Home > I Crave You(24)

I Crave You(24)
Author: C.C. Wood

I laughed as I turned into my driveway. "Thanks, but that won't be necessary. Just make him squirm a little."

Sierra's answering laugh was dark and a little scary. "Oh, that I can do."

Then I realized that my mother would want to know why I'd left. "Crap. I have no idea what to tell my mom."

"Tell her the truth, that J.J. was being an asshat."

I didn't laugh. "I can't. She's always had this thing about how we had to work out our differences without yelling or violence."

"How exactly does she think you're supposed to do that?" Sierra asked. She was an only child and though she and I had the occasional spat, it was never anything like the knock-down-drag-outs that J.J. and I could raise.

"By talking," I answered, my tone dry.

"You mean shouting?"

"Nope. Talking. Calmly and reasonably about why we were upset with the other person and resolving the issue with compromise and love."

"Screw that. Total annihilation is the only way to go."

There were several reasons that Sierra and I were friends and this was definitely in the top five. She understood the way my brain worked because hers worked the same way.

"Today, I'm going to settle for not having to stare at my brother's face across the dining room table at lunch. If you want, I can swing back by and pick you up."

"Don't worry about it. I'll get Brody or your mom to drop me off at the shop. Besides, if I leave now, who will make your brother squirm?"

Yep. Our minds definitely worked the same way.

"Let me know if that changes."

"Roger that, Ghostrider."

The phone line clicked as Sierra disconnected. I shook my head and laughed. My brother was in for one heck of a Sunday lunch.

I was almost sad to miss it.







To my utter surprise, my mother didn't call to express her eternal disappointment in me for my abrupt departure.

And I was downright shocked when I saw J.J.'s name pop up on my cell screen around three that afternoon.

My first instinct was to let it go to voicemail. J.J. and I had already had a tense conversation today and I didn't want it to devolve into an out-and-out fight. But I couldn't avoid my brother. If I didn't answer the phone, he'd probably just show up on my doorstep.

"Hello, brother," I greeted when I answered.

He was quiet for a moment and I braced for an angry tirade.

Instead, he said, "I'm sorry, Cam."

Uh, what?

"I think I misheard, what did you say?" I asked.

He made a frustrated sound, well, a grunt, and repeated, "I'm sorry."

"For what exactly?"

"Seriously, Cam?"

"Well, I want to make sure that you're apologizing for thinking that I would be the type of person who would jerk your best friend around and not because you egged my shop. Please tell me you didn't egg my shop."

"It's Sunday afternoon. The shop is packed this time of day and any one of them would have called you by now if I'd done anything to Crave."

"Okay, so you're apologizing for thinking that your little sister is an asshole?"

"Yes," he growled. "Stop giving me such a hard time. I know I came across as a jerk and I've apologized."

"It hurt, Jay." As soon as I said it, I realized it was true. It had hurt, tremendously, that my brother could think that. I hadn't let go of my anger until this moment because it would hit me that a person I loved thought I was capable of doing that to someone else.

"I know. I really didn't mean it the way it came out."

"Then how did you mean it?" I asked, my voice soft.

He sighed and didn't speak for a few seconds. "Cam, I know how you felt about Brody in high school. And I know how he felt about you."

"You mean hated me?"

"No, I don't think he hated you at all. I'm pretty sure he was trying not to be the kind of asshole who went after his best friend's little sister."

I had to laugh. "Oh, that's hilarious. He wanted me so he was mean to me to drive me away."

Silence was his only response.


"Cam, he was too old for you back then. You were a sophomore when he was a freshman in college. It wouldn't have been right."

"But now it's okay?" I couldn't control the sarcastic edge in my voice.

"Honestly, I don't think I could find a better man for my little sister. I'm more worried about you breaking his heart."

"Oh, yeah, because I go around breaking hearts on a daily basis." God, he was pissing me off again.

"I don't think you would do it intentionally, Cam. You're not like that. But Brody's life is different now. He's older. Settled. He has a daughter to think about. And you're just getting started. I know you want to open another shop. To grow your business. You're a smart woman and you have goals. Priorities. I'm worried that a single father won't fit into those plans."

It was my turn to respond with silence. I understood how J.J. could think that. We were siblings, but I didn't share everything with him. Not the way I did Sierra.

"Did you ever think I'm so focused on my business because I haven't found someone I want to share my life with, Jay? That I got tired of sitting home alone at night and decided to do something to fill that emptiness? I've dated a few men that were nice, some not-so-nice, but none of them were ever..." I trailed off because I couldn't find the words I truly needed.

"The one?" J.J. asked.

"Yes. The one. I've looked for that person. I just haven't found him. And after the last guy, well, I needed a break from even looking."

"What do you mean, the last guy?" he asked. "Is there something I don't know about him? What did he do to you? I'll beat his ass if he hurt you."

I shook my head and laughed a little. "It's not that. I hurt him when I broke up with him. He loved me and I cared about him. But not enough to give up my dreams. That's how I knew it wasn't meant to be. If I truly loved him, I would have figured out a way to make it work when he asked me to move in with him. I don't want to ever be responsible for hurting someone like that again."

"So you stopped trying?"

"Yes. Just for a while. Until I meet someone who seems worth the risk." I cleared my throat because it suddenly felt tight. "Now, that's enough mushy stuff for today. I have the afternoon off and I intend to spend it in utter sloth mode by eating pizza and watching movies."

"All right. I'm heading back home." He paused. "And, for what it's worth, I think you and Brody would be great together. As long as you don't punish him the way you punished me when I made you mad in high school."

"Oh, really? And you think I won't punish you now?"

"Don't even think about it, Cameron—"

Before J.J. could continue, I said, "Good talk, brother. I'm sure I'll see you soon."


I disconnected and tossed the phone on the couch beside me. Then I laughed. Maybe it was time for me to resurrect the punishment system for my dear, sweet brother. Clearly, he missed it.

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