Home > Alpha Protect(32)

Alpha Protect(32)
Author: Sue Brown

Under the table Walker patted his thigh to say thank you for sticking up for him. Mark grunted and slurped his coffee, but he gave Walker’s hand a quick squeeze.

"What can I get you, guys?" the waitress asked, her smile broad.

It slipped as she obviously sensed the tension between the three of them, but they ordered quickly enough, all three choosing steak and eggs. Once she had established how they wanted the steak and eggs she vanished, leaving them alone in an uncomfortable silence.

Si spoke finally. "Do you want me to tell Mitch I’ve seen you if he asks?”

"No," Walker said. “But you could get a message to my team."


Walker nodded.

"Okay, anything particular?"

"Volcano rising."

Raines’s eyebrow shot up comically. "Volcano rising. Is that it?"

"It is."

Volcano rising meant nothing except they were still alive to give a message, but he knew it would drive Raines mad trying to work out its meaning. In truth he had nothing to share with his team. They hadn't done anything or gotten anywhere so what was he going to tell him. Raines was right. All he had been doing was driving up and down the interstate. Mark was alive, that was it.

"You look like you're working up a storm in there," Mark said.

He tapped Walker on the forehead, provoking a slight smile. "Just processing."

The waitress approached with three plates. “Okay, who wants the medium rare with sunny side up?”

“I do,” Mark said and smiled at her.

“There you go, honey.” She returned Mark’s smile with her own, as she put the plate in front of him. “Rare with over easy?”

“That’s me,” Raines said.

“And that must leave medium well with sunny side up for handsome here.”

Walker blinked as he realized she meant him. “Uh…thanks.”

“I’ve got competition,” Mark said as she walked away.

“She’s very pretty,” Walker said, all innocent, as he sliced a piece of steak and took a bite.

Mark’s eyes narrowed but then he took a bite of steak and groaned in pleasure. “Damn, so good.”

“It is,” Walker agreed, his eyes fixed on Mark’s mouth.

Mark caught his gaze and deliberately licked his lips.

“Can you two quit with the foreplay while a man’s eating,” Raines grumbled.

“No,” Mark said. “You and Howie are just as bad.”

“Am not.”

“Are too.”

Walker shook his head and carried on with his steak. It was too good to be spoiled with petty bickering.

He waited until they’d all finished before he turned to Mark. “You knew who was following us, didn’t you?”


Si furrowed his brow. “How?”

“The Chevy. It’s Moose’s new vehicle. I’ve been in it. Besides, there’s this swerve you do when you’re about to overtake someone. I’ve seen you do it many times.”

“I don’t.”

“Yeah, you do. You’ve gotta get rid of this tell if you want to tail people.”

“He doesn’t want to do that because he’s out of the agency,” Walker pointed out.

“You’re gonna hafta show me,” Si said thoughtfully.

Walker looked down at his empty plate before he said the words burning on his tongue. Didn’t these guys know when to quit?

“Clean plates, guys, well done. More coffee?”

The waitress reappeared with the coffee pot. This time he didn’t catch her eyes, not wanting to upset Mark. It was hot that Mark was so possessive about him already. Mark knocked his leg under the table.

They waited for her to go before Si spoke. “I’m worried, Mark.”

“Me too,” Mark said, and once again his directness took Walker’s breath away. There was no bravado or posturing. He was concerned, scared even. “But you need to go home. You’re making us visible.”

“You’re just driving up and down the interstate!” Si snapped.

“We had a destination and a plan,” Walker said evenly.

“Yeah?” Si’s sneer was obvious.

“Yes, and don’t be an asshole just to get information you don’t need to know.” Mark sounded annoyed.

“So I let you ride off into the sunset and I don’t even know where you’re going?”

Walker went on the offense. “Did you really just see us or are you working for…the agency?”

Si’s scowl deepened. “Did you just accuse me of being a hostile and trying to kill my best friend?”

“No,” Mark said.

“Yes,” Walker said.

Mark turned on him. “Si would never…he’s my best friend.” Now he looked hurt and angry. “Let me out. I need to use the bathroom.”

Walker slid out to give Mark room to slide out. “I’ll come with you. You can’t go alone.”

Si stood. “I’ll go with him. Well done, Romeo. You’ve just accused his best friend of being a traitor. Well, that was fucking great.”

He followed Mark leaving Walker looking forlornly after them. As he sat down, he realized Si hadn’t answered his question.



Chapter 14


The two men emerged, and Walker excused himself to go. He didn’t want to leave Mark’s side, but he didn’t have much choice.

He returned as quickly as he could to find the table empty. He had a heart-stopping moment before he realized they were waiting for him by the door. He strode over as quickly as he could and joined them.

“Sorry,” Mark murmured, smiling at him. “I saw your face when you spotted the empty table.”

“My heart stopped,” Walker admitted.

“Jesus, do this outside, will ya?”

Si strode out, but he waited for Mark and Walker before they started back to the vehicles.

Walker surveyed the parking lot. Nothing set his senses tingling but he wouldn’t relax until they were back on the road again. He checked the truck over before he allowed Mark in. Si didn’t give him shit for it and if he had, Walker would have thumped him.

He asked Mark to get in the truck then he turned to Si. “Twice you’ve not answered my question.”

“I know,” Si admitted.

Walker was taken aback by his honesty. “So you were looking for us.”

Si huffed and shoved his hands in the pockets of his cargo pants. “I was. But not like you think. I was picking up an order for Howie, not tailing you from home. It was a coincidence I found you.”

Look in my eyes and lie to my face.

Walker knew body language techniques too. Then he had another thought. “You’ve told Mitch already.”


Walker nodded grimly. “Go home, Raines. Next time I catch you following us it won’t be breakfast and polite conversation.”

“I paid for breakfast, asshole.”


“You’re welcome.” Raines turned away and then back to Walker. “Mitch is a good guy.”

“He might be but what about all the other people he tells. Gonna vouch for them too?”

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