Home > Never Kiss Your Bodyguard(11)

Never Kiss Your Bodyguard(11)
Author: Christine Kersey

A few minutes later a soft knock sounded at the music room door. Though she immediately recognized the knock as Beth’s, for half a second she hoped it was Jake stopping by with plates of cheesecake.

“Come in,” she called out.

All smiles, Beth glided toward her. “So, how did dinner go last night?”

“It was okay.”

Beth plopped down in the very chair that Jake had sat in the night before. “Just okay?”

At the memory of Jake joining her in the music room, Chloe felt a blush climb her cheeks.

Beth narrowed her eyes as she leaned forward. “Why is your face turning red? What happened?”

Was she blushing because she was embarrassed that she’d walked out on Jake, or because she’d discovered how much she wanted him to like her although it was in doubt that she could win him over? Or maybe she was blushing because of the way he’d surprised her with dessert. It was too bad she was starting to like him after he’d made it clear he didn’t feel that way about her.

“Nothing happened,” she said in reply to Beth’s question.

“Uh-huh.” Beth sat back in her chair, her eyes not moving from Chloe’s face.

Maybe it would be helpful to share her thoughts. After all, if she couldn’t confide in her best friend, who could she confide in? “Okay. Maybe one thing happened.”

Beth tilted her head. “What?”

Chloe grimaced. “I may have walked out on him.”

Beth recoiled slightly. “Walked out? Why?”

Should she confess everything? Chloe looked at the sincere interest on Beth’s face and spilled every last detail.

When Chloe had finished, Beth glanced around the room before meeting Chloe’s gaze. “He brought dessert to you? In here?”

Why was Beth making a big deal about it? It’s not like he had been hitting on Chloe. “I think he was trying to make a point.”

“What point?”

“That I left before we finished.”

One of Beth’s eyebrows quirked up. “He didn’t have to do that. I mean, he could have just gone up to his apartment.”

“What are you saying?”

Beth tucked her legs under her as a knowing smile lit her face. “He likes you, Clo.”

Confident that wasn’t true, Chloe shook her head. “No. He said he didn’t. Remember? I told you that.”

“He’s at least warming to you.” Beth’s voice was light and airy, like she knew the truth even if Chloe refused to see it.

Was Beth right? Did Jake not hate her? The idea that she didn’t repel him made her smile. Unless Beth was wrong. How would Beth know anyway? Had Jake told her something? Like, just now? “Did he say something to you?”

Beth shook her head, shattering that idea. “Nope.”

Frowning, Chloe tilted her head. “Then what makes you say that?”

“It’s obvious. I mean, after you high-tailed it out of the dining room and into here,” she swept her arms out to encompass the music room, “he still brought you dessert. And cleaned up. Why would he do that if he hated you?”

“I guess so.” She paused a beat. “Two days ago you told me you got the vibe that he didn’t like me. Do you really think he’s changed his mind?”

Beth shrugged. “Why does it even matter? He’ll do his job regardless of how he feels about you.”

That was true. Anyway, she had more important things to focus on. Like making her next album. She needed sixteen to twenty new songs and was only halfway there. She shook her head. “Never mind.” Then she started talking about the things she needed Beth to do. And none of them involved her super-hot bodyguard.



Chapter Fourteen



Over the next several days Jake got into a routine—working out first thing in the morning before having a quick breakfast, and then working on security issues as well as checking into each and every person who came to the pop princess’s house.

There weren’t a lot of people who came over, he noted. Which made his job a lot easier, but he was still surprised the pop princess didn’t have a large entourage coming and going. It was primarily Beth and a small team of housekeepers. That is, until the afternoon the pop princess announced a last minute appearance she would be making.

Jake had been writing up a report to give to Tyler when the pop princess approached him. He looked up from the computer, rather surprised to see her. He’d only run into her a few times since they’d had dinner days earlier, although he had to admit that she’d been on his mind. A lot. Why though? Was it the way she’d walked out on him before dessert, which still brought a smile to his face, or was it the way she’d reacted in surprise when he’d brought the dessert to her? Or maybe it was his admiration at how hard she worked or the fact that despite working so hard she’d cooked him a delicious home-cooked meal as a way to win him over. Whatever it was, she intrigued him and he couldn’t help but wonder, if she wasn’t a world-famous pop star would she be someone he would be interested in romantically?

Pushing aside those thoughts, he stood to face her. “What can I help you with?” Then, to his surprise, when her sapphire blue eyes met his, he felt a little zing in his heart.

What the heck? Why did that happen?

Shoving aside the confusion that flooded his mind, he waited to hear what she had to say.

Tossing him a smile, she said, “I’m going to a party tonight.”

At the announcement, Jake found himself wondering what it would be like to go as her date. Wait. Did she have a date? Was it Ethan Marsh, the one the entertainment news show had suggested she was secretly dating? And why did the thought of that being true fill him with a sudden pang of jealousy?

Swallowing the feeling down, he focused on the business at hand. “Are you going with anyone?”

She scrunched up her nose. “You mean, like, a date?”

“Yeah. Anyone I need to doing a background check on.”

She shook her head. “No. It’s a paid appearance.”

Unaccountably relieved—and not because he minded doing background checks—he smiled. “Okay. What time are we leaving?”

“The party starts at seven, but I don’t want to get there until after eight.”

“Right. Make an entrance.”

Her shoulders lifted in a shrug. “That’s what Scotty likes me to do.” She paused. “My glam squad will be here at five.”

He’d already done background checks on the people she typically worked with, so he nodded. “All right.”

“We’ll leave about seven-thirty.” She looked him up and down, sending an unexpected thrill through his body. When she met his gaze again, she said, “The dress for the party is casual.”

He nodded. “Sounds good.”

With a final nod, she turned and walked away.

Jake watched her go, forcing his mind away from his unexpected attraction to her and onto what he needed to do that evening to keep her safe.

When seven-thirty rolled around, Jake was standing in the foyer, waiting for the pop princess to appear. He’d changed into dark gray slacks and a black button down shirt. Earlier, he’d gone to the venue where the party was being held and had scoped it out. The event would be at a club, and though the space wasn’t overly large, he’d requested that Tyler send two additional security people to help manage the crowd in case that was needed. They would meet him and the pop princess at the club.

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