Home > Blossom : A Passionate Love(23)

Blossom : A Passionate Love(23)
Author: Asia Monique

Blossom shifted in my arms, muttered something under her breath, and then sighed softly once she was comfortable. I found myself staring down at her until I, too, had slipped into a deep sleep.

Later that afternoon, I was walking into my Uncle York’s home.

“Look who decided to show up after being home for three weeks and too busy for his uncles.” I chuckled and embraced my Uncle Umar. “Look at this cool ass nigga, York,” he continued. “Expensive watch and shit on his wrist.” I glanced down at my Movado and shook my head.

“This ain’t nothing.” I wasn’t a flashy guy, but I was a watch guy.

“Yeah, alright, playboy,” York joked, standing to embrace me. “I can still beat yo ass.”

“I don’t know, Unc,” I said, sitting on the couch. “I got a few inches on you these days. That means my wingspan shittin’ on yours.”

“And you know a nigga with long arms…”

“Always got the advantage,” we finished. We continued to shoot the shit like we’ve always done, and it felt good. Being around my uncles and just talking. After three weeks, I was settled into my role at Henley, my place was in order, and then there was Blossom. She was an unexpected surprise that I was very fond of. I’ve spent enough nights with her to know every inch of her body, and have had plenty of conversations to understand how her mind works. She was a sweet, thoughtful, sexy as fuck, moody mess. My feelings for her grow with each day that passes. Shit is wild.

“I wanted to rap with y’all about something.”

“What’s up?” they said at once, both of their light-colored eyes were on me. My mother shared the same gene, one that I hadn’t inherited. I went back and forth with myself about who to confide in about this, but going to my mother wouldn’t have been right, so my uncles were the next best thing.

“I was thinking about reaching out to my brothers.” They looked at each other and back at me.

York nodded and said, “Word?” Umar was silent, and it was hard reading what he thought on the matter.

“What brought that on?” Umar asked. I thought about my conversation with Blossom a couple weeks back. She had a point about family being important. We were adults now, and if a relationship was possible, why not try?

“I was rapping with my girl about…” I paused, catching what I’d said immediately. We hadn’t discussed a relationship, but it damn sure felt like she belonged to me already. Fuck. I’m tripping. I can’t even go a couple minutes without thinking about her ass.

“Your girl?” York’s eyebrows were hiked.

I ran my hand down my face and then said, “I've been rocking with somebody, but that’s a conversation we can have in a minute. She got this big ass family, and being around them had me wondering about Shaun and Lamar.”

“I think you should do whatever you feel is best for you,” Umar said. He still had that unreadable expression on his face.

“But how do you feel about it?” He sighed.

“Does it matter?” I nodded. Their opinions would always matter whether I agreed or not.

“From my understanding, they’ve both had a conversation with your father that didn’t go over well and—”

“You don’t want me to end up in some shit.”

“Yeah, but you are a level headed guy,” York said. “Their issue with him is the same one that you have or at least had at one point. I ain’t saying bond off that shit, but it is a reason to bond and come together.” I pulled on my beard and thought over his words.

“I’m still on the fence but leaning toward doing it.”

“Let us know what you decide.”

“Now let’s get into the important shit,” York said, moving the conversation along. “Your girl.”

“Man…” I quickly ran down how and when we met. They were both staring at me oddly when I finished. “What?”

“Do you always grin and shit when you talk about her?” I laughed. Is that what I do?

Umar threw his hands in the air and chuckled. “The man has been home for less than a month, and he’s in love.”

“Chill,” I said. “I fuck with her heavy. Y’all would like her and Ezra’s girl too.”

“How is Ezra?”

“Living the good life.” He was at his happiest, I knew that much. “In love and about to take that next step.” Ezra was ready to marry Lilac. He had me out with him last week looking at rings. I was out of my element, but I would always be there when he called.

“And they’re sisters?”

“Yeah, and it’s six of em.”


“Girls,” I repeated. “Six fucking girls.” I paused. “I take that back. Six women. All with different personalities that seem to work somehow; shit blows my mind.” It really was amazing to see them in action together. I shook my head.

“I see where this is going,” York theorized. “So, bring her by to meet us soon.” I looked between the both of them, and Umar was nodding. I’d never brought any woman to meet my uncles. They were too important to me to share their wisdom, wit, and all the other good qualities they possessed with women I didn’t plan on taking seriously. But BB, I wanted them to meet, so to hear that they would be down for it made me feel good.

“Yeah, do that,” Umar co-signed. “I want to meet the woman that has you grinning like a damn fool right now.” I chuckled and stood.

“What y’all niggas cooking tonight?” I asked, walking into the kitchen to get away from them for a minute. They were speaking too much about feelings I hadn’t figured out yet. All I knew was that Blossom was slowly stealing my heart, and I wasn’t mad about it.

“Not shit for you,” Umar replied. I turned to find him leaning up against the kitchen doorframe. His eyes scanned my face and then he asked, “Are you sure you want to open Pandora's box?” I shrugged.

“I don’t know yet.” I crossed my arms. “It’s something I really have to think long and hard about.”

“Take into account they not only haven’t reached out to you in all these years but also each other.”

“I’m still surprised at how much you know and find out.” Umar was up on everything. There wasn’t anything happening in the city of Philadelphia that he wasn’t aware of and damn sure not anything that could affect our family dynamic. “What’s the story behind their meet-up with Ronald?”

“Are you sure you want to know?” I nodded.

“Long story short, he invited them to talk but at the same time.” I scoffed and shook my head. Now, why the fuck would he do that?

“Meaning if I had accepted his invitation, I might have been in some shit.” The thing is I didn’t have problems with my brothers, nor did I have any ill feelings toward my father. I had my time to stew in what his absence did to me mentally, and I did my due diligence to heal from it. My hands were completely washed of those old emotions I once kept bottled up. Maybe that meant I’d washed my hands of any and everything that came with it, including Shaun and Lamar. I needed more time to figure that part out.

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