Home > Until Jax(48)

Until Jax(48)
Author: Aurora Rose Reynolds

“Jesus,” I groan, sliding inside her, feeling the wet heat of her walls clamp down on me. No fucking way will I be able to hold off, feeling all of her for the first time, while she looks at me with wonder in her eyes.

“I love feeling you inside me,” she moans, and I feel my toes curl.

“Fuck, baby,” I growl then flip her to her stomach and pull her hips up high. I slam in deep, so deep I feel the wall of her cervix against the tip of my cock, then do it over and over again, listening to her cry out as her walls clamp down around me. Wrapping my hand around her waist and one beneath her chest, I pick her up, impaling her on me as my fingers roll over her clit.


“I’m here, baby. Give it to me,” I tell her, taking her mouth with mine and planting myself deep inside her, feeling her walls contract around me as she comes again. Waiting until her orgasm passes, I clench my teeth then push her face into the bed and hold her in place by the back of her neck, sliding in and out of her slowly at first, feeling my cock drag along her walls, then fuck her so hard the bed shakes under us, and her scream fills the room as I plant myself deep inside of her, coming on a groan.

Resting my forehead against her back, I listen to her breath come out in harsh pants that match mine before pulling out slowly and rolling to my side, bringing her with me, roaming my hands over her stomach and breasts.

“What time are we picking Hope up in the morning?” she asks when we catch our breath, and I can hear the sleep in her voice.

“We’ll go in the afternoon. Mom wants to take her and the puppies to some class they have at the pet store.”

“I still think your mom’s crazy for wanting to take Hope and the puppies.”

“She loves having Hope, and Hope wouldn’t agree to sleep over unless the puppies went along for the night,” I tell her, running my hand over her hair.

“Do you ever think about your real mom?” she whispers, catching me off guard, while her fingers draw absently on the skin of my arm, and I wonder if this is the alcohol talking, or if this is something she has been thinking about.

“Sometimes,” I say, letting out a deep sigh. “Sometimes I wonder how she could have cast me aside the way she did,” I confide honestly, feeling a pain hit my chest that is always present when I think about Jules.

“I know that feeling. You’re lucky to have your dad and Lilly. I wish I had a parent I could share things with. I wish my dad was still alive,” she chokes out as wetness hits my bicep. Turning her in my arms I hold her closer against me.

“You have a family, baby,” I whisper, tucking her head under my chin.

“You know the sad part?” She sniffles.

“What’s that?”

“I would forgive her. If she came to me and apologized, I would forgive her, because I want to have that relationship with her. I’m so twisted that I would accept her back into my life if she apologized to me,” she whimpers, and I feel my heart break for her, because I know exactly what she’s feeling.

“You’re not twisted, Ellie. It’s ingrained in us from the time we’re little to love our family, to want to be close to them. It’s human nature, baby.”

“I hate her.”

“Shhh…” I soothe then tell her how much I love her, how much Hope loves her, and reassure her over and over what she means to me, while listening to her heartbreaking sobs until she finally cries herself to sleep. Getting out of bed, I go to the bathroom and wash myself off then take a wet towel to the bed and clean Ellie up before tucking her under the covers.

Grabbing my laptop from the top of the dresser, I walk across the room and take a seat in the chair next to the window. I’ve been keeping track of Jules since she was released from prison a few years ago, and I know she lives a couple hours away, near her mom and brother. Listening to Ellie tonight made me realize it’s time for me to face my demons, and finally get some much needed closure.

Pulling up her address online, I send myself a text from my computer with her information then shut down the laptop and set it on the chair. Going back to bed, I climb in behind Ellie and pull her body flush against mine, hearing her mumble, “I love you,” making me smile before I drift off to sleep.


“Hey, man, what’s up?” I greet Evan as he steps into my office and takes a seat across from me in one of the two chairs in front of my desk.

“Dropping this off,” he says, reaching over and handing me a folder that has my brows drawing downward.

“Who’s this?” I ask, opening it up and pulling out a stack of papers, all of them referring to a guy named Lane Diago, who is some low-ranking drug dealer in Alabama.

“That’s your cousin’s man,” he grits out, and my eyes meet him, seeing something in his gaze that causes my eyes to narrow.

“June?” I ask, and he nods while sitting back and running his hand down the beard he’s grown over the last few months. “Do you know how long she’s been seeing this guy?” I ask. I forgot all about Sage asking him to look into this a few months ago.

“My guess: about five months, give or take.”

“You wanna tell me why you look like you just got punched in the gut?” I ask, studying his face.

“Nope,” he says, crossing his arms over his chest. “What are you going to do about that?” He nods toward the folder that’s still in my hand and blanks his expression.

“I’ll deal with it,” I tell him, and his jaw ticks.

“You need to tell her to drop him. He’s gonna end up getting her in trouble, or worse.”

“Like I said, I’ll handle it.”

“Whatever. Are we still heading to Kentucky tonight?” he asks, changing the subject.

“Yeah, we’ll head out after eleven,” I mutter, giving him that play, seeing he’s not going to tell me what the fuck is eating at him, or why he seems so pissed about this to begin with.

“I’ll be here,” he says, getting up and walking out of the office, closing the door behind him. Evan is still a wild card. I know he’s smart as fuck and a hard worker. I also know about his history in the military and how he was the only one to survive when his unit was attacked, but everything else about him is up in the air, and seeing he is keeping something from me doesn’t sit well.

Picking up the folder, I flip through it and shake my head. June’s going to be pissed we’re checking in on her, but knowing my cousin, she has no clue the kind of man she’s been spending time with, and if she did, she would probably lay his ass out.

Setting the folder down on the desk, I lean back in my chair and cover my face. Last night, when I told Ellie I was heading to Kentucky with Wes and the guys to check out a lead, I could see it in her eyes that she was worried, but I could also see relief that this shit may be over soon. Since her mom was in jail awaiting trial and we were on Yury’s trail, I hope like fuck that with us tracking him down, it will lead me to the man who purchased her to begin with, and we could finally put all of this shit to rest.

Standing, I shut down my computer and shove the file for June in my desk before walking out the door, coming face-to-face with Sage.

“I was just coming in to see you,” he says then dips his head toward my office. “Can we talk?”

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