Home > Until Ashlyn(24)

Until Ashlyn(24)
Author: Aurora Rose Reynolds

“They’ll come around,” I assure softly, tucking her head under my chin then wrapping my arms around her middle, holding her tighter against me.

“I hope so.” Her quiet, sad voice grates at my skin. I know I need to give her parents time to come to terms with what happened, but with the way she sounds right now, I know I won’t give them much. I can’t stand seeing her this sad, especially when I know the reason why she’s so hurt. “We really should get out front before Matt thinks we’re in here having sex.” She pulls her head back and smiles a beautiful smile, and I grin back then look at the door.

“Or we could just have sex,” I suggest. Dropping her face, her forehead rests against my chin as she laughs, and her hands twiddle with the front of my shirt.

“I didn’t think I could ever be this happy,” she quietly says after a moment, and I pull in a breath, swallowing down the shards in my throat. I didn’t think I could ever be this happy either, not until her. Dipping my chin, I kiss her forehead and help her off my lap, stopping her when she starts to walk away, grabbing her hand.

“You gonna be okay?”

Her face softens as she turns toward me, stepping between my thighs. “I’ll be fine.” She bends at the waist, resting her palm on my cheek, then touches her mouth to mine, pulling away far too quickly. I want to drag her back into my lap, but I know we don’t have time. Letting her go, I stand and watch her pick up the paper bag and pull out a white cake pop covered in sprinkles, shoving the whole thing into her mouth.

“I’m not even going to be mad at you right now,” I mutter, then laugh when she shrugs and sashays out of the office with her cup of coffee in her hand and the bag tucked under her arm. Standing there I watch her as she goes, enjoying the view of her ass in a tight pencil skirt that shows off her curves, and the heels on her feet that make her legs look unbelievably long.

Before we were married, I made it a point to put my foot down about her choice of office attire. She’s beyond gorgeous, and I fucking hated seeing men check her out. I hated the way their eyes would glaze over when she spoke to them, the way they would watch her come and go from a room. Even more, I hated knowing that if one of them ever built up the courage to ask her out, she could say yes and there was not one goddamn thing I could do about it.

Until now. Now, she’s mine. It’s my ring sitting on her finger. It’s me who she’s in love with, and it’s my cock that makes her breath catch every time I enter her. Men can look and fantasize all they want, but none of them will ever experience firsthand what it feels like to have her. None of them will ever know what it feels like to have her love, because every part of her is mine.



Chapter 7



Hearing my cell phone ring, I reach my hand out and pat the bedside table until I find the offensive piece of junk, squint one eye open to hit the answer button, and put it to my ear. “’Lo,” I breathe, half asleep as Dillon tucks his head into the crook of my neck and wraps his arm tighter around my middle, pulling my back closer to his chest.

“Angel girl.”

“Papa?” I bolt upright in bed, accidentally elbowing Dillon in the stomach, making him grunt and mutter something I can’t make out. Pushing my hair out of my face, I look at the time, and ask, “Is everything okay?” It’s after ten in Alaska, where my mom’s parents live, which is late for them to be calling.

“I just got off the phone with your mama.” Oh, God. I plop myself back down on the bed and squeeze my eyes closed, feeling Dillon move away from me, then see the light turn on through my closed eyelids. “She told me you ran off and got married to your boss. Is that true?”

“Papa,” I sigh. I love my mom’s parents, but they are a little bit crazy and a whole lot in-your-business, and have been that way since I can remember.

“Hold on, woman!” Papa shouts as the phone is jostled on his end. “I’m asking her. No, she hasn’t answered yet. I just asked the damn question. Hold your horses. No, I’m talking to her. Dammit, give me the phone back,” he barks, and the line goes silent for a moment. Opening my eyes, I sit up, finding Dillon up in bed. His back against the headboard, the sheet down around his waist, and his eyes looking at me intently.

“You better tell me that your mama was pulling my leg and that you did not get married to a man I have not met or approved of!” Memaw shrieks in my ear, making me wince.


“You did, didn’t you?” she asks before I can answer. “You got married and didn’t even think to call me and your papa?”

Staring into Dillon’s eyes, I whisper, “I did get married.” I watch as his face softens and his eyes darken. Leaning over, he pushes my hair back over my shoulder and kisses my neck, causing my eyes to slide half-mast. Scooting closer to him, I tuck myself into his side, resting my cheek against his chest and listen to Memaw shout.

“I can’t believe this! Frank, can you believe this?”

“I ain’t got no choice but to believe it,” Papa mutters, and I fight back the laughter I feel bubbling up inside of me.

“What the hell happened to the good old days, when a man would ask a woman’s family for consent to date her?” she grumbles, and this time I can’t fight the laughter I feel, so I press my face into Dillon’s chest and let it go. “Are you laughing?” she asks in disbelief.

I laugh harder, asking, “Would you like him to pay you in cattle for my hand in marriage, Memaw?”

“That would be a start, though, I do think you’re worth more than a few head of cattle,” she mutters dryly, making me giggle.

“What the hell are you talking about cattle for, woman?” Papa shouts from a distance, and I tilt my head back to look at Dillon, wondering if I should put the phone on speaker so he can hear for himself what real crazy people sound like.

“Nothing,” she snaps. Then whispers, “When did you get old enough to get married, baby girl?”

My laughter dies in my throat and my eyes fill with tears. “I don’t know,” I whisper back, listening to her pull in a ragged breath.

“Please tell me that he makes you happy,” she pleas quietly, and my eyes close tight.

“I promise you he makes me happy,” I say, feeling Dillon’s fingers still on my side, where he was drawing lazy patterns, and then his lips at the top of my head press there.

“Well… I guess I got no choice but to be happy for you then, do I?”

“I would like you and Papa to be happy for me. I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you, but things have been a little crazy around here.”

“I bet.” She sighs, then mutters, “Hold on, your granddad is biting at the bit wanting to say something. Darn it, Frank, let me let the darn phone go before you strangle me with the stupid cord!” she shouts, and I laugh once more.

“Angel, is your young man there with you?”

“Yes, Papa.”

“Put your phone on speaker so I can say something to him.”

“Papa,” I sigh, knowing what’s coming and not really wanting to subject Dillon to it.

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