Home > Tegan's Date with an Alpha : A Dating Agency Romance(17)

Tegan's Date with an Alpha : A Dating Agency Romance(17)
Author: Lisa Daniels

You truly can’t stop him?

Not until he returns. I’m sorry. At least Joria sounded somewhat sincere that her son was out of control. Even though the way he’d been raised contributed to most of it.

This was about the best Kieran knew he would get out of his family. Not trusting himself to say words that might just sever this tenuous agreement they’d settled upon, he bowed politely to them, wings furled back in, before leaving the family cave and the small side cavern where he’d once slumbered as a whelp. Even though the dragons hated their human forms, they did turn into them for the sake of a common language when interacting with other species, and the humans that occasionally traded. They were mostly cut off from the world, but they couldn’t ignore all of it.

He’d have to fly back here several more times to make sure things were sorted out. It did feel… strange to offer something as vague as potential life for his freedom. Condemning a future generation.

Except, they would have a decent life. As long as they did what his family wanted. Human families were like that, too.

He lifted off into the air, letting his home shrink into the distance, wondering if he’d done the right thing after all, striking a deal with the devil.

If it helps save Tegan and her child… our child… it’ll be worth it. But now I have to get back and keep an eye out until my brother goes home to report. Or hope we can find him before he does any more damage.

He hoped when he got back, it wouldn’t be to devastating news.



Chapter Nine – Tegan

Tegan worked her bar shift, already drawing some comments for her choice of clothing—jeans and a sweater. The look was about all she was able to manage without her pregnancy being obvious, but the management already knew. Give it a few more months, and she’d be out. Carrying a baby to full term in half a year.

Macey glared at Tegan from the corner, sometimes scrolling on her phone, other times scanning the room for any potential danger. Tegan did the same, while wondering how Kieran’s meeting might be going. Wondering if he’d be able to get through to his family at all, or if they might lock him up and never let him leave, or harm him, or force him to stay via blackmail and threatening her life. All the options seemed rather bleak, but she also knew they couldn’t sit around and do nothing. Not with how elusive this Broxar was. Likely he slept in the wild, always staying out of scrutiny from the sheriff’s department, slumbering in the mountains or something.

Keli was there again, in a fresh flood of tears, because a guy she hooked up with one night had predictably ghosted her the next day, vanishing into the glorious afterlife of the one-and-done crowd.

“I just don’t get it,” she wailed. “Why is my luck like this? Why do I get all the worst people?”

At some point, Tegan thought, but didn’t say out loud, you have to start looking at the common denominator when it comes to these things. That common denominator being you, Keli. What she did say however, was, “I know, it sucks. I’m sorry to hear that.”

“I wish I could find a hot guy like the one I’ve seen you with recently. He looks like an absolute keeper. They don’t grow them like that here.”

“Could be good for you to go out some more. See the city. Download some apps and talk to people in them. There’s a lot of decent people out there.”

“No, there isn’t,” Keli whined, taking a huge gulp of mojito, wrinkling her nose. “They’re all awful.”

“Then go celibate.”

“What’s that?”

“Don’t have sex.”

She stared at Tegan, aghast, as if she’d said the absolute most offensive thing possible.

“That’s crazy talk.”

“It’s just a suggestion. If you don’t like men, you don’t have to be involved with them.”

Keli fell silent after that, and soon found excuses to leave the bar, probably to get away from Tegan and her dangerous ideas. Macey continued glowering from her corner, only drinking water, munching on snacks. Her focus was honestly admirable. She didn’t allow herself to get distracted with phones or conversation. Kind of eerie, in a way, but also comforting. Though Tegan wasn’t sure how much use she’d be against a dragon. She remembered Kieran’s description of the burned body, the ashes and the bones of that poor person who did nothing more than be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and paid the ultimate price for it.

Anyone else might be in similar danger. Until Kieran sorted out the shit with his family, Tegan needed to watch her step. She thought maybe she’d be a little safer in the public eye, with people watching her. Plus, she knew who to look for. The man who faked having a garden plot, most likely just to scout them out. The evening trickled past, and Tegan’s anxiety mounted. She checked her phone often, even though she knew if Kieran was flying, he wouldn’t be in any kind of position to answer or send messages.

When Broxar slithered into the bar, about fifteen minutes before she was due to end her shift, all her senses went on high alert. There.

He’d come in after all. An older, colder version of Kieran, approaching the bar, asking for a bottled beer, and giving an all too knowing glance at Tegan as she fetched it for him.

“Been a while since I’ve seen you by the vegetable plot. Everything okay?”

“Spare the talk,” Tegan said, holding her hand out for the money. “I know who you are now. And that you were probably the one who trashed the place. Brian. Or should I say, Broxar?”

Broxar’s grin widened and one eyebrow perked up. “I suppose you had to figure it out eventually. Where’s Kieran nowadays? He watches over you like a hawk with her nest.”

“Around,” Tegan lied, and by the sneer that lit up Broxar’s face, he clearly knew she lied.

“Please. You’re terrible at hiding these things. And there’s something else you’re terrible at hiding.” He glanced at Tegan’s stomach, and a chill went through her.

“What’s your deal?”

“Nothing. I’m just here to make sure my little brother does what our family asks of him. By any means necessary. Thanks for the drink.”


Macey stood up in her corner, hand resting on her concealed firearm, but Broxar simply went and sat at a lonely table to drink. She couldn’t exactly shoot him without him demonstrating aggression first, but her eyes were trained on him, determined to catch him out. The shift ended, and Broxar left with the other clients who needed to be ushered out. However, Tegan didn’t feel… safe. Kieran’s absence felt more noticeable than ever.

Macey prowled behind Tegan as she finished up, dressed herself for the outside, and stepped into the cold night. Everything seemed normal. Nothing wrong or different. Except Tegan felt convinced that Broxar hadn’t gone far. He wanted her spooked, and Macey seemed to think the same.

Macey walked close behind Tegan, hand always on her gun, looking around, making Tegan anxious and look around as well. She fought to stay calm, to just aim for getting home.

Turning the corner down to her street, so close to home, she glanced back—only to see Macey wasn’t there.



Fear brimming within, she wavered between going back to check, and speeding up for home. Another split second, and she went for home, feet picking up the pace. “Macey?” she tried again.

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