Home > Wood(58)

Author: A.E. Via

Shit… Mike.

“No. But I knew you wouldn’t dislike him.” Bishop smirked. “So yeah, I thought maybe you two would hit it off. Then when you lied to me to protect Wood after he relapsed, that’s when I was sure.”

“What?” Trent gaped.

“You know you suck at lying, T. And did you forget that I lived with Wood for five years? And in all that quality time we spent together, I never even saw this asshole get a runny nose, so I wasn’t buying the whole flu story,” Bishop said before lowering his voice.

“I know you like to think you run people away, Trent, but you don’t. I’m sorry the men you met were such cowards and didn’t stick around.” Bishop glanced in Wood’s direction. “I just wanted to introduce you to someone I knew who would.”

Trent realized he was nodding when he felt Wood’s calming hand in the center of his back.

Bishop comically scrubbed at his clenched eyes. “I had a theory you two would work, but I can’t say I was prepared to actually see it.”

Trent’s face felt warm, but he held his head up and met Wood’s eyes. He fought to hold in the emotion that was overtaking him. His brother trusted his judgment and no longer considered him a fuckup. Trusted him enough with a man he’d come to admire and respect. In that moment Trent swore to never let either of them down.

“I know, dude.” Bishop reached over and shoved Trent’s knee. “You got this.”

Trent scoffed. “Stop fuckin’ reading me.”

They laughed for a moment until Wood gripped him behind his neck and pulled him into his chest. Trent automatically went to Wood’s mouth that was curved in that sexy smile he loved.

“All right, enough of this mushy shit. Let’s get some food.” Bishop clapped his hands together. “But I do wanna hear about this first date y’all had.”

They ended up ordering two large pepperoni pizzas and watching reruns of Game of Thrones, trying to get Wood caught up. Trent kept the displays of affection to a minimum, and after a while it felt like just a few guys hanging out and having a good time. Trent had never been on a double date, but the thought of having more of these evenings made him feel all grown-up and mature.

“Let’s go check out that new Jason Statham movie next weekend,” Bishop said while he helped Edison into his coat. “I heard it’s really good.”

“I’m in,” Trent answered quickly, jumping at the idea of getting together again so soon. “We can get a bite after.”

“Yeah. Sounds good,” Wood added.

“Cool,” Bishop agreed, giving him and Wood a fist bump before he left with Edison tucked closely against his side.




Wood closed and locked the door after their company was gone. He turned off the lights in the living room and went into the kitchen to help Trent clean up. He had one hand clutching his lower back while he struggled to stack the dishes with the other. Wood came up behind him, moved his hands and slowly rotated Trent to face him. He wasn’t trying to hide his pain or pretend it wasn’t there.

“You got some more of those muscle relaxers?” Wood asked, rubbing the center of Trent’s back.

Trent grimaced. “Yeah. I get a month’s supply at a time. I think I’m gonna take a double dose and call it a night.”

“Good. You go on and take care of that—”

Trent clutched Wood’s bicep. “What are you going to do?”

“While you go lie down, I’m gonna finish taking out the trash.” Wood kissed Trent’s tense brow. “Then I’ma come to bed and rub you until you fall asleep.”

“You don’t have to do that,” Trent argued weakly.

“I know what I do and don’t have to do.” Wood began to usher a drowsy Trent toward his bedroom. “It’s been a lot of years since I gave a massage, but I think I still got the magic touch.”

Trent was already peeling off his clothes before he got in his bedroom door. Wood flew through his evening duties as he watched Trent teasingly throw his pants into the hall, then his T-shirt, followed by his underwear. “I’ll be asleep by the time you drag your slow ass in here.”

That annoying little— Wood clenched his teeth as he was forced to do the dishes with a half-hard dick. And instead of focusing on how to make his lover feel better, all he wanted to do was throw Trent’s legs over his shoulders and pound his ass for being such a smart-mouth.

Wood leaned against the doorframe admiring Trent’s sexy body lying naked on top of his comforter. Wood hesitantly tore his gaze away and got the bottle of baby oil that’d been left under the bathroom sink. He didn’t know why it was stored there by the previous tenants, and he honestly didn’t want to think about it too hard. Instead he returned to Trent’s room with his oil and a clean towel.

It was late now, the room dark and quiet as he settled on the edge of the bed. Wood poured a healthy amount of liquid into his palms and rubbed them together to make them warm. Trent moaned the second Wood started to knead around the swell of his ass, then up to his lower back muscles.

“Hersch,” Trent said on a breathy sigh that made Wood’s cock take attention, but he ignored his own needs.

“Just relax, baby,” Wood answered. He loved when Trent used his first name, especially when he was turned on or feeling emotional.

He slid his oily hands along Trent’s tight shoulders, trying to remember some of his better moves that used to turn his ex into putty in his hands. By the way Trent was moaning his name and shallowly pumping his hips against the mattress, Wood was positive he still had it.

“Damn that feels good,” Trent murmured quietly. “I’ve never had anyone give me a massage before.”

“You’re kidding me?” Wood said while trying to stay on task.

“Nope. Guess no one ever wanted to,” Trent said as if he didn’t care, but Wood wasn’t buying it. People didn’t make it a point to mention things that they didn’t care about.

“Well, that’s all about to change now.”

“Mmmm,” Trent hummed into his pillow.

“You took the pain reliever already?” Wood asked, wanting to take care of Trent the same way he’d once done for him.

“Yeah. I’ll probably be knocked out soon,” Trent said lazily. “I’m sorry.”

Wood chuckled. “You had a long week. I understand. And Trent—” Wood leaned in and kissed Trent’s slack jaw. “—we don’t have to have sex every night, y’know? I’m satisfied just doing this with you.”

“Well, I’m not,” Trent grumbled, reaching his hand underneath him.

Wood shook his head. He was glad he’d mastered the art of patience and waiting. “Neither one of us have to work in the morning. You rest first. And when you wake up, I’ll give you anything you think you missed tonight.”

“Okay, deal.”

Wood almost didn’t hear what Trent said he was so close to falling asleep. He continued to lull Trent into a deep slumber with his hands. He didn’t stop until Trent was snoring and most likely dreaming. After Wood washed his hands and got himself ready for bed, he climbed in next to Trent and stared at the one amazing thing he had going for him. He had a long road to travel to become the artist he’d once been, and Wood knew with all his heart that he needed Trent’s strong presence to keep him going. To give him a reason not to throw his hands up in frustration. A good partner could do that.

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