Home > UNTIL TALON(16)

Author: Aurora Rose Reynolds

“Good.” He leans down, and I brace as his face gets closer to mine. “I’ll see you Saturday, Mia.” My eyes slide closed, and I grasp his arm when his woodsy scent wraps around me then brace as he brushes his warm lips against my cheek.

When he pulls back, I open my eyes, finding him looking at me with an expression I can’t decipher. All I know is it makes me feel warm and safe and important. “I’ll see you Saturday,” I echo.

He steps back and releases the hold he has on my hand only to fill it with the two leashes he’d been gripping. “Also, call me. I’d like to hear your voice, and if you can’t do that, send me a text.” He opens the door to his truck and slides in behind the wheel.

“You’re very demanding.”

His look turns wicked as his eyes roam over me, making my spine tingle. “Oh, you have no idea, sweetheart.” He slams his door, starts the engine, and rolls down the window. “Call me.”

“I’ll think about it,” I sass.

“Bye, babe.”

“Bye.” I lift my hand to wave, and he winks before putting the engine in drive. I watch his truck until it’s out of sight then tap my hand to my thigh. “Come on, girls,” I call, and they slowly get up from where they’re sprawled on the grass then unhook them from their leashes when we reach the front porch. When we get inside, they go to their beds, obviously too worn out to even check to see why there is music playing along with laughter and singing coming from down the hall.

When I reach the kitchen, I find a dance party happening to Taylor Swift’s song “Me.” I watch my sister spin in circles with her girls, a smile on her face, and the girls looking like they don’t have a care in the world.

“Dance with us, Mimi.” Kate grabs my hand, and I laugh as I twirl her around. We dance and sing at the top of our lungs for four more songs, and then we eat spaghetti, and ice cream for dessert, while sitting on the couch watching reruns of The Goldbergs.

When we finish one last episode, we take the girls upstairs and usher them through showers and their nightly call to their dad. Once we tuck them in, I want nothing more than to go back to bed, but Cece signals for me to follow her downstairs, so I do. We reach the kitchen, and I take a seat at the island while she goes to the cabinet, grabbing two cups and filling both with water from the fridge.

“So… Talon.” She grins, leaning against the counter across from me and placing the cups between us. I bury my face in my hands. I should have known this conversation would happen, but I didn’t mentally prepare for it. Honestly, I haven’t had a chance to mentally prepare for anything today. “I know you told me how hot he was, but I so did not believe you.” I lift my head and meet her gaze. “I mean, he even gives my boss Winston a run for his money, and that’s really only because his name is Winston, and no man who looks like him should be named Winston.”

“You think Winston is hot?” My brows drag together. I mean, I know he’s hot. I’ve been in his presence more than once, but I didn’t think she noticed.

“Everyone thinks Winston is hot. It doesn’t matter if you have a vagina or a penis.”

“This is true,” I agree. “But I didn’t think you noticed.”

“Umm, how could I not notice? He’s Winston. He kind of steals the spotlight, even if he’s not trying. But he’s also married.”

“He’s married?” I gasp. That’s news to me. I’ve never seen a ring on his finger or heard him mention his wife.

Her expression turns guarded. “He is. His wife came into the restaurant the other day making a scene, and let’s just say she’s not very nice.” She waves her hand out like she’s trying to wipe away the memory. “But we’re not talking about Winston. We’re talking about Talon, who is as hot as his name and totally into you.”

“Do you think so?” He’s made it clear that he is, but at the same time, I’m not sure I really believe him. It’s hard to trust that he’s real. I know how most men operate. They tend to do, say, and promise the world, but it’s rare for that to last for very long. And given my experience, I find it hard to believe that his attraction to me will last longer than the first time I allow him in my pants.

“How many men do you know would show up at a woman’s house when they find out they’re sick? Especially—” She emphasizes the word. “—when they aren’t dating. They aren’t even really seeing each other. Not to mention the fact that he looks at you like…” She closes her eyes for a moment then sighs. “God, I don’t even know, because I’ve never had a man look at me that way. All I know is he’s totally into you, and if you weren’t my sister, I would be so jealous right now.”

“We have a date Saturday.”

“So you’re going?” she asks. I frown, and she rolls her eyes. “Last night, you kept talking about how you didn’t know if you should go. It happened every time you picked up your phone, wondering if you should message him. We really need to work on your alcohol tolerance.”

“I think I’ll be happy to never drink again. And I didn’t know if I should message or go, because I don’t know if I trust that he’s real. But as you put it, how many guys would most likely illegally get your address and show up at your house to check on you when you don’t call to let them know you’re okay?”

“I’m pretty sure a stalker would do that,” she jokes, and I sigh. “But seriously, Mia, like I told you last night, what do you have to lose if you spend some time with him? Plus, if you’re lucky, you’ll have the memory of his penis. I just hope it’s not small, because that would really suck—not only for you, but for the population of women in the world who are drooling over him.”

I shouldn’t laugh, but I do, and when I sober, I let out a deep breath. “I’m going out with him. Well, not out. He’s taking me to his house and…”

“Banging your brains out?” she cuts me off.

“Oh my God, what’s wrong with you? He’s just making dinner.”

“Well, I still hope he bangs your brains out.”

“Can you please stop?” I groan.

“Sorry. You’re right. I’ll stop.” She pretends to zip her lips closed.

“Thank you. Lord… I think you need to get laid. Maybe it’s time for you to sign up on a dating app or order a new vibrator.”

“Already done. Not the first option, but the second. I don’t need another man.”

“Right now.”

“What?” she asks.

“You don’t need a man right now.”

“Ever.” She takes a glug of water. “I… I just want my girls to be happy and to get myself sorted. I don’t want another man.”

I study her for a moment, wanting so badly to tell her that not all men are the same, but I know I would sound like a hypocrite. She and I have the same issues when it comes to trusting the opposite sex, and I know hers run deeper than mine, given what she has just been through. “I love you,” I tell her instead, and I see her eyes water.

“I love you too.” Her expression softens to a look I’ve seen her give her girls. “I see good things with you and Talon, so I hope you let him in and actually give him a chance,” she whispers then she clears her throat before walking her cup to the sink. She turns back toward me. “I’m gonna head to bed, and don’t worry about getting up in the morning. I’m taking the girls to school, since I don’t have class until after noon and didn’t work tonight.” She comes around the counter, and I turn my stool toward her as she wraps her arms around me. “Love you.”

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