of glass.

“Fuck.” Tears fill my eyes. “You stupid fricking jerk,” I whimper, squeezing my eyes closed, too afraid to move as I freeze in place.

“Get the fuck off me!” Dillon snarls, and I hear someone stumble back before I’m up in arms that I’ve grown accustomed to and carried across the room.

“Are you okay, Ash?” Jax asks, and I hold Dillon tighter as pain throbs through my foot.

“No, she’s not fucking okay,” Dillon snaps, then light filters through my closed eyelids as I’m set on the counter. “Fuck, baby, take some deep breaths for me.” His voice is gentle, and I hear someone else inhale sharply.

“She’s gonna need stitches,” Jax says, and I open my eyes and feel them widen as I see blood, so much blood, running down my foot and dripping onto the white tiles in my bathroom.

Swallowing down the nausea I feel come over me, I look up at Dillon as the room starts to spin. “Breathe, baby, you need to breathe for me,” he says calmly, grabbing a towel, wrapping it around my foot, and lifting it onto the counter near my inner thigh. “Keep pressure on it.” He tenderly wraps my hands around it, and I nod once more.

“Fuck, Ash.” Jax moves toward me, but Dillon puts a hand against his chest, preventing him from getting to me.

“Stay the fuck back,” he growls, then turns to me and his eyes flash as my head grows dizzy.

“God dammit.” Dropping his hand from Jax chest, he grabs ahold of my face as his gets close. “Take a breath. A deep breath in, then let it out.” I hadn’t even realized I was holding my breath until that second. Until I pull in a deep breath and feel the oxygen burn through my lungs. “Good girl,” he whispers, touching is forehead to mine briefly, then he grabs another towel and ties it around my foot tightly. “Keep breathing for me. I’ll be right back.” He leans away, waiting for me to agree. Jerking my head up once, I watch him move, using his size to force Jax out of the bathroom.

“I’m taking her to the hospital,” Jax says, trying to shove his way back toward me. I don’t hear Dillon’s reply. My eyes drop to my foot, wrapped in two of my plush white towels, and I watch red soak through the two layers of fabric.

“Dillon,” I whisper, “there’s way too much blood.” I start to panic as he comes back, wearing a plain blue T-shirt, shorts, and sneakers that aren’t even tied. Scooping me off the counter, his mouth moves to my ear. “You’ll be okay.”

“Yeah.” My head drops to his shoulder, too heavy for me to hold up, as we head down the hall toward the door behind Jax.

“I’ll drive,” my brother states when we’re outside, and I feel Dillon’s chest expand and a growl of annoyance rumble his chest. I want to tell him to stop being a dick, but I’m too tired to even try to speak. Opening the door to Jax’s truck, I expect him to set me down. Instead, he gets in and settles me on his lap as Jax jogs around and gets behind the wheel.

“I’m sorry, Ash.”

Tossing my hand out, I wave him off. I know he feels bad enough already, and I honestly don’t have it in me to tell him he’s an asshole right now.

“Just drive,” Dillon snaps, and I rub his chest when it rumbles again. His body relaxes, ever so slightly, as his hand moves to the back of my head, holding me there.

“Fuck you. This is your fault,” Jax retaliates.

“Me? You came at me like a deranged lunatic.”

“You’re engaged to another woman!” Jax roars.

I bury my face against Dillon’s chest and his arms tighten around me. “I’m not fucking engaged. If you gave me a half a fucking second, I would have told you that.”

“Damn fucking straight, you’re not engaged anymore, since you married my goddamn sister.”

“Fuck! Just fucking drive and shut the fuck up,” Dillon hisses, and I squeeze my eyes closed, feeling a headache coming on. Feeling the tension in the car growing with each mile, I’m more than thankful when we reach the hospital and Jax drops us at the ambulance bay where Dillon get’s out, still holding me.

Carrying me through the automatic emergency room doors, I hear them swish closed behind us, then seconds later, a woman gasp.

“Oh my, come on. Follow me.” I try to lift my head to see where we’re going, but Dillon’s large hand holds down my head, keeping me in place.

“She needs a doctor,” he barks as a curtain slides open, and I’m gently placed on a hard mattress. Wrapping his hands around my foot, my eyes squeeze closed.

“The doctor will be right in,” the woman murmurs before leaving.

“Baby, look at me.” Opening one eye then the other, I focus on Dillon’s worried face above mine.

“Stop snarling at everyone,” I whisper, and his eyes slide closed while his forehead drops to my chest. Running my fingers through his hair, I pull back, forcing him to look at me. “I’m okay. It’s just a cut. I’ll be fine.”

“I know,” he agrees softly.


“Could this morning get any better,” I groan, knowing the person attached to that voice.

“What’s going on?” David, my ex, asks.

I look at him and then Dillon as he mutters, “Fuck me,” while resting his hand against my chest, keeping me down when I attempt to sit up.

“Are you the doctor on duty?” Dillon asks, and David looks between Dillon and me.

His brows snap together as his chest puffs out, making me roll my eyes. “I’m a doctor at this hospital,” he informs us, like we don’t know, when of course we do. Everyone in town knows he’s a doctor, because he brings it up any time he’s got a chance. But that’s not why I broke up with him. Nope, we broke up because he thought any woman lucky enough to snag him would praise Jesus for her good fortune. Not so much. He was rude, condescending, and a big, fat cheat.

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