Home > I Crave You(18)

I Crave You(18)
Author: C.C. Wood

"Oh, stop looking so surprised. I've grown up too, ya know."

His lips tilted to one side in a half-smile I hadn't seen in a long, long time. One that was usually reserved for me.

"Older and wiser," he replied.

"Both of us." I exhaled hard. "Okay, enough of this maudlin stuff. I'm hungry and cranky. Not a good combination."

Brody didn't say anything else, just came over to the counter where I stood and grabbed one of the paper plates I'd left on it.

I handed him a pair of chopsticks and took a set for myself. We divided up the rolls, though I gave the spicy salmon a wide berth. I loved cooked salmon, but the texture of salmon sashimi made me want to hurl.

I hopped up so that my butt rested on one of the counters and dug in. Brody leaned against the island next to where I sat.

We ate in silence for a little while before I asked, "So what are you doing the rest of this weekend?"

He shrugged and lifted another piece of Louisiana roll to his mouth. "The moving company is bringing things over and unpacking them on Sunday, but that's it."

"Maybe you should see if J.J. is available," I suggested, fighting to keep my words casual.

He chewed and swallowed before he said, "J.J. has a deadline at work and he's not free this weekend."

So he'd already asked. Damn.

I was working part of the day Saturday and Sierra was taking over the shop on Sunday so I could get a little bit of a break.

"Wanna go to the movies on Saturday night?" I asked him. "I actually have the night off."

Brody glanced at me out of the corner of his eye. "Feeling sorry for me?" he asked.

"Absolutely. That means you're buying, right?"

He grinned at me and shook his head. "Not worried about hurting my feelings?"

"Nope. You're a big, strong guy, you can take it." I nudged him with my elbow. "So, movie?"

"I should probably be offended, but I could definitely use a night away from Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, so...yeah."

It was my turn to shake my head. "I can't believe you're living with your parents."

He scowled at me. "It's not that bad."

I just looked at him.

"Eat your damn sushi," he said.

I laughed but did as he directed. I didn't want to piss him off too much or he wouldn't pay for my movie ticket tomorrow.

It never occurred to me that I'd just asked Brody Murphy out on a date.

And that he'd said yes.






I yanked off my apron and tossed the neck strap over the hook on my office wall. I had forty-five minutes to run home and take a quick shower before Brody picked me up to go to the movies.

If I'd been in this situation thirteen years ago, I would have been giddy at the prospect of a night out with Brody Murphy.

You still are.

I ignored the whispered words that rose from somewhere deep in my subconscious. I wasn't giddy. I was just excited to have a night off. It had been way too long since I'd been to the movies.

When I'd texted Brody this morning and asked him what he wanted to see, he told me to choose anything as long as it wasn't animated.

Since he'd given me carte blanche, I was extremely tempted to force him to go see a new rom-com or period drama, but I couldn't in the end. I didn't particularly want to see any of those either and it was my first Saturday night off in a long, long, long time.

So, I'd selected an action flick. One that I'd been dying to see since the first trailer was released a few months ago.

I snagged my purse from the bottom drawer of my desk and locked up my office. Sierra, Harmony, and Kelly were all behind the counter. The after-dinner rush hadn't started yet, but business was beginning to pick up.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" I asked Sierra.

She rolled her eyes at me then turned to Kelly. "Do I seem like I'm completely useless to you?"

Kelly had already gotten used to Sierra over the course of the week so she answered, "Not completely useless. Maybe only partially useless."

Sierra gasped in mock affront. "I should fire you for that remark."

Kelly laughed. "Then you would be completely useless."

Harmony was watching their byplay with wide eyes. I half-expected her to crawl under the cash register at any moment.

Worry nudged me as I watched her. I'd thought maybe her tendency to ditch work was due to irresponsibility, but it seemed less and less likely that was the case. As I'd told Sierra, I still wasn't sure what to do or even say to Harmony.

Until I figured it out, I would treat her the same way I treated Kelly.

"You're hilarious. Y'all should take the show on the road."

Kelly gave me a confused look. "What?"

God, that look made me feel old.

"Never mind."

"Go out. Have fun. Pretend you're still young and spontaneous," Sierra commanded.

"Are you calling me old and boring?" I asked.

"Of course not, darlin'. Have fun!" Sierra said with a wave.

I scowled at her but didn't argue. Time was slipping away and I wanted to at least shower and put on a little make-up before Brody showed up. Date or friends' night out, I wasn't going anywhere in public without at least a little something on my face. Not with the dark circles I was sporting under my eyes.

I hurried out the back door of the shop and locked it behind me. The drive to my house went quickly and I made it home with exactly thirty-seven minutes to get ready.

I was already stripping my clothes off as I slammed the front door. In thirty-four minutes, I was showered, dried, dressed, and swiping mascara on my eyelashes. I swept my hair up into a ponytail on top of my head, glossed my lips, and slid my feet into a pair of wedge sandals.

I had no sooner buckled the last strap when the doorbell rang. I glanced at the clock and smirked. Right on time. Brody hated being late and he used to give me no end of shit about always making everyone late when we carpooled during high school.

I gathered up my stuff and opened the front door. "Punctual. I see you haven't changed a bit."

"You have," Brody replied. "You're actually ready for once."

"Oh, ha, ha. You're hysterical."

"Shall we?" he asked.

I slipped out the door and turned to lock it. The move put me closer to Brody and I could smell the hints of his cologne. It was different from the one he wore during college, but it still went straight to my head.

When I faced him, I actually let myself take in how he looked. Which was too good. He was dressed down in a pair of faded jeans and a white t-shirt. His dark hair was brushed away from his forehead and still damp from his shower.

He looked better now than he did at twenty-four on the day of his wedding. It wasn't fair.

"So what are you going to torture me with tonight?" he asked.

I grinned and told him the name of the movie I'd chosen.

"Nice. Should I be grateful you didn't choose something based on Jane Austen or a chick flick?"

"Chick flick? Really? You're better than that, Brody."

He shrugged. "I'm not sure what else to call them."

"Whatever the real genre is. Rom-com, romantic drama, that sort of thing. You have a daughter. You need to watch what you say."

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