Home > Dixon (Dark Falcons Book 1)(19)

Dixon (Dark Falcons Book 1)(19)
Author: Em Petrova

“I’m surprised you wanted to come here. Doesn’t seem your speed,” she said to him.

He chuckled. “Spent some time here back in the day. Spent some money too—throwing darts at balloons to win pretty girls a teddy bear.”

She smiled. “I don’t need any teddy bears. I will take some cotton candy, though.”

He smiled down at her, that crooked grin taking up so much real estate in her being that it had stitched itself onto her heart like a patch. “I’ll buy you a cotton candy, baby girl. C’mon.”

Leading her by the hand through the thick clusters of people here on a Friday night, he wove his way to the cotton candy stand.

“You want pink or blue?” he drawled out.


He shelled out some cash. Then as if on second thought, he said, “Give me two tickets to the Ferris wheel too.”

She blinked. Her man had all kinds of tricks up his sleeve tonight, didn’t he? First asking her to the carnival on an unexpected date and second, already having her brothers lined up to work the bar and grant her a night off. Now the tough-guy, biker bad ass planned a ride on the Ferris wheel?

With a glimmer of tenderness in his eyes, he handed her the cotton candy bag. She smiled and went on tiptoe to kiss his stubbled cheek. Feeling the rough scrape on her lips made her think of that roughness on other body parts.

They walked away from the stand, holding hands. They snagged one of the few benches on the carnival grounds and she ate some cotton candy. She offered him a bite, and he opened his mouth for her.

She placed the pink fluff on his tongue and when it melted, he leaned in to kiss her. The sweet flavors drew a deep longing inside her.

She jumped to her feet and grabbed his hand. “Come on. If we don’t get this ride over with, we’ll never get home and reach the best part of the date.”

As he stood, he hooked an arm around her, drawing her against his hard length. “Oh yeah? What’s the best part, baby girl?”

She rubbed her body over his lightly in a tease. “Walk to that Ferris wheel right now, Rothchild.”

They didn’t make it halfway to the ride before she realized he was dragging his feet. Offering to win her a bear at one booth. Asking if she’d like to watch the weekly show that took place on a small stage. Tonight the strains of a live band reached them.

Tipping her head up, she met his gaze. “Dixon Rothchild, are you afraid of the Ferris wheel?”

“Hell no.”

She arched a brow. “I don’t buy it.”

“Only thing I’m afraid of is losing you, Fiona,” he said quietly.

“Is that what this is about? You give me a date that you thought I’d want because you think I’ll walk away? Did my brothers tell you I like the Ferris wheel?”

He grunted. “Yeah, they did tell me. And no, I didn’t want to bring you on a date to keep you. I wanted to bring you on a date to make you happy.”

Her heart tumbled. She hooked her arms around his neck and angled her lips up to his. He crushed his own down on hers for too brief a second before he drew away. “Time for that ride.”

He strode to the wheel and handed the man the tickets. Once they were seated hip to hip and the bar locked down around them, an excited giggle escaped her lips.

Dixon grinned at her. “So it was a good idea to bring you herrrrrrre!” He ended on a cry as the ride took off. When she saw how pale he grew as they climbed into the sky, she slid her arm around his back and drew his head down on her shoulder.

“You big softy. Afraid of heights. Why didn’t you say that? I didn’t need a ride that bad.”

“I wanted to do it for you. Maybe if you distract me, I can endure our time at what—twenty-thousand feet?—easier.”

Laughing, she cupped his chiseled jaw and drew him in for a kiss. The soft brush of his lips sent thrills deep into her belly, and she squeezed her thighs together to lock in the desire boiling inside her.

Soon, she told herself. Soon she’d be in this man’s bed, and she’d tell him what lay in her heart.

Her mouth had other ideas. As soon as they broke the kiss, the moment of flying so high over Mersey overwhelmed her. Or maybe it was her man being so selfless.

Holding his stare, she whispered, “I love you, Dixon.”

He closed his eyes and then opened them slowly. “Did you just say that or did I die in a horrific Ferris wheel accident?”

A giggle burst out. “I really said it. Now you say it too.”

A huge smile crossed his rugged features. “I love you, Fiona. I have something important to ask as well.”

She held her breath.

“Will you be my old lady?”

The term reserved for the ladies of the biker club hit her brain, and she didn’t know whether to laugh or bounce around on the seat for joy.

“I don’t relish being called an old lady, but for you? Hell yeah.” She grabbed his face in both hands and kissed him again. This time she was pretty sure he forgot about his fear of heights.






Dixon did a slow, easy pushup over Fiona, brushing his hard cock against her straining clit. A soft murmur of pleasure escaped her lips. Those little sounds she made drove him crazy.

The bonus was knowing he’d wake with her in his arms. Lately, she’d become such a permanent fixture in his place and so many times he stopped himself short of asking her to move in. Maybe he feared taking things too fast and sending her running. Maybe he was chicken shit.

He watched her eyes hood with pleasure as he stroked the thick head of his cock over her clit once more. Knowing she expected a third caress, he shifted down her body swiftly to take her hard nubbin between his lips.

Tasting her first thing in the morning had to be his all-time favorite high. She was all dewy from sleep, languid and so fucking responsive. As he sucked on her slick pussy, he watched her lips twist and her breasts shiver with each sharp intake of air she took.

He dragged his flattened tongue up and down her folds, taking his time to torment her when he reached her bundle of nerves. She locked her fists in the sheets and cried out. “How do you get me…so close…so fast?”

He rumbled in answer and drew on her with an even harder pull of his lips. She bucked off the bed, froze and then jerked her hips in time to her release. Throaty squeaks escaped her, driving him even crazier.

“Mmmm,” he moaned along with her, as turned on by her pleasure as if he was taking his own. Sweet juices slipped over his tongue, and he cleaned her nice and slow to float her from her high. She lay utterly still.

But not for long. When he poised at her entrance, her green eyes burned up at him. In the depths, he recognized that plea.

Without moving his stare from hers, he sank slowly into her pussy. The tight heat gripped at his cock, and he issued a low growl that abruptly switched to a roar the instant his balls brushed her body. Buried deep, he couldn’t think of anything but having this woman for the rest of his life.

“Move in with me,” he rasped.

She stopped writhing and fell still. “What?” she whispered.

“You’re here all the time anyway. I never want you to leave. The rent’s cheap, and we get all the oatmeal butterscotch cookies we want.” He grinned at her. Turned out that she loved his mother’s cookies as much as he did—and she could joke with his parents like she’d known them forever.

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