Home > Beautifully Stolen(21)

Beautifully Stolen(21)
Author: Charity Parkerson

He urged Roman’s face to his and bit Roman’s bottom lip. Pressure climbed his shaft. He was turned on beyond painful. It was like he could feel the lust they caused around them, adding to his. “Tell me you’re mine.”

“I’m yours,” Roman whimpered as Brett pumped faster, doing his best to get Roman off.

Something primal grew inside Brett. He could feel himself getting more possessive by the second. “When we’re done here, you’ll go find your clothes and come home. You’re moving to L.A. with me.”

Roman covered Brett’s mouth with his, delving deep without responding to Brett’s demands. Brett released Roman’s cock and grabbed his jaw, forcing his face away. He held Roman’s stare. “Do we understand each other? I’ll find you a club in L.A. just like this one, if you want to play, but you’re mine and I’m not going home without you. Am I understood?”

“Yes.” There was so much desperation in Roman’s eyes that Brett wanted to beat his chest, but first, he needed to please his man.

“Good. You feel so goddamn amazing on my dick. I need you to kiss me.”

Roman fell on him, claiming Brett’s mouth with a rough kiss as he used Brett’s cock to pleasure himself. Brett couldn’t breathe. He had never been happier and more turned on in his life. Pleasure beat at his crown. His fingers dug into Roman’s ass. He pushed deeper and deeper, following Roman’s cries. Roman moaned against his ear and his body spasmed on Brett’s dick, sucking an orgasm from Brett. Brett cried out against Roman’s shoulder, hiding his face as wave after wave shook him. He hadn’t set out to fuck Roman publicly or get all possessive and demand Roman move in with him. His heart had taken control. Now that the intensity had passed, he worried he had gone too far.

Brett kissed Roman’s cheek. “Are you okay, baby?”

Roman nodded against Brett’s shoulder. “Just blown away.”

Brett kissed his ear, hoping to soothe whatever he might have bent with his demands. “I’m sorry if I pressed too hard.”

Roman lifted his head. Their gazes collided. “Are you taking it back?”

Brett shook his head. “I love you. You belong with me.”

The way Roman rapidly blinked made Brett wonder if he fought tears. That seemed very unlike Roman, but he couldn’t deny what he saw. “I’m not the kind of guy people keep and bring home to their parents.”

A smile exploded across Brett’s face. He had never been happier in his life. “My parents don’t even want me, so fuck that. I want you forever. In my bed every night. As part of my life every day. I think you’re perfect. I’ve never been prouder to be with anyone.”

Roman traced Brett’s bottom lip. His eyes followed the path of his finger. “The feeling is definitely mutual.” Roman’s gaze lifted and collided with Brett’s. “Did you also mean what you said about finding a club in L.A.? Because I think this is more you than you’ve ever realized.”

Brett couldn’t stop stroking every place he could reach. He no longer cared or noticed they weren’t alone. “I always mean everything I say, even if it’s in the heat of the moment.”

“I love you.” Roman sounded like the words came from his soul and Brett swore he caught a glimpse of their future. They would be happy. Together, they had so much to explore. Brett couldn’t wait to get started. Roman was his modern-day fairytale and Brett wanted his happily ever after. There was no time like now to spend the rest of his life with Roman. They would be beautiful. Brett would make sure of it.






“Now that’s a man.”

Dean’s gaze followed Peggy’s line of sight to the two men wearing nothing but aprons.

“That’s your son,” Brett said, sounding like he found Roman’s mom off-the-charts insane.

“Not him,” Peggy said, lightly smacking Brett’s arm and making no attempt to keep her voice down. She was a woman who gave zero fucks. “I’m talking about that big Swedish redwood next to him. Goddamn. That’s a fine-assed man.” Roman looked like he choked on suppressed laughter, but his mom wasn’t finished. She cut her eyes at Brett. “Although I will concede you are allowed to think of my son as a man, since you’ll be my son-in-law someday.”

Roman blushed. “Mom. Jesus.”

“I think she’s great,” Xavier said, calmly arranging pans and getting ready to start filming. It was the most subdued Dean had ever seen the guy.

Roman snorted. “You would think that, you big Swedish redwood.”

Peggy seemed to be completely oblivious to anyone’s discomfort or Roman’s falsetto mocking. She turned Dean’s way. “What about you, kiddo? Which one would you choose?”

Dean’s gaze skirted everyone in the room. While his brother looked amused, Roman ignored Peggy like he had given up any hope of her behaving years ago. Xavier was the only one whose gaze was locked on Dean, intently waiting his decision. Dean took a breath. He didn’t understand why Xavier was always so flippant with everyone except him. It was unnerving.

Dean tried ignoring him by focusing on Peggy. She looked so much like Roman with her blonde hair and hazel eyes. It was hard not to like her. “Roman feels too much like a brother, so that’s just wrong. Xavier already has the rest of the world chasing him. He doesn’t need another man wanting him, so I guess it’s just you and me.”

She smacked his arm. “Flirt. I like you.”

Dean’s gaze slid back Xavier’s way. The man still watched him. At least his apron hid the front lower half of his chiseled body. That helped a hell of a lot with ignoring him. There was no hiding his sexy gray eyes, though. Those were too beautiful for Dean’s comfort.

“Now, what are you boys doing in June? Denver has a hell of a Pride event and I would love it if you came to stay with me to attend. We’d have a great time. My activist group has a float in the parade.”

“Mom adopts everyone,” Roman calmly explained.

“Like I said, she’s great,” Xavier said, still sounding more serious than usual. Only the fact that Xavier’s light-colored eyes were locked on him made Dean realize he was staring again. Xavier’s mouth lifted in one corner. “What do you say, Dean? That’s a good six months from now. Want to go to Denver with me for Pride?”

Dean shrugged. “Anything can happen in six months, I guess.”

Xavier finally looked away, but his smile turned wicked, making Dean wish he could read minds.

The camera crew came on set, saving Dean from any more questions. He had never been one to chitchat. He liked Roman’s mom, though. She was nothing like his mom. Dean wished sometimes their parents hadn’t stopped talking to them, especially since it was his fault. If he had just gone to Germany and been the good son, Brett wouldn’t have felt like he needed to break ties with their parents to save him. The guilt was real and thick, knowing Brett no longer had a family because of him. Guilt aside, Brett had been an amazing parental substitute. Despite their loss, Dean wouldn’t trade Brett for all the parents in the world. Peggy and Brett sat close and spoke in whispers, as if not wanting to interrupt the final setup before the show. Dean fought himself. He didn’t want to look Xavier’s way.

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