Home > Can't Help Falling in Love(38)

Can't Help Falling in Love(38)
Author: Samantha Chase

Cursing the few stray tears that were still falling, she looked up at him. “Please don’t think I’m a weirdo…”

His soft chuckle was the first response, but he quickly schooled his features. “I don’t think you’re a weirdo, Violet. You’re a single woman who is probably used to sleeping in on a Saturday morning and having a lazy day until you’re ready to do something. Our day starts early and it’s lazy for us but not to other’s standards. There’s breakfast and cartoons and some random chores. Not that you’d have to help with them, but…I totally get it if you’d rather go.”

Did she?

Honesty was important to her, so she knew she needed to explain to Hunter what was going on in her head.

“I don’t remember a time when I was growing up that things were normal. Things were typically chaotic when my mother was alive, and it didn’t matter if it was a school day morning or a weekend, I usually had to fend for myself. When I went into foster care, every home was different. I bounced around for a year or two before getting placed in the same house as Katie. The Michaels’ were regimented–and I mean that in a positive way. There was a schedule that we followed, and while we always sat down to breakfast together, it…” She sighed as she searched for the right word. “It was still obvious–at least to me–that it wasn’t my home. It wasn’t my family. I was always on guard and waiting for the moment when I’d have to pack up and leave again.”

She expected him to comment or tell her how sorry he was like most people did, but he didn’t. He simply lay back and let her talk.

“You may not believe this, but…being around families–normal families–is a little hard for me because I’m not sure how to act.”

“Just be you, Violet. There’s no one else you need to pretend to be.”

“That’s just it, Hunter, I’m not even sure how to just be myself because…because…” And dammit, she couldn’t stop the tears now even if she wanted to. “Because no one wanted me when I was myself. So I’m always trying to be who everyone else is being or acting how everyone else is, and it’s awkward and exhausting and…”

“Were you pretending with Eli in the yard that first day?”

She shook her head. “No, of course not. We were just goofing around and having fun.”

“Were you pretending the day Benjamin was born?”

Her snort was a little un-ladylike, but was out before she knew it. “Are you kidding? I was terrified! That wasn’t an act at all.”

Nodding, he said, “Okay, last question. Were you pretending last night here with me?”

“No,” she admitted quietly.

“Let me tell you something, Violet Drake,” he said, cupping her cheek. “I like the woman you are. A lot. And if you’re telling me that all the times we’ve been together you haven’t been faking anything or pretending, then I can say with great certainty that I like who you are. And you know what? So does Eli. And Katie. And everyone else you know.” He kissed her forehead. “I think you put a lot of pressure on yourself, and I’m here to tell you there’s no one here you need to impress because we already are.”


“Stay and have breakfast with us. That’s it. That’s all I’m asking. For now,” he added. “After we eat, we’ll see how you feel, and if at any time you feel overwhelmed or…awkward, you just say the word, and we’ll wish you a good day.”

“A good day?” she asked, unable to hide her smile. “That’s a little formal, don’t you think?”

He shrugged. “I wasn’t sure how to word it, but…you know what I mean. If you want to go, I won’t stop you. Not now, not later. What do you say?”

It scared her how much she wanted to stay–to be a part of their little morning breakfast routine and just be with them.

Granted, she’d been living with Katie for a month and had experienced her family routine, but…this was different. She was comfortable with Katie; she was family, and Violet never had to pretend anything with her. But this? Being with Hunter and Eli felt like a much bigger deal.

Stop being a weirdo; it’s just breakfast for crying out loud! Surely you can handle sitting through some cereal without freaking out!

Off in the distance, she heard some movement in the other room and figured Eli was up.

“Vi?” Hunter asked. “I need to get up and throw on some clothes. You probably should do the same.”

“Oh…yeah. Right. Sorry.” She went to scramble from the bed, but he stopped her and kissed her with an intensity that surprised her. They had been lying there talking about some deep stuff and yet he kissed like they had been making love. When he lifted his head, he was smiling. “What’s that smile about?”

“You. It’s just about you.” Then he jumped up and pulled on his shorts from last night and was dressed before she even sat up. “I know I said I had only one more question, and I already asked it but…I lied. There’s one more thing.”


“How do you like your eggs?”

Kicking the blankets off, she stood and pressed up against him. It felt a little decadent to be completely naked while he was dressed. “However you want to make them.” Then with a quick kiss, she started pulling on her clothes.



Hunter had seen a lot in his life–both in his personal life and professional one. He’d survived losing his mother at a young age, he’d witnessed life coming into the world and watched as death claimed one. But listening to Violet talk this morning hit him hard.

To the world, she presented a picture of a very confident woman. The type who could conquer the world. And yet, his invitation to have breakfast with him and his son had exposed a vulnerable side–a softer side–and he wanted nothing more than to make everything better for her. Of course, he couldn’t take away the pain of her childhood, but he desperately wanted to show her how good life could be.

With him.

He was so far in over his head and it was both terrifying and exciting all at the same time. Violet made him believe he could have all the things he wanted–that part of him wasn’t dead or even just going through the motions because he had to.

The terrifying part was going to be convincing her things weren’t happening too quickly, and she didn’t need to travel the world to be happy.

And what better way to start than with a great family breakfast with him and Eli.

“Breakfast is served!” he called out. Violet and Eli had been doing yoga in the living room and it was one of the most adorable things he’d ever seen. The serious look on his son’s face as he tried to hold the poses Violet was doing had been priceless. It was obvious Eli was a little infatuated with Violet, and Hunter couldn’t blame him. Even now, Eli wouldn’t come to the table until he held Violet’s hand and could lead her there.

Fortunately, she didn’t look the least bit put out by it either.

Thank God…

Pouring himself a cup of coffee, Hunter had to wonder how he went from sort of being okay with this being a casual relationship to needing Violet to move her life here to Magnolia Sound with him.

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