Home > Speak From The Heart(43)

Speak From The Heart(43)
Author: L.B. Dunbar

While still in the alley, I pull my phone from my purse and call Grace, telling her everything. The sex. The dates. The blowout at the Tavern. I saunter home as I tell my tale.

“You had sex, and you didn’t tell me?” my sister shrieks, followed by a giggle.

“Grace, you have sex all the time. You’re about to have your fifth child, for heaven’s sake.”

“Yeah, but it’s not the same, and it’s so difficult when I’m this huge. I’m living vicariously through you.” She’s teasing me, trying to break the tension she hears in my voice.

“Sounds like someone was jealous,” she adds.

“He sounded broken, Grace. His wife slept with someone, he caught her, and then he took her back. And she still left him.”

“Fragile heart,” Grace whispers. “He sounds like you.”

“I don’t have a fragile heart.” I laugh. I’m the one left behind. I’ve become hard-hearted to it.

“Yes, you do, Em. You get dumped, and you’re so hurt, but it’s always a sign that he was not the right guy, not that you’re the wrong girl.”

Tears prick my eyes at her words.

“So what are you going to do?” she asks.

“Go home,” I say with a shrug. I’ve arrived at Nana’s house, and I climb the steps to sit on the porch swing. It’s getting even harder to be inside now that new memories have been made with Jess. The living room. The shower. My bed.

“Do you want to go?”

“I don’t have a choice, do I? My job awaits.” I sigh.

“Quit it,” my sister commands, her tone serious. “You aren’t happy there.”

“Grace, I’m not independently wealthy. I can’t just leave my job.”

“You’re a single woman who’s worked a decade at the same place. You haven’t taken a vacation in over a year. I know you save money for a rainy day. Here’s your rainy day.”

I laugh at my sister’s wisdom, but she isn’t totally wrong. It just feels like such a big risk, and for what? Jess just walked away from me as I stood there wanting to help.

You offering me something?

Nope. The popping sound in his rejection resounds in my head.

“Nah, Grace. The sun is still shining for me,” I lie. “And I’m going back where I belong.”


+ + +


I didn’t hear from Jess at all the next day, and I used the time to organize what needs to be done and make some calls to set up appointments. Most places closed early—typical for a Friday before a holiday weekend—but I’ve set some things up and arranged for Sue Carpenter to let the workers into the house. It’s not ideal, but Sue offered her help, and I need her support.

Today is the biggest day of the Harbor Day weekend festivities, and everything will be closed while people celebrate with their family and friends.

Most people will be spending today in town or at the beach, and I decide to take a walk up to the local parade in the morning. The celebration begins with a display of the youthful beauties from various pageant courts along with celebrated veterans, first responders, and community businesses.

Jess and Tom are in the parade, but Jess doesn’t notice me.

He’s not looking, I tell myself. Nope, nope, nope.

Katie spots me instead. Sitting next to her father with a tiara on her head, she waves to me. I wave back, and then she taps her father’s shoulder. He makes eye contact, and I get the chin tip. The same one I got when I first met him.

So, we’ve come full circle.

With that, I turn to leave and run into Tricia Carter.

“Hey,” I say.

“Hey.” She watches me a second. “Are you leaving?”

“Yeah, I have stuff to do back at the house.”

Tricia nods. “But it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.”

We both laugh at her words.

“I’ve still got some packing to do and appointments to arrange.”

Her brows rise. “So, you’re really leaving, as in going away?” Her voice drifts off at the end of her question, and I’m surprised. What did she think I would do?

“I’ll walk you back,” she says and turns to walk with me back to Nana’s. Immediately, she dives into the awkward stuff. “I heard what happened the other night. I was running late thanks to my own drama.” She squints in the sunlight, and I know I should ask, but she continues before I can. “Men suck.”

I chuckle next to her. You said it, sista.

“But Debbie was a bitch, and Jess is just . . . loyal. Her charm was thick. She could weasel herself out of a paper bag. Cheating on her husband. Mistreating her child. She had excuses and reasons for everything.”

I listen in silence.

“Here’s the thing—when someone treats you like that, you start to believe the things they say and do are your fault.” She pauses, and I can’t help but think that no truer words were ever spoken. In the relationships I’ve had, I’d believed it really was me and not them. Something wasn’t right with me. I wasn’t the relationship type. I’ve started to realize that I’ve ignored the bigger picture—the reality that all of my previous lovers weren’t right for me, like Grace said. Walking with Tricia makes me miss Grace even more.

“You fall for the lies and believe them as truths,” Tricia adds. Her voice grows harder, and I’m suddenly wondering if she can relate.

“I’m sorry all that happened to Jess.”

“Me too.” She sighs. “Because at heart, he’s a great guy. Smart. Funny. Good dad. Great son. Upstanding man of the community. He’s perfect, right? Like a prince?” Her eyes shift to me.

“Perfect,” I mutter, only he doesn’t want me. “But Prince Charming might have a thing or two on your brother.”

“How’s that?” Tricia asks.

“Well, for one, as perfect as your brother might be, he isn’t interested in me.”

She stares at me, incredulity written across her face. “Girl, are you blind?”

“Look,” I say harshly. I stop walking and look directly at her. “Your brother has been very clear he doesn’t want anything from me. Not my love for Katie. Not my interest in him. He’s fine to just fu . . . sleep with me for a few days, but he’s not offering more.” I can’t believe I’ve just said all this to his sister, admitting that I’ve slept with her brother, but we’re adults. It happens.

“Did he say that? Say not to love Katie?”


Tricia stares at me, blinking rapidly. “I . . . I’ll never understand men. What an idiot.” She chuckles as she shakes her head in disbelief. “I’m going to tell you something about my brother even though I probably shouldn’t. He won’t shut up about you. From the moment you entered town, it’s been Emily this and Emily that. First, you were always pissing him off, and that’s because he didn’t know what to do with you. Said you were always showing up wherever he was. When Katie took an interest in you, it just confused him more. Then his tune shifted, and he started acting like you’re some miracle worker by introducing Katie to sign language and the communication app. Then he sang more praises about you and smiled more often and started sneaking off to see you. He’s included you in every family function lately, which he has never ever done with a woman, and he’s . . . he’s fucking happy . . . so I do not understand. If that’s not an interested man, I don’t know what is.”

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