Home > I Crave You(48)

I Crave You(48)
Author: C.C. Wood

"So you didn't want to leave?"

I shook my head but he just raised his eyebrows at me, his expression expectant. Ugh. I hated it when he did that. If he wanted a verbal response when we were kids, that was the exact expression he wore. I wondered if it drove Jacks as crazy as it drove me.

"I didn't want to leave," I said aloud. Then, I took it one step further and confessed something to him that might have him running away. "I'm not sure I'll ever want to leave."

Brody's fingers tightened on my wrist and he pulled me a little closer. "And you didn't want to admit that?"

"No," I whispered.


His mouth was less than an inch away. I could feel his breath against my lips.

"Because it's too soon. We've only been officially dating for a few weeks."

His lips brushed mine all too briefly then moved slightly away. "We get to decide what's too soon. And we've known each other for twenty years. It's not like we met for the first time less than a month ago."

"This is different," I argued. "If we move too quickly and realize it was a mistake, there are a lot of people that could be hurt beyond the two of us. Jacks, my brother, my parents. I don't want to screw it all up. I love that you're close to my family and I love Jacks."

"And me?" he prompted, tugging me even closer until my body leaned into his.

My heart picked up and my breathing turned shallow. Shit. I wasn't ready to say this out loud. To him.

Was I?

"Hey," he said. His fingers released my wrist and lifted to my cheek. "Whatever you're feeling, you can always be honest with me. Whether you think I'll want to hear it or not." A smile curved his lips. "And as I recall, you always used to tell me exactly what you thought when we were both teenagers."

"I—" I stopped and licked my lips, my eyes glued to his. "I do love you, Brody, but—"

I didn't get to finish my thought because he kissed me again. It was just as light as the previous caress, but it shut me up.

"I love you, too."

Wait. What?

"What did you say?" I asked.

Brody grinned. "I believe we just declared our love for each other."

I had no idea how to respond to that. I knew I loved Brody. When I was younger, I loved him the way a child loved.

But now it was different.

The love I had for him was deeper. All-encompassing. He was no longer the perfect boy on the pedestal. He was a man with flaws. Who made mistakes.

But he also made me laugh. And I felt safe with him, as I did with my father and brother. Since the moment I'd met him, I sensed that I could tell him anything and he would listen without judgment. He would help me if I needed it.

"So, what did you want to do tonight?" he asked.

I blinked at him, my mind still swirling from everything he'd said.

"Earth to Cameron. Are you in there?"

I scowled at him. "Way to ruin the moment, Broderick."

His grin turned positively wicked. "I wasn't the one standing here drooling."

My fist found his gut, though I kept the contact light. "I changed my mind. You're a jerk. I don't want you here."

He wrapped me in a tight hug, laughing in my ear. "You're a horrible liar."

I groaned when he squeezed me a little tighter the way he used to when we were younger. He'd give me bear hugs so tight that I couldn't breathe.

"Fine," I gasped when he released me and let me drop back on my feet. "I'll let you stay for a little while. But no sleepover. You've ruined it."

"Bet I could change your mind," he murmured into my ear.

The pure promise in his voice made me zone out again. I didn't shake myself out of it until he laughed again.

"We'll see," I replied. "Let's get our drinks and a snack. I DVR'ed a show that I love."

We did all that and curled up together on the couch to watch the show. After about ten minutes of Brody asking me question after question, I stopped the episode and started the first one.

I'd discovered another flaw in Brody Murphy—he ruined movies and TV shows.

But I could live with it.






It was official.

I was in love with Brody Murphy and he was in love with me.

We were a couple. Together.

If I were any giddier about it, I'd be doodling Mrs. Brody Murphy and Mrs. Cameron Murphy all over my paperwork at the office.

We'd also officially made Sierra sick. She'd gotten called back to Dallas for work and wasn't sure when she would be back. It was probably a good thing because she and Ben had one hell of a fight the night that he told her he loved her. I hated that they weren't speaking, that Sierra was running from the love that Ben offered her, but I couldn't fix it for her.

I had hope they would work it out, but a little space would be a good move for her. Sometimes Sierra needed a fresh perspective and distance to see a situation differently. I had faith she would realize what she'd found in Ben. Plus, the closet romantic in me loved the idea that if, no, when, she and Ben got married, we might share a last name. Like sisters.

Maybe I was getting ahead of myself when it came to Sierra and Ben, but I didn't think so. When it came to the idea of marrying Brody, I was almost certain he was thinking along the same lines. We weren't going to rush, but he made it very clear that was where he saw us heading.

I loved Jacks, and her attitude toward me suggested she liked me a lot, but she was six. It wouldn't be right for her to come home from a two-week vacation to find me living in her house as if I belonged there.

Speaking of coming home from vacation, today was the big day.

As nice as it had been to have a little honeymoon period with Brody, I knew he missed his daughter. I missed her, too. She was a lot of fun and she reminded me so much of Brody when he was younger.

And she reminded me a little of me.

I could also see that Monica's handling of the situation was causing major strain in Brody as well. Every time he called to talk to Jacks, Monica wouldn't answer. The first time it happened, she didn't call him back until he left a message that his next call wouldn't be to her, but to his attorney. Which had been a good twelve hours after his first call.

After that, it would take her at least an hour, sometimes two or three, to return his calls.

He was careful not to say anything about it to Jacks because he didn't want to upset his daughter. But there were several occasions where he asked her about whatever activity her mother used as an excuse for the delay in calling back and Jacks had no idea what he was talking about.

As the two weeks wore on, I could see him becoming grimmer and grimmer. He spent a lot of time on the phone with his lawyer and the private investigator he hired to keep an eye on Monica.

He didn't talk about it very often but I knew he was still worried his ex would load his daughter up on a plane and have her in another country before he could do anything about it.

He didn't shy away from the topic when I brought it up, but he wasn't verbose either. So I let it lie.

I'd offered to let him have the evening alone with her, but it was Jacks herself who blew that out of the water. She told Brody last night that she wanted her first dinner at home to be the three of us. And that she wanted me to make hot dogs, cheese fries, and maybe even some chocolate hazelnut swirl ice cream.

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