Home > Renegade(42)

Author: Myra Danvers

Lips peeled back from his teeth, the hunter’s matted mane began to bristle. Musk all but dripping from his skin as his temper rose in waves of rigid tension. Luminous amber eyes fixed to the throbbing pulse fluttering at the base of hybrid throats. The swarthy, dark skin stretched over the artery, glistening in the sun…

Flexing his fist just to feel his claws press into the meat, he inhaled all the way to the bottom of his lungs. Held the breath until it began to ache, then released it. Inching closer with precise, economical movements, his claws extending.

Movement from the cave caught his eye, and he retreated. Choosing to wait and watch.

Slender, pale flesh reddened by a long night of rut. Her eyes pools of liquid darkness, she darted free of her den. Stepped over the sprawled legs of two hybrid males. Skulking on the balls of dainty feet, she slipped from their grasp without a sound, a wicked smile etched in place as she stopped at the mouth of her den. Looking back.

When her fingers darted down, into the dark triangle of thatched hair, the hunter’s cock beat at his restraint. Warring with fascination to see so slight a creature daring to linger when she should have been running.

Unable to tear his attention away from what would soon be his, the hunter watched with wide eyes as she painted the rock with grand, sweeping letters.

And there, in the sheen of early morning light, a word shimmered above the exhausted pack. Painted in cum and slick, it shone in the lingering glow of the planet’s three moons. A signature that read simply: Renegade.

Throat rumbling, the hunter let her go. Standing guard as she dressed herself from a stash of hidden supplies, produced a short spear, and escaped the pack who’d tried to keep her. Blending seamlessly with the shadows of the wood.

After all… there was nothing quite like the thrill of chasing prey that had a head start… and this prize was one worth killing for…



Thank you for reading Renegade, The Feral Hunt Book 1.

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Lavish Destruction—Bound to a man she hates, Mila is trapped. Enslaved to a beast who offers protection in place of her Goddess-given power—who laughs when she tries to fight. And he’s winning.



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Feet flashing over the detritus, a lone female fled through the forest.

Sprinting with the winds of retribution snapping at her heels. Yet affixed to her lips?

A smile that was both breathless and feral, for she had just proven she was not like others of her kind.

The Hathorian breeders, slaves to Anhur masters simply because of their ability to spawn a litter of strong, infertile soldiers who were born to bend the neck.

But she was an enigma. Other. A renegade.

The Renegade.

She’d refused to succumb to her first natural season, battled a prince and his entire pack to take what she needed—and she’d won.

No longer was she the vulnerable harem girl begging the Nine to grant her freedom. A nameless Omega whose worth amounted to nothing more than a warm hole dripping with potent slick.

She had a name—one she’d chosen herself.

One that fit.

Renegade grinned, her ears tipped forward and stiff. Her lower back bunching where her tail would have been held high in salute, a bristling flag flown in tribute to an arrogance she’d been made to earn.

No, she wasn’t like the other Omegas. Her harem sisters, each a semi-precious commodity with an expiration date branded on the inside of her womb. Where they were soft and delicate, Renegade was wire-wrapped velvet.

Always had been.

The matron had told her so.

And she’d taken an entire pack to prove it. Made her demands of Hadim’s outcast son, then simply… left. And it had been easy—Sinadim and his war chief had been so fuck-drunk, they’d allowed her to slip free from the tangle of limbs. Allowed her to flee into the night, her heat satisfied, Biquea glands no longer engorged.

And why shouldn’t she? To stay was to become the first precious gem in Sinadim’s new harem. Mounted daily, she’d be filled to overflowing, then filled again. And again. And again until she was drunk on sperm and couldn’t remember that she loved to create. Until she forgot the joy of molding clay with her hands and giving life to the fantastic creatures who lurked in her dreams.

A sneer twisted her lips.

What need had she of Anhur males who couldn’t force her to stay? She, who hunted when her belly growled and found a new den every night without fail. Always roaming. Lawless. And when her cunt ached? Satisfaction would be her choice, her due, because she demanded it.

She would not suffer being kept as their pet, beholden to rejects like Sinadim and Balkazar. Caged in the same den, night after night, forced to raise their kits and mewl when they wanted to fuck.

Ears flat, she bolted into the underbrush, sprinting flat-out. Leathers whispering over her thighs as she slipped through the shadows. Feet sure, muscles limber, she ran until her forehead grew damp with a fine, dewy sheen, but she would not slow. Couldn’t. After all… she’d gotten what she’d set out to get.

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