Home > Alpha Protect(18)

Alpha Protect(18)
Author: Sue Brown

Walker picked up his own pack. “Not in my lifetime,” he muttered under his breath.



Chapter 8


Si glowered at them as they joined him at the bottom of the stairs. “What the hell have you been doing? You’ve got a fucking psycho after you and you’re playing hunt the sausage?”

“We’re ready now,” Mark said mildly.

Walker noticed he didn’t confirm or deny what they had been doing upstairs. Si’s scowl deepened but he didn’t respond, just looked at Walker and said, “Are you ready?”

Walker nodded. He was the agent in charge, and Si acknowledged that. “We’re ready.”

Si noticed the car key fob in his hand. “Give me the key to your rental. I’ll handle that. Mitch has already contacted the rental company.”

Walker expected nothing less, but it was good to know there was one less thing for him to worry about. He handed them over without a word.

Si headed for his Ford and got the vehicle started, but Walker wouldn’t let Mark out of the house until he’d surveyed the area. Si had sensibly parked his vehicle so there was no direct line of sight for anyone with murderous intent. Walker plucked Mark’s keys out of his hand and shooed him into the car. Mark muttered under his breath, but Walker ignored him, jogging back to lock up the door and get into the Ford. Si seem to give him an approving look. Walker guessed that was going to have to do as an acknowledgement that he wasn’t a complete idiot.

It didn’t take long to get to the diner, which was just off the highway. Si confirmed he hadn’t seen anyone following them. As he pulled into the parking lot, Walker studied the vehicles, easily spotting the agency truck. They never knew how to do subtle. He made a decision to change vehicles as quickly as they could. This one was just too obvious. Si parked up and turned to look at his friend.

“You keep your head down, buddy, and do as he tells you.” Then Si turned to scowl at Walker. “You’d better bring him back to me alive or I’m gonna gut you where you stand.”

“I will.” One agency man to another, Walker was going to keep that promise to Si.

“Subtle. Real subtle, Si,” Mark said with a snort.

They both ignored him, engaged in a staring contest. Walker didn’t break Si’s gaze. To his surprise, Si broke it first by giving him a curt nod.

“You’d better get on with it, rookie.”

“Stay in the vehicle until I tell you,” Walker said to Mark.

“He’s learning fast,” Si drawled.

“Too fast,” Mark muttered.

Walker held back his grin as he got out of the car. The rookie was learning. It occurred to him that guarding an alpha male with agency experience was not the easiest first assignment. More to the point, guarding his alpha male. How was Mark going to feel when a team of newbies were telling him what to do and when to do it? He was bound to feel resentful. Maybe Walker ought to suggest to Mitch that an alternative team takeover. On the other hand, he had a feeling that was probably the worst thing he could do. If he was going to be involved with Mark, Mitch needed to know he could do the job and not let personal involvement get in the way.

All these thoughts were going through his head as he glanced around for any threat. An operative dressed in the regulation black T-shirt and black tac pants got out of the truck.

“Walker,” Walker said by way of introduction.


The man was shorter than him, but only by a couple of inches, with a bald head and dark tanned skin. When Walker looked a little closer, he realized that the man did have hair, but so fine and almost the color of his skin, it made him look bald. He held out the keys to Walker who took them.

Rees studied him. “Are you part of the Valentine crew?”

Walker sighed, knowing what was coming next. “Yeah.”

“No one thought you’d stick it out. You’ve got a bad rep.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.”

He didn’t need some stranger telling him what was now common knowledge. He and the team were going to have to work twice as hard to live down their rocky start.

Rees nodded. “Don’t fuck up.”

“That’s the idea. I need to get going.”

“We’re going to be following you to the safe house in Denver. Your team will take over there.”

Walker was relieved he wasn’t going to be the only one protecting Mark, although it did make him purely the chauffeur. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. Then he told himself not to be stupid. This was a team effort and he was merely a junior member.

“Okay, let’s transfer the package,” he said.

The longer they stayed in the parking lot, the edgier he got. They were too exposed here. He needed to be on the road right now. Rees’s companion, a lean guy Walker thought he vaguely knew, got out from the driver’s side. Walker got into the truck and backed closer to Si’s vehicle, then Mark slid in next him with a large bag and their packs.

“What’s in the bag?” he asked.

“Supplies,” Mark said laconically. “From Greg.”

Walker nodded. By supplies he meant food.

Mark slung the packs in the back and Walker gunned the engine. He already knew where he was heading, because he was familiar with US-191 S, having relatives in the area. He wondered if that was why he was doing the driving.

As Walker pulled out onto the highway, Mark asked, “Where are we going?”

Walker flashed a grin at him. “You know I’m not gonna tell you.”

“I’m not a hostile witness.”

“I know that, but you know if we’re compromised, we won’t be going there anyway.”

“You’re going to treat me like a normal package, huh?” Mark asked.

He didn’t sound offended, more curious if anything.

“I’m going to play this by the book,” Walker agreed. “But if the situation changes and I need your skills, like any situation I will utilize the resources I have, and that includes you. I can’t afford to fuck this up, Mark. One more screw up and I’m out of here. I’m going to do exactly what I’ve been trained to do.”

“I won’t jeopardize your career by throwing my weight around.” Mark’s voice was serious. “But I will make suggestions if I think there are things that can be done better.”

Walker was under no illusion. Mark would be making a lot of ‘suggestions.’

“I’m fine with that. That’s utilizing resources as I said.” He hoped he managed to keep the edge and nerves out of his voice.

“You’re doing fine, Walker,” Mark said, his voice reassuring.

Walker let out a long breath, releasing some of the tension inside him. “I haven’t been tested yet,” he admitted honestly, “but I’m trained to do this.”

“You are and you’ll do fine. What did Rees say to you?”

“You know him?”

“Yeah, he was a rookie when I left.”

“He knows what team I’m part of. He told me not to fuck up.”

“I’m sorry, Walker.”

“I told you before,” Walker said resignedly, “we’ll never be allowed to live it down.”

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