Home > Can't Help Falling in Love(24)

Can't Help Falling in Love(24)
Author: Samantha Chase

“Violet, I’m…”

But she wasn’t listening. “Look, Hunter, I’m not asking you to live my life. And we both went into this…whatever it is we’re doing, knowing I wasn’t going to be here long.” Closing her eyes, she took one of his hands in hers and loved how big and warm and strong it felt. “You need to know I didn’t plan on meeting you–or anyone–and even though I’m only here for a short time, I’d like to spend some of it with you.”

When she opened her eyes, she saw he looked a little less miserable.

“I don’t normally do things like this,” he began, his voice low. “Eli and my job take up all of my time. And when I do go out with a woman, I already know going into it that it’s not going anywhere.” He paused and gave her a look that could only be described as hopeless. “You’re the first woman I wished it was going somewhere with.”

And damn if that didn’t sum up her feelings too.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything,” he went on. “Maybe it’s too soon even to be thinking it, but I just thought…” He paused and shook his head. “I believe in being honest and upfront with people, Violet, and I knew this was going to bother me if I didn’t say anything. So…”

“You want to know something funny?”


“I’ve been asking myself what we’re doing too.” She offered him a weak smile. “You know a little of my history and where I came from, Hunter. I usually prefer to keep things casual and I don’t get too emotionally involved.”


“But…it’s not like that with you. And, like you, I kept thinking it’s too soon, and maybe I don’t really know what I feel, but as we’re sitting here and talking about this, I know I feel something for you. Actually, I feel a lot about you. And even though I’m not going to be here for long, I’d like to spend what I can with you too.”

She held her breath and waited for him to respond.

And waited.

Weird, I essentially agreed with everything he said he wanted…

“Are you sure?” he finally asked, and Violet felt herself sag with relief.

“Yeah, Hunter. I’m sure.”

He closed the distance between them, cupped her face in his hands, and kissed her as if his life depended on it.

Yeah, she was definitely sure.



The rest of the week was a combination of running Katie all around town doing all her last-minute preparations for both the arrival of the baby and her husband returning home and running around with Hunter as they tried to find time to be alone.

The running around with Hunter was way more fun.

And creative!

Just thinking about some of the ways they had managed to find time to be alone uninterrupted made her a little giggly.

Of course, Hunter had a house, and it was the obvious place they could be together, but…they both felt weird about having sex in the house while Eli was there. That meant most of their sexy time had to take place at random times of the day.

Like whenever Hunter was on a break, he’d text her and she’d meet him at his house or his brother Kyle would show up after dinner and offer to take Eli out for ice cream so they could have an hour alone…

It was fun, and it felt like they were kids sneaking around and it added to the excitement of being together.

Although, to be honest, they didn’t need anything to help in that category. All Hunter had to do was look at her and she was practically weak in the knees and ready to strip down for him. The man was becoming a serious addiction and she wouldn’t change a thing.

Okay, that wasn’t entirely true. She was starting to wish she was going to be staying in Magnolia Sound for a little longer. Of course, she totally could, but…was it the right thing to do? Violet already knew she wasn’t someone looking for a long-term relationship, but she also knew she wasn’t ready to let Hunter go yet.

It was Saturday afternoon, and she was in the guest room looking over some emails. Rose had just left with Kira, who she was taking for the night, and Katie had asked if it was okay if she had the house to herself for the night. How could Violet possibly say no?

Lucky for her, Hunter had invited her to come for dinner and said he had something important to talk to her about. Her curiosity was piqued, but he assured her it wasn’t anything bad.

Eli was staying with his grandfather tonight, so they were going to have the whole night alone together.

“Am I being an ungrateful bitch?”

Violet turned and found Katie standing in the doorway. “What are you talking about?”

Sighing dramatically, she trudged into the room and sat down on the bed. “You’ve done so much for me this week–driving me to doctor appointments, doing the grocery shopping, and going to the mall to get all my crazy last-minute baby stuff–and what do I do? I throw you out tonight! I even threw my own daughter out! I’m awful!”

Dealing with an emotional pregnant woman was exhausting, but Violet was getting used to it. “Okay, before you spiral any further, you need to relax. We already knew we were going to do all the shopping this week because it just made sense. And as for throwing me out, you have to realize you’re doing me a huge favor. I have only a limited amount of full nights left with Hunter, and the fact that I can leave here guilt-free means I can enjoy it even more!”

For a minute, Katie looked mildly confused.

Then she smiled.

“So what I’m hearing is…I’m a great friend who is completely selfless and awesome, right?”

Unable to help herself, Violet laughed. “Yes. That is exactly what you’re hearing.”

“Yay, me!”

Hugging, Violet rested her head against Katie’s. “Admit it, Brian’s able to FaceTime with you tonight, isn’t he?”


With a quick kiss on her friend’s cheek, she stood. “Then you go get you some too!”

“Please,” she replied with a snort. “There is nothing sexy about me right now. Plus, for all I know, an orgasm could send me into labor.” Then she paused. “Although…the idea has merit.”

“Oh, no you don’t! You let that baby keep cooking. You’ve only got a few more weeks!”

“I know you’re right.” Sighing, she looked up at Violet. “So what do you think Hunter wants to talk to you about tonight? Did he give you any clues?”

“Not a one. And for the life of me, I can’t imagine what it is. We’ve had the whole this is only temporary talk so…what else could it be?”

“Maybe he wants to spend more time with you.”

“Or maybe less…” And damn if that wasn’t a depressing thought.

“Okay, don’t go in that direction. I doubt he’d give you a head’s up if he were looking to end things.”


“You know what? Forget I even brought it up. Now finish doing what you’re doing and you can tell me all about it tomorrow.”

And for a pregnant woman, Katie almost sprinted from the room.



“How would you feel about coming to my brother’s wedding with me?”

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