Home > As Big as the Sky(17)

As Big as the Sky(17)
Author: Amy Aislin

Sam’s hand landed on Bo’s knee. Bo traced his wrist with a thumb. “So we left. And we went…somewhere else. I can’t remember where. Because for as long as I can remember, we were constantly moving from one job, one town, to the next. Always moving. Always running from angry business owners and pissed off landlords when we couldn’t pay rent. I never had a real home or real friends until I moved to Ottawa for university.” Those friends hadn’t gotten in touch with him in weeks, so he was now, as he always had been, friendless.

His eyes prickled, but he blinked the wetness away. “Instead of helping me or supporting me when I couldn’t decide on a major, Laura started calling me a flake, comparing me to our parents. Saying that I was just as indecisive as them. The thing is they’re not indecisive. They’re shitty parents who care only about themselves and their next high.”

“Where are they now?” Sam asked.

Bo couldn’t look at him. “I don’t know. They haven’t gotten in touch since…October? I don’t care. I stopped keeping track of them a long time ago. I’ve known since I was a kid that I’d be better off without their poison.”

Sam cupped both hands around Bo’s neck and brought his head up, forcing Bo to meet his eyes. Sam’s were warm and understanding, and Bo might’ve detected a little bit of protectiveness there too. A suspicion that was confirmed when Sam spoke. “Bo, the way Laura treats you? That’s poison, too.”

The words were hard to hear and brought the sting back to Bo’s eyes. “No, but you see, she wasn’t always like this. We were really close as kids. We had to be, you know? We only had each other. But then she went to university and she became…cold and distant and judgmental, almost like I wasn’t worthy of being her brother anymore. Something in her changed, or something changed her. And I just want to prove to her that I’m not like our parents. I don’t smoke or do drugs and I barely ever drink. I want her to see who I am, not who she thinks I am. Just because I’m indecisive doesn’t mean I’m unreliable.”

Sam sighed deeply. “That’s why you came here.”

“I want her to know she can count on me.”

“In the four years Laura’s had this place, how many times have you run things for her while she’s on vacation?” Sam asked.

“Maybe six or so. And I get what you’re saying—if she hasn’t seen by now that I’m reliable, how is this time any different? I’m here for four months this time when before it was only for a week or two. Maybe now she’ll see.” It was a long shot but it was all he had. He wanted his relationship with his sister back, but that wouldn’t happen if she couldn’t see past her own blinders. “I’m the only one she asks to cover for her here, so she must trust me to some degree, right?”

“Come here.” Sam pulled on Bo’s hand until Bo moved, straddling his lap. He wrapped Bo in a hug and Bo buried his head in Sam’s neck, inhaling his scent. “I’m sorry your parents suck.”

Bo huffed a quiet laugh despite everything. “Thanks.”

“Bo, I…”

“What?” Bo pulled back with a slight smile. “Something else you think I need to hear?”

Sam frowned. “I’m just looking out for you.”

“I know.” Bo’s heart squeezed. He could take care of himself, but it was nice having someone in his corner for once. “I know you are. You’re the only person who does.”

“Because I love you.”

Bo froze, the hands he’d been running along Sam’s shoulders coming to a complete stop. Had he misheard?

Sam’s hands gripped Bo’s upper thighs and his eyes went uncertain. “Sorry if it’s too early to say that but you deserve to know how I feel about you. You’re so special, Bo. You deserve someone who’s yours, and I want to be that person.”

The tears Bo had been fighting overflowed and spilled down his cheeks even as he laughed his delight.

“I love you, too,” he said, and kissed the corner of Sam’s mouth. That mouth curved against his.


“Of course. How could I not? You’re pretty perfect.”

Sam snorted. “Are you conveniently forgetting the month where I took my anger over being sued out on you?”

“Yes, actually.” Bo sniffled and swallowed his tears. “And I know you're not perfect perfect. But you’re perfect for me.”

Before Sam could say anything else, Bo slanted his lips over his. Mouths open, tongues tangling, Sam’s handed drifted to Bo’s butt, making Bo moan into his mouth. Sam’s dick stiffened in his shorts and rubbed against Bo’s stomach.

Bo wrapped his legs around Sam’s waist when Sam stood.

“Where are we going?” he asked, planting little kisses along Sam’s cheeks.

“Upstairs,” Sam said, breathing unsteady.

“But I’m not tired anymore,” Bo teased. “I don’t need a nap.”

Sam made a sound deep in his throat that may have been a laugh or a groan. “Not for that kind of activity.”

Bo landed on his back on the bed, Sam hovering over him with a wicked grin that curled Bo’s toes and made heat pool in his groin. Their mouths continued to cling as they undressed each other amidst wandering hands, lazy kisses, and laughter.

“Fuck,” Sam said with an amused grimace. “I can’t get your fucking pants off. My hands are shaking.”

“’Cause you want me so bad?” Bo said, grinning.

“’Cause I love you so bad.”

Bo’s stomach flip-flopped, his heart melted, and the stupid tears made a return. How did he get so goddamn lucky?

When Sam finally slipped inside him, Bo gasped and hung on to Sam’s strong shoulders, wrapping his legs around Sam’s waist. Wrapping him up with his body so he could never go away.

Sam’s gaze met his, filled with so much passion and love. Bo let everything he felt for Sam write itself across his face, letting Sam read how much he meant to Bo. And when he came it was with Sam’s name on his lips and fire in his heart.



“Don’t give me that attitude,” Bo pointed a finger at Jelly. “Otherwise I won’t give you this treat.” He removed the carrot from his back pocket and waved it in the horse’s face. Jelly stopped pulling away from him to nose at his outstretched hand. Bo hid the carrot behind his back. “Nope. One more round around the corral and then you can have it.”

The horse huffed but followed Bo’s direction.

They were finishing their final turn when Bo noticed Taylor leaning against the side of the corral.

“Hey,” he said with a wave. He fed Jelly his treat and let the horse graze in the grass while he talked to Taylor. “What’s up?” He leaned against the railing next to her on his side of the fence. “How’d your meeting go?”

Taylor’d had some kind of meeting earlier that had prevented her from leading the afternoon trail rides, which was how he and Sam had found themselves at Sam’s parents’; Sam to lead the trail rides, and Bo to, essentially, hang out with the horses.

Taylor rolled eyes the exact same shade as her older brother’s. “You know when you have so many people in a room that nothing really gets decided?” She hooked a cowboy-booted foot over the bottom rung of the corral. “That’s how my meeting went. Although the fact that we actually finally met is a good sign, so I guess I can’t complain too much.”

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